Political Compass thread

Political Compass thread

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You know, on an unrelated note, what really pisses me off about fags is that they took the rainbow, something indicative of childhood and innocence, and turned it into a symbol of sodomy and ass-fucking.

I'm gay.

Does this make you angry?

Yes fuck off you stupid faggot.
You've allowed yourself to be manipulated by Jewish propaganda

No I didn't.

You fuck off.

Rainbows are a sign from God, it's deliberate that they took that.

That's exactly how I feel. I think that rainbows are some of the most beautiful things ever, a really astounding natural phenomenon, and just a gorgeous color scheme. And then the homosexuality community has to take the rainbow, and make it a symbol for gay sex and ass fucking.

It is so fucked up.

Kys faggot

Kys fat homophobe

both of you fuck off

based leaf

>Tfw when you're so brainwashed by the jews into being evolutionarily defective that you think it's natural

B my bf

>being evolutionarily defective

Funny coming from a Sup Forumstard


if homos are mentally ill why do you hate them? do you hate people who suffer from illnesses? fucking sociopath scum

I hate those who try to normalise gays.

Any gay that recognises their degeneracy gets a pass from me. If you're attracted to men but don't fuck kids, go to gay orgies, fuck 500 people a year, and yell that it's all completely normal, then you're good.

The problem is, 90% of gays do exactly all these things, and pride themselves on it.

straight people do these too, why aren't you mad at them?

There's a difference between being gay and being a faggot, and a faggot does all those things in addition to telling you what they are (assuming the lisp didn't already give that away)

Many gays pass as straight almost solely by not drawing attention to what gets their dick hard in everyday life

You mean like straight pedophiles, or straight whores/degenerates that fuck 500+ people a year?

Yeah I'm mad at them, if that's the way you want to put it.

The difference is proportion. A tiny amount of straight people actually do these things. They're the outlier. On the other hand, a large majority of gay people do those things - they're the rule. Factor in the fact that homosexuality is a decease, an illness, and it's clear that the decease is the main cause of this behaviour.

Problem is, seems like the majority of people who you'd call "gay but not a faggot" will still go and have one-minute stands with hundreds of partners and get themselves a bunch of STDs. This may not reflect on their public behaviour - I'm not saying all gays attend pride parades in leather thongs - but they are still a drain on healthcare.

Then there's the media and jews that constantly shill for the gays and their lifestyle. They're the enablers.



>The difference is proportion
the difference is also total population, total gays are a tiny minority, so the degenerate straights are far more in total than the degenerate gays therefore a far greater danger to society according to you, so why are you focusing your energy so much on a tiny minority of degenerates and ignore the large population of straight degenerates?

That's where you're totally wrong. The difference is exactly in proportion.

>Hey guys social group A consisting of 10,000 people committed 10 murders this year!
>But group B, consisting of 5 people, committed only 5 murders this year!
>Clearly group B is innocent and group A is twice as dangerous. Everyone celebrate group B, they're amazing!

Then propaganda glorifies group B, people start joining group B, and in 10 years group B has 500 people and is responsible for hundreds of murders annually.

Obviously this is highly, highly simplified and exaggerated but it serves to demonstrate the point.


Also, I'd like to point out that for some issues, gays actually have the majority. 60% of syphilis cases, 50% of suicides... Imagine this being as if in my previous example, group B with 5 people committed 12 murders a year. Then when it had 500 people, it would commit over a thousand murders a year, or 100+ times more than group A.

how are stds in gays affecting you?


By being treated using money that I pay in taxes.

How is the opinion of an anonymous British man affecting you, by that logic.



how is my anonymous opinion affecting him?

but you don't have problem with paying the stds of straight degenerates?

Straight degenerates? I do have a problem. Hence why I dislike jews, and the degeneracy and decadence they bring.

However, let me again remind you that straight degenerates make up single percent numbers of total straights, but gay degenerates make up the vast majority of total gays.

>how is my anonymous opinion affecting him?
Actually if you care, it's affecting me by forcing me to dig up facts and statistics to support my arguments in the face of someone who doesn't care about degeneracy for degeneracy's sake. It's making me formulate my arguments in terms of objectively bad things. It's quite a useful exercise.

