>Demographics is Destiny
>Restoring Western Civilization
>Foreign babies in white genocide
America's Congressman. /ourguy/
>Demographics is Destiny
>Restoring Western Civilization
>Foreign babies in white genocide
America's Congressman. /ourguy/
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is he? Sound's based asf.
A republican
"Demographics is destiny" is definitely an altright meme used on TRS and the like. Does it come from somewhere else, more academic, or is this proof that he really is /ourguy/?
Fix the economy and you fix demographics. If the economy is good, even dumb shitty people can contribute.
Isn't this the same guy who said white males have contributed more to civilization than any other group in a CNN interview?
Not the first time he has showed some balls...
Lefties say it all the time when gloating about our genocide.
He's absolutely right.
I was browsing the demographic information of black majority countries one day. I noticed that crime and pollution were generally high in those places. They're also very backwards. This is the sort of reality that American blacks unironically want. Detroit is a prime example.
I know that many of you already know this and I'm just preaching to the choir. Western civilization cannot afford to be overrun by blacks or Islam.
>Fix demographics and you fix the economy. If people are white, anything from libertarian capitalism to social democracy can work.
Well they kind of are. To win future elections is to win 40% of the non-white vote in Texas and Florida and 20-30% in Georgia.
He's in my district and he's based as fuck. He got caught on record saying something along the lines "What have minorities contributed to the world?" last year.
The local news stations were running a blurb about him today. They kept saying, two large protests! showed up at his office and home. Then they showed the protest. It was 20 people max.
Even the anchor admitted once they interviewed one of the white cucks saying Steve King is a racist! She was a cat lady going on a out we need more people out here to stop this dumb racist man, he's killing us all.
>racist whitey
I love American Republicans. So many are very good people.
remember him chanting Trump at the RNC, seemed canny
fuck off shill
He isn't sitting on a chair or stool, he is sitting on his balls they are so massive.
It's a democrat saying. Slogan for their campaign of demographic warfare against the west
This I constantly hear leftists talking about their "demographic destiny", which means "fewer white people." Remember this when the press starts hyperventilating about King's tweet.
And what the fuck is the option? Slowly turning into islamic countries?
In case you missed it, a ton of European countries have extremely low population. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, etc etc.
One more decade of this retarded immigration will turn european parties into muslim political parties.
Here's what Evan McMuffin has to say
This was fun back then, watching shitskins come up with things to counter him.
Can someone just give this little faggot a fucking wedgie already
Steve King is easily the most based politician in the US
Check out this interview where he says Mexicans are drug mules with calves the size of cantaloupes :
based af.
Or 60% of the white vote in Oregon, Minnesota, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Washington.
If you want to keep your countries white stop bombing nonwhite countries. Notxe the same people who complain about immigrants are the same people who want invade the middle east? Mind your own ducking business
>C U C K
They are not. Most elected officials are Chamber of Commerce owned and the Republican leadership is essentially treasonous.
Very very few of them are any use at the moment. They care more about cutting taxes than fixing our disastrous 1965 immigration policies.
This dude based af. I remember watching this during the elections.
>Don't kill your enemies and you win!
interventionist policies are not to blame for half a century of white guilt and open borders to the third world, retard
Fuck I love this guy, wish he was my Congressman.
This was my favorite interview I have ever seen. The sheer amount of butthurt he caused by simply stating facts was unbelievably glorious.
They tried to put words in his mouth, that non-whites had never contributed anything when he clearly said that whites created the vast majority of modern innovations which is undeniably true.
God fucking Bless that man.
Somebody needs to knock his cyanide tooth down his throat.
Ay he's my rep
The tweet is logical.
Based. As. Fuck.
White nationalist here and I agree with you 100% actually. White countries need to stay the fuck out of foreign countries business and leave them to their own destinies. You are thinking of Neo Con cuckservatives that like to nation build, fuck them.
