Anyone else a non-white on this board?
Anyone else a non-white on this board?
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Pure white American right here.
Judging from the Sup Forums that showed up to HWNDU. That's most of Sup Forums.
Lol at least half the board isn't white
>0.1% Ashenazi
desu i think that whites are inferior
>white American
>more than 1% nigger dna
kill yourself
Remember the Sup Forums get together
No one there was white, its ok. It makes perfect sense.
Half latino but i look maltese/greek lmao
Let me deus vult pls
That just shows how many Sup Forumsacks were in that area. It doesn't reflect the scope of the board.
>half latino
How did you end up over there?
niggers get out
>americuck doesn't know you can just go west from america
are you of the flat earth society?
Feel good man.
Half white half poo in loo
Well i thought i was white until i came here
You think whites are inferior, then explain this:
If humans all came from Africa, why have all the other races evolved different features and abilities but blacks are still the same
This. My mom is a hapa but I never thought much about it until I came here and started reading wmaf threads
tfw brown hair
not white....
half-portuguese half british.
on Sup Forums that could mean yes or no
>not a nigger
>Not a Muslim
>Not a liberal globalist fuck
I'm ok with you, but if you are 1 of the 3 get the fuck out.
"white race" is inferior to indo-european aryan race
Light skin,light brown hair and gray-green eyes 186
cm tall
>shitskin for life because of flag and honestly mre than half of the young romainians are gypsy abdul mongrels
Living in a gypsy hellhole and seeing all old people being white thought me what a multiracial society does and its ugly.
>Sup Forums
You're a funny guy.
>2/4 Native American
>1/4 Blasian
>1/4 Northern European
I'm just glad I don't have black people hair. I'd say my fiction look alike is Elisa Maza from gargoyles, all I need to do is get fit and we'd look pretty similar.
tits or gtfo
I'm 99.8% white.
disgusting mongrel by Sup Forums standards.
>pure white american
>0.1 ashkenazi
>17.4 east asian / native american
>1.4 sub-saharan african
This fuckin' guy
Sup Forums is the most diverse white nationalist group on the planet
Im mostly cuban and a quarter spanish
But that doesnt mean i cant think we should secure the existence of white people and a future for white children
I'm like 1/64th native american and like 1/16 Fin. I may as well marry a hapa.
Nearly the same ethnically here. To watch another race slowly kill itself through apathy and self-hate is horrifying. Why would it be wrong for me to not want whites to spring back and start loving their heritage? Are we not all entitled to loving our race and heritage? Whites shouldn't be punished for shit my people are told we should embrace and do. That's just retarded abd hypocritical.
I'm not white or black
Half huwhite and half filipino
My body is white but arms and face have turned into shitskin.
Either way I don't want to be associated with Burgerica cholestrolic motherfukcers who wants civil war but they won't exit their basement.
KYS mixbreed cuck
You are nothing more than a cancer.
Around 31% of Sup Forums is Non-White. 40% if you count people who identify as an White Hispanic.
This Poll was taken in June '16.
Half sandnigger half nigger
Probably Chilean or Brazilian.
I belong to R1A1 what does that supposed to mean? We were cousins at some point in history?
pic of you? I'm genuinely curious....
Half Jap
I'm not. That's why I hope Trump gets impeached.
>495 votes
>on Sup Forums
not enough sample size and people on here pretend to be other people all the time.
in reality Sup Forums is probably 50-60% white, so not too far off actually
I'm Hispanic, honestly I don't care enough to worry about skin tone when work ethic and money management are way more important.
Bhenchod. I laugh in my families face when they ask why it's years between visits. Why anyone would want to visit that literal shithole yet alone live there is beyond me. Go for good dosa and that's it. Awful country. Kys trying to get onto a train.
Sup Forums in June 2016, had a much smaller population than it does now mostly because of new fags right before the election. I'll be doing another poll in June 2017 to see if there was a major demographic shift.
Pure Dominican.
>tfw 4% northern iberian
>tfw only 96% Anglo/Germanic
I was born in Costa Rica. I along with many people there am white, not Nordic, but white. Then again, you get people that will claim if you're not 1 trillion percent white you're garbage. Good luck with that in the Americas
In a country that follows the one drop rule. How do you feel about your 1.4%?
U mad
Richard Lynn is a psychologist who wrote extensively about the bell curve theory for IQ differences by race. While average IQ for certain races may be lower, smaller portions of their populations may have much larger IQs than a number of people from supposedly "superior" races. I think it's safe to assume most shitskins on pol are in this category, so you're alright
Snownigger nordicucks are the most cucked nations on earth, lad.
t. Iberian-Celtic masterrace
Where do you count caucasians? We're not really european and are far from being middle eastern. Much like being on our own for several thousands of years due to the mountains
G haplo pride
fuck you. 14% Native america, did you get freebies for college?
I'm Native American but I stand with you guys.
I am obviously white.
>European nation
Also would it make you feel better if I told you I only date white and latinas. My last ex was a white chick from AL.
halfbreed burger here
>mom's a beautiful polish/german white, pa's nigger-tier
pic related
Was she blonde? I know blondes love the brown dick. Don't know why these LARPing cucks worship them so much.
Also, America is distinctly Anglo-Celtic. What language do you think you're typing currently, lad?
>I belong to R1A1 what does that supposed to mean? We were cousins at some point in history?
It means that you're white, but with a tan.
shitskin reporting in
You must certainly be so proud that your mother is been #BLACKED
>Anyone else a non-white on this board?
diversity is our pollish strenght user, I say that unironically
>tfw 8% nigger
How did this happen.
Fuck spanish colonies desu.
As long as you're not a feminist or a Muslim you can be tolerated for being of a lesser race.
my grandpa was pissed when he found out and once i met her side of the family i completely agree.
only upside is my benis isnt 2smol
Half polak slav, half welsh brit
An ok mix, I have an ever so slightly darker skin, dunno why. No genes at all from outside uk/slav
One of the rare 100% whites, right here. Too bad I'm a leaf or I would have full cred on this board.
Yep, Iranian here.
I consider myself danish though, i don't practise religion, i celebrate all the traditions that comes with being danish and i grew up here.
jesus, the son of a coal burner
sorry for you lad
Me desu. Whites are evil desu
Pure 100% white fucker right here
you're just black.
Heh yeah she was actually. I didn't know blondes had a penchant for that. Odd
Are you closer to your father's or mother's family?
>tfw blasian
look like a sun burnt mongolian
I'm white.
Go home white man.
Take your black people with you.
thx 1 more flag to the collection
Just look for the slavic flags
Halfbreeds aren't black, they aren't accepted by whites or blacks, don't contain the same IQ, hormones and biology of blacks. If halfbreeds are black then indians are white.
>dont believe in private property
>gets mad at white man for taking property
they are accepted by blacks, all blacks are mixed race.