What did Shia mean by this pol?
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Hope he livestreams it
he is ready for the traps to invade
That was fast. Now we already know where he's hiding HWNDU 4.0.
But who is brave enough to capture the flag this time?
I have a jacket just like that.
Looks like he's going for a new location.
Care guys, its all his plan, the next that tries to take down that flag will get shot by him
Did they get the other flag?
What do you think he did when he saw the shirt and hat raised on the flagpole?
>marine corps mug
That fucker doesn't give a shit about marines
could he be any more of a meme?
Next time we'll send in a drone to steal it.
More disturbing is the cuck's boots.
Who does he think he is?
Is that a shop or is there legitimately a long book just on this specific subject?
I hate that fucking kike so much. I wish he'd put that shit where I live and join the livestream. I'd b8 him into doing something stupid and beat the fuck outta that manlet
I think that may be edited.
I'm going in guys. Wish me luck. For the luuuuuuuulz!
he meant that you're a virgin who infiltrated from reddit
He thinks he's a U.S. Marine.
Lemiwinks, you must travel deep inside lebouf upon entering the colon you will find catattafish who will tell you the location of the flag.
Go now lemiwinks, the fate of the world depends on you.
I think those are Nike "boots", actually.
Lmao wearing ar 670-1 compliant boots and then rolling his gay ass skinny jeans up over the top of them...
We need to end this.
i've seen a lot of shops and i can tell by the pixels that this picture is legit.
the real question is will he insert the flag with or without the flagpole?
>Mug AND boots
Such a douche
Classic book.
That's an old pic from when he was preparing for his role in the nazi-killing movie 'Fury'
Why do these nu-males dress like 80's trailer park trash
If he needs help with that, we have some experts on the subject here in Russia.
Why is he wearing approved boots (well they used to be idn if they are now) and using a marines mug? Doesn't this faggot larp as a marine now too?
That's not how trailer park trash dresses. I grew up in one I should know.
because you're a poor nigger
the mug, the boots, the hair, the green bootcamp sweater. Movie roll or not, he's LARPing at the mall
nice stretch marks fatass
What if it's gonna be on a Marine base, surrounded by trained snipers with over 300 confirmed Kills? He's trying to use our own memes against us, I'm literally shaking.
Had a good chuckle
Maybe he thinks he's a memerine fighting the meme war (the war that we already won)
Youre forgetting that we ARE the Marines. It wouldnt work
He got pictured with it on purpose because he actually has a sense of humor.
He knew we would see it. It is literally a "well played" gesture. Laugh a little that shit is great.
He's being ironic, I guess
Aww qt thinks the war ever ended..
Its a nod to us. based
Phone in coat pocket with camera facing out means he's recording shit.
Why was he recording!
Has anyone found what book that is?
>Why was he recording!
why arent you recording?
I record all of my daily interactions.
We literally won though. Not saying it's over, but we didn't issue commemorative challenge coins for no reason
Why does he try to look like a working man?
Fuck, I have a jacket just like that. I don't roll up the sleeve ends though.
No, you retard, it's a photoshop
Easy to see its shopped, you fucking losers need to get some glasses. Saged
They're probably Nike SFBs
Hijack the stream online or use drones.
Don't go near the unstable madman.
didnt he say his grandfather was in the military?
Just because his daddy was in the military doesn't mean Shia should LARP as a muhreen
It's probably a leftover prop from that movie he did.
Or some type of asinine gift from a fan.
Does this mean I have to stop wearing it?
cant tell if bait
Upgrayedd to the leather version so you can LARP as Bane
>his girlfriend
why do liberal chicks look so weird?
Shia is a fucking nutcase but I have to admire his sense of fashion. He has a cool 80s paramilitary vibe, just wish his jeans weren't so skinny.
this is just so cringe-worthy, why is shia such a sperg?
>being liberal / not 'on your side' means you hate the military now
You people are so fucking delusional holy shit
Your sacrifice will not be in vain. Also underrated post.
Did you puke all over it or something?
>he hasn't seen liberals didactic w/r/t military and vets in the past 10 years
It's liberals who started the whole "dude ur just a welfare babby if ur military lol" meme.
I never see right wing individuals demonize or shame vets/active duty personnel.
You dog-sucker.
Needs a pepe patch.
Kek, that's pretty funny. Obviously it's a nod to us
>be millionaire
>dress like a bum
Wanna know how I got these scars?
The faggot is wearing a pair of worn out Bates Lites combat boots.
Original photo
Well that settles it then, we have to get into Shia's ass now.
Not gonna lie, I'd still be dressing like a bum.
Yeah you made me curious now
Shia has a passionate hatred for the working class. He's mocking it by dressing like that.
I have a friend with an uber-liberal gf who looks almost exactly like the bitch in this pic. Same glasses, same stupid face. It's uncanny.
Shia's a Salty Terminal lance
The only possible conclusion is that your friend is Shia Labeouf
I keked
Probably a USMC pt sweatshirt underneath too. Faggots like this truly piss me off
Why does this faggot keep rocking Marine gear?
>Lapel over collar
>No shave
No, he's a fucking douche larper
In late April, 2017, famed "Dumb and Dumberer" actor Shia LaBeouf was webcasting his "He Will Not Divide Us" art project from an underground bunker in a secret location when suddenly the wall collapsed behind him, and he was seized by burrowing frog-men and dragged off to labor in their salt mines.
At terrible cost, he has revealed to the world the inhuman menace he was fighting all along: the Memelords of Kek.
It turns out the chemicals in the water did other things to frogs than turn them gay.
Shia was never heard from again. He is presumed dead from either salt poisoning or frog rape.
The main purpose of the military is to protect the freedoms of the american people. This includes the second ammendment, which liberal fags like Shia try and erode every day. Very few people in the military are faggot liberal 20 year olds who give a fuck about kale shakes or DVR whale wars. Fuck yourself leaf.
seems pretty stupid to pretend to be a marine, I guess he thinks that makes him better than everyone else, he just reeks of arrogance.
>will get shot by him
Do it for Kek
Also combat action ribbon. Fucker hasn't seen a min of combat. And no, his lib shit does not count
Honestly who's grandfather wasn't?
I legit think he would ambush and rape the next Sup Forumslak that goes near that flag all on livestream.