This guy is the epitome of a cuckservative. He criticized Trump for not getting more than 1/10 of the Black vote. How dumb is this guy? THEY DONT VOTE REPUBLICAN, THEY WANT FREE STUFF.
We don't bomb Mexico and yet they'll still flooding in.
It's how Democrats brag about turning whites into a minority and flooding America with beaners because that is the only way they can win elections
Wilders is not an american you idiotic mcdonalds product
He's a mormon. He can't help it.
>Western Civilization
Idiot ape
pretty much this
same with Ugandans and Nigerians in Italy
Kek, America was literally founded as a white nationalist country
>CIA niggers
Steve King BTFO by based Tojo
> mfw Lincoln resurrects
> mfw the blacks didn't get sent back
fuck off kike
That's a David Duke statement
Duke is doing gods work, remember he was the only person not cucking and attacking Richard Spencer
He's The Godfather
Asia made more contributions to civilizations than blacks, Native Americans, aboriginal or Oceanic peoples ever did.
However, it was whites who ultimately gave us the civilization we have today.
Thank you Steve King!
We didn't bomb Guatemala and they are flooding in. But I agree, we should stay out of 3rd world shitholes and let them kill each other.
However, don't mistake the interventionist kikes with white nationalist goyim, please. We dindu nuffin
> le jews are killing whites xD
> he does not realize that Leftism was started by Rousseau, who was french as fuck
this madness started way before jews got out of their ghettos
>we can't restore our civilization with someone else's babies
Now that is a pretty strong quote.
>Geert Wilders (born 1963) is a Dutch politician and is leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV), the third-largest political party in the Netherlands, which he founded in 2004.
Wilders is best known for his anti-Islamization views which have made him a controversial figure in the Netherlands and abroad.
>In 2009 the anthropologist Lizzy van Leeuwen revealed Wilders’ Jewish roots in an article in the newspaper “De Groene Amsterdammer“. [1] According to the article Geert Wilders’s maternal grandmother Johanna Meijer who married his grandfather Johan Ording, has been stated to have been from a wealthy Jewish familiy. [1] Which will make Wilders mother Maria Anne Ording a Jew and Geert Wilders himself a Jew according to Jewish Law. [2]
>Wilders grandfather is stated to have been camp commander at an infamous post-WWII Dutch camp Fortes Honswick for “Nazi” collaborators who were tortured. [3]
>Geert Wilders has since his youth developed an emotional bond with the Jewish state and has visited Israel at least more than 40 times. As a youngster he went there to work in the Kibbutz, a socialist experiment of collective farming. He felt completely at home upon his arrival in Israel. “It felt like I had been there before,” he says. [4] He supported himself by working long hours in a bread factory and had an abortive relationship with a Jewish girl.
>Gert Wilder is married to his second wife the Jewish Hungarian diplomat Krisztina Marfai. [5]
I can see NH, MN, ME and Oregon happen.
>g-guiz don't vote for the only person who promises less non-whites because he has jewish ties!!!!!
Typical demoralization shilling. Fuck off, shill.
>Notxe the same people who complain about immigrants are the same people who want invade the middle east?
Name one.
Gert Wilders ties to Zionist State of Israel:
>In the past twenty five years Geert Wilders has visited Israel on numerous occasions, where he says he has met former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert personally. [6] He had a very warm relationship with Ariel Sharon for example, whom he still admires. “Sharon was demonized in the West, too, but he was a great politician, and I take an example from him,” Wilders emphasizes. [7]
>At one point, Wilders wanted to move to the State of Israel because he believed one could, as opposed to the Netherlands, ‘work for your own money’. [6] Wilders in his youth worked in bread factories at a Kibbutz/Moshav in Israel. With the money he earned, he traveled through Israel and some nearby countries. In 2003, Wilders stated: “The past years I have visited many interesting countries, from Tunisia to Turkey and from Cyprus to Iran, but nowhere I have that special feeling of solidarity that I always get if I set foot on the Israeli Ben Gurion Airport.” [6]
>Wilders is one of the most ardent and loud of Israel’s supporters in Europe, and contrary to many others he does not bother to hide this. He had even insisted on including in the platform of the new Dutch government the intention to improve relations with Israel.