It really is disgusting, I consider taking my pic related poster down cause sometimes it reminds me of the degenerate LGBT crowd
Yes kys




I feel exactly the same.


this is great


Just another picture that would make liberals scream YAAAAASSSS

I always want to argue this image, but then i realise I'm in the green area and have more dildos than guns.

you still haven't gave me any information that explain your hate for them. so you hate paying stuff for degenerates, so hate the government that forces you to pay them taxes, how is hating gays helping you?

Mine would be the other way

I won SEE why you need UK while spelling cuck


They are objectively bad people. The screencap I posted above demonstrates that pretty clearly.

I don't strictly "hate" people, I just strongly believe our society would be much better off without these people. "But it doesn't hurt you!" But it does impact the society I live in, and unfortunately we all live as part of a society, and I don't want to live in a society where a literal mental illness is celebrated and praised.

I'm guessing you're more of a libertarian, ancap leaning, "if it doesn't directly affect me, I don't care". That's the core of our disagreement. As a wise man once said,
"I believe in individualism, but not to the point where you allow society to descend into degeneracy, decadence and hedonism purely for the sake of individualism."
Because if you do allow that, that WILL impact you directly down the line.

Gays are very much an example of this degeneracy, decadence and hedonism, this cancer, that, if allowed to spread, will destroy our society.

>impling you need roads in ancapistan when you have flying cars

i'm gay and i want boypuccies


Len pls i'm already gay stop

how anyone can be into twinks is beyond me..

just seems like a basic admission of the fact that you're attracted to feminine characteristics.

i'm bisexual

>"i'm actually straight but too beta to get the kind of girls i'm attracted to- pretending to like dick is easier than being alone"


>not being into traps

i'm into traps

>pretending to like dick is easier than being alone

it is though

>it is though
mayblei t is the truth for me

i don't care about you fuck off

pls don't be rude with me i'm very suicidal

we all are. now fuck off.

Well ain't this perfect? We get to clean one degenerate from this world.

Please do go ahead and off yourself.


only if there are blond cute boys in the afterlife

Because you have libertarians which want free everything.

>a fucking star

In the era of mass communication provided by the Internet, a press to distribute that information is not necessary. No one needs CNN, go watch the video yourself, go read the legislation yourself. Information is free, there is no need for professional reporters, everyone with a phone is one.

>not wanting to bang Asian chicks with fat titties

Lmao at your life might as well follow through

You still need some press who will criticize the government and share that information with the public

You still need some press that will criticize the government and share that information with the public.

Free press is essential for democracy.
Internet media is still media


Malher wildlife reserve episode taught us that libertarians in fact do build roads.

>Factor in the fact that homosexuality os a disease

The last millenium called; they want their definitions of mental illness back

nah they are ok

And then
Is this guy seriously trying to edit his posts?

That just reminds me of the good old days where new CTR hires would try to @-tag people using their ID and stuff

tldr shareblue get out


coalburner... wtf.

>citation needed


Accurate. I jerk off to Ron instead of Rand though.

I like this one.

t. Bottom righty

Are you a walking biological weapon?

Oh look, it's *this* meme again

>what is hyperbole

For the actual statistics, together with citations, see my original post: tl;dr the average homo sucks off between 20 and 100 men, swallows 50 times, and has buttsex 70 times, and ingest feces (e.g. by licking the asshole) of 23 different men.

90% of gays do anal, and two thirds to it regularly.

33% admit to being pedos, and 73% have had sex with under-19s.

Nice bantz, holy kek.
Enjoy them while they last before you die at the ripe age of 40.

That first line about the average homo is per year by the way.



You say this as if CNN will have greater political diversity than fucking youtube commentators. There will be people who criticize the government.

>implying that all the helicopters that would have to be built to toss the commies into the ocean wouldn't be enough to accomodate for all the survivors
Come on.

33% admit being peado's? What? Calling BS on that one.

>73% have had sex with under-19s.

And? What country has this information been gathered from? UK age of consent is 16, that's 3 years seperating them from being a peado.

oh no daddy Pence has found me out!


Whats with Sup Forumsand thinking upper left is SJW? SJW are very left/very low greens who try not to pay attention to their authoritarian values. Only union workers, a few civil servants, tankies, and center left natsocs belong in the upper left.



How so? SJWs are anti free speech, and pro government programs including welfare. The bottom left implies that that they're for less government intervention but that's obviously not the case.

pls no

My screencap is fully sourced.

If you find that hard to believe, here's a video of undercover footage at a gay bar: youtube.com/watch?v=gXGlawiibK8
It is of course fully anecdotal evidence, but it should give you an idea of what I'm talking about.