>live in the Hague >helicopters keep flying over >police is fucking everywhere >hundreds of Antifa, Young Socialist scum, Turks and Moroccans are all assembling in the Schilderswijk to riot tonight
Not gonna lie, former Geert supporter here. it's fucking hilarious watching Geert crash and burn. but in all seriousness we can't let guy this have the oranges.
This is just a little note from a Turk studying in the UK (inb4 hur hur turkroach intellectuals, I'm at Oxford motherfuckers)
We've been invading your homeland for decades. At least 10% of your population is loyal wholly and entirely to Turkey and the Turkish race. And a not-insignificant white minority will always side with us. A MAJORITY of your country sides with Erdogan over Rutt given his disastrous popularity.
We have the upper-hand here, don't you get it yet? The moment you trigger any hostility towards Turkey and our leaders give us a sign, you're getting FUCKED UP. And the best thing? Your white politicians and media will be on OUR side! You're about to get fucking cucked, you fat ignorant colonialist fucks.
We are in your apartments, we are in your schools, we are in your places of work, we are in your houses, in many cases we are in your women.
You will lose "Netherlands", and you will lose HARD.
Fucking roaches. Btw. German and Belgian Turks are not EU citizens and as such do not hat the right to travel across EU countries. Should they try you can just arrest them.
Brody Perez
He did write that on the bottle. It's more like orangina. Pic in previous thread.
Wb Britbro
Brandon Parker
>I'm at Oxford God this fucking larping by roaches is getting annoying.
>I'm at Oxford motherfuckers Roach has rich roach family and thinks this makes him smart, cute. Enjoy papa and mama's cash.
Jace Ramirez
Hahahaaha you cuck, every dutch person except for the turks sided with our governments decisions. Everyone, even the leftistan media is either very critical of erdogan or hates him. Don't fool yourself dipshit.
Brandon Hill
>We are in your apartments, we are in your schools, we are in your places of work, we are in your houses
Noah Perry
Ik kom vaak in Den Haag, zit dan meestal wel in Bezuidenhout en Archipelbuurt.