>“I am very glad that Israel is the only country mentioned by name in the platform; this will get it the needed attention,” he said “We are Israel’s best friends and we will support it in any way possible.” [7]
>Furthermore, Wilders has made some proposals in the Dutch Parliament inspired by Israel. For example, Wilders supports implementing Israel’s administrative detention in the Netherlands, a practice heavily criticized by human rights groups, which he calls “common sense”. [8]
Not sure what that argument is, that he wants his chink kids to go to a university founded and made great by white people?
It came into the mainstream with The Bell Curve.
>Geert Wilders holds the same view towards Iran as does Israel’s Likud government who see Iran as their enemy. “Iran is the biggest geopolitical threat to Israel, to the stability of the Middle East region, Europe, and the whole world,” Wilders says.
>As the Likud government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has called for military action against Iran at UN. So does Wilders supports military action against Iran. “If Israel decides it has no other option but to strike Iran militarily in order to defend itself against this existential threat, I will understand,” Wilders said. [7]
>Geert Wilders is a Zionist who weekly visits the Israeli embassy and and has ties to Israeli government. Currently his being investigated for his ties to Israel and their possible influence on his loyalty by AIVD the Dutch intelligence and security agency. [9]
Put yer Dukes up, niggers.
>property of stanford
Slavery is still ripe in the USA then
>vote for a kike who wants to start a genocidal war with islam for the state of israel
>vote for your own genocide goyim its totally ok!
fuck off kikeshill
geert is a kike and israel must die
>don't vote so the superjews that want to flood your country with niggers stay in power.
KYS shill cuck. Fucking die already.
>there are people who still believe Mormons are redpilled
This cuck makes Patton Oswald look alpha
>genociding primitive savages is white genocide
>Takes Drews jew video seriously (in particular the joke seen in pic
you're honestly pathetic
Steve King is absolutely based
One of the best US politicians
Trump should get him in his cabinet
Holy cow!
If all whites voted together like in Texas, we could easily run the whole damn table.
We could win New York...
I would prefer if all whites voted like Alabama. We'd win every single state except for DC and Kawaii.
spotted the chink
Reminder, Mormons are NOT your friends.
Mormons of Sup Forums are brainwashed
Captain America does not approve
Why are UT, NM and OK so different?
My favorite writer :^)
American Indians are the most friendly minority to Republicans outside of sub groups like Cubans for the Hispanics and actual Indians for Asians.
Chris Cuck Evans: the guy who wore an offensive indian costume or something innocuous, and then gave a standard simpering liberal twat apology to please his kike overlords. What a fucking faggot. Kill yourself, Chris. Someone screen shot this and tweet it at him. I would but I gotta go to work rn
the trajectory went south starting with the """""enlightenment"""""
Would Trump have won the popular vote if not for McMuffin?
Ted Lieu's office employed one of the Awan spies working to subvert our Republic on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood
I thought Trump did get at least 10% of the Black vote.
Maybe it was just Black Men he won more of.
Regardless, we won way more than Romney, partially because he was the first Republican in years to actually seek out the Black vote, so that cuck McMuffin can shove it.
good bloke, well done
>every single arrow in nevada is red
>state goes blue
multiculturalism BTFO
He's not even a cuckservative.
He's just a CIA spook who will repeat whatever the establishment and Mossad tell him, like McCain or Lindsey Graham.
Supports TPP, whines about Russia, whines about any right-wing or nationalist ideals, supports Zionist wars, supports more refugees and illegal immigration, supports ((bankers))) and (((Wall Street))).
it went from very blue to slightly blue.
oh I didn't realize it was showing change
thought it was just showing how they voted
One of the most based representatives we have right now desu, and a good old fashioned corn-fed Iowan
Just use some logic. Carry out some simulations of reality in your mind with thought experiments. We are living in a social experiment right now.