Should we outlaw spanking?

It just seems cruel and outdated. Sweden made it illegal in 1979 and they seem okay.

Women just want to outlaw spanking as a means to distance themselves from the same discipline. Women are just larger children, afterall.

I don't think its effective, and probably does more harm than good
But I also think people need to acknowledge the difference between corporal punishment and beating your kid, which undoubtedly has negative effects
So no, but it should probably still be discouraged

It's effective if used properly.

As long as you use it only when they REALLY fuck up then you should be fine.

>Reason with a child

>Are they old enough to understand reason?
>Then spanking will stop the behavior by getting the child to associate the behavior with pain

>What if they don't care about reason?
>Then spanking is a useful alternative.

Yes, spanking is a sexual act., so if you do it you're committing rape

i was a relatively good kid and I still knowingly did dumb shit because my brain didn't call to mind the careful moral lessons I had been taught every second of the day

I just knocked the vase over man I was seven i was thinking about peanut butter and jelly not sitting on my hands and speaking only when spoken to

my parents never used corporal punishment out of rage, but sometimes you need to hit some sense into a kids ass

You can tell this chart was made by someone who doesn't have kids

>they are not old enough to understand the reason you hit them
This is bullshit
Even a dog will understand if you hit it to stop doing what it just did

hitting kids is like hitting dogs, it can work but 99.99% of the time it doesn't and just creates resentment.

The real question is "Should the state butt in families and tell parents how to raise their kids ?"
apparently the answer is yes, sassuga socialism.

>Sweden did it
Well there you go all the reason not to outlaw it. My cucked country did it as well

Im fine with giving your kid a smack when they do dumb shit, but a lot of parents beat their children like they wont remember it.

Remember when Britain tried to spank the colonies and created the resentment that led to the creation of the greatest country to ever exist?

As long as youre not brutally beating your child associating small amounts of pain with negativity is a good thing.
Dont do it when youre emotional and in a rage and do it understanding you are teaching them a lesson and not using violence as an outlet for your anger over whatever they did wrong and there is literally nothing wrong with it.

a clip round the ear or a slap on the legs between the ages of about 5-12 is a quick way to understand youve done someone wrong, whether you know the reason or not. But it should be administered rationally otherwise your kid will hate you.

>and just creates resentment
What are you talking about?
I smack my dog on the nose when he does something wrong and he I still super excited to see me when I come home
Also he learns not to do what he was doing

So basically it's up to children to violently rebel against their parents when they've had enough?

>Sweden made it illegal in 1979
suddenly a lot of things make sense.

I was only ever physically struck twice and both times it was warranted. One was when I ran out into a road as a young child, and the other time was when I was being really annoying and insolent when my father was dealing with securing the house before a hurricane.

I think people confuse slapping your child on the ass with outright beating them over inconsequential things. The quality of the parenting is more important than the method because that dictates whether the punishment is being applied right or not.

That's the thing about pain. Everyone gets it.

spanking is normal, fuck off non-aggression cucks.

>just seems cruel and outdated. Sweden made it illegal in 1979 and they seem okay.

Yeah and now their whole society is cucked!

Spank your damn kids. Spank them hard and often or else you'll end up just like Sweden.

>use Reason
reason is a fairy tale, no such thing
hitting children is almost always retarded though

Fucking kek'd

Maybe me being a 3rd gen slav who got spanked saved me from the eternal cuckness that is Swedish mentality


Savagely beating your dog because you had a bad day at work or hours after the incident where it doesn't know to associate what it did with the punishment doesn't solve anything.

My cat used to climb on the counters and table and two sprays with a squirt bottle were enough to end that behavior for good.

My dad used to give a quick slap on the inner thigh. Once in a blue moon though.

What said

Way back in highschool my teacher told us a story of when he was a teenager, he cursed his mother out or something. His father tapped him on the shoulder and the moment he turned around he got decked and knocked out. His father told him to never speak to his wife that way again when he woke up.

Physical punishment can work and has its place, but it cannot be the only solution.

> then use reason

Wow great idea. I guess all rules, contracts, and governance arent necessary, since its so easy to reason with people. Good thing reasoning is so easy and mutual, all people can just talk to each other to resolve every kind of difference painlessly.

>Implying I would ever have a child

good one

Look at how entitled millenials are. Most of them weren't spanked as a child.

Did he say why he cursed his mother out?

My stepdad spanked me with a belt the first year he lived with us.

Then he changed to one of two options:

If it's cold outside and we were just out there: flick us in the ear(hurt like a mofo)

If it's not cold outside: Pinch us underneath the thigh in that tender area (also hurt like a mofo).

90% of the time it was because me and my brother fighting, which was all the time.

We banned it here. But that's because Maoris kept killing their children.

>Ban corporal punishment.
>wonder why the next generation are degenerate

My mum regularly gave me a clip round the ear, and one time my dad took his belt to me. Glad they did. All these idiots thinking you can reason with kids. Remember when you were a kid throwing tantrums - could you be reasoned with?

And that graphics bullshit, even animals understand pain/pleasure responses, no reasoning required

Spanking lowers IQand teaches kids to be fearful.and obedient not out of logic or respect but out of fear. A fearful child grows up to be a weak men who are violent. Blacks spank all the time.and look how theu are doing... if you hace half a brain you wont cut you son like a pseudo jew.or spank them.

>well thats strange
>if i do this thing my ass hurts after
>maybe i shouldnt be doing that thing

anyone who thinks spanking is wrong and useless doesnt know the first thing about psychology or children.

a slug can be 'programmed' to flinch after 3 or 4 repeats of the same action
>blow on slug
>immediately poke its ass violently
>do this a few times and it will flinch when you blow on it

unreal how fucking distance from basic reality these people are. you dont need to have them write a fucking essay about why they got smacked

>I think people confuse slapping your child on the ass with outright beating them over inconsequential things. The quality of the parenting is more important than the method because that dictates whether the punishment is being applied right or not.

this is the crux of the argument
corporal punishment isn't violence; violence is violence. Nobody advocates being violent towards children, but even dogs are smart enough to understand a nip on the ear.

>source: my ass

And now you are a super successful winner? Prob not

Blacks get angry and beat their kids
Huge difference

if your dog resents you you are clearly doing far worse than booping its nose when it steals your sandwich

> spanking lowers IQ

No it doesnt.

> spanking teaches kids anything

Sorry, it doesnt.

People who spank kids have genetics that they pass down to their kids, that makes them more likely to spank. Also the sorts of genes that make someone inclined to do violence against a kid are associated with lower IQ. Thus, blacks are dumb and more likely to spank. They are heritable traits that come together.

A child sometimes just needs to be hit.

It's like with dogs. It doesn't have to be hard, but hard enough to hurt.

>they seem okay.
They are all cucks, and that for a reason.


My dad hit me twice too.
Once when I punched a girl and broke her lip.
Once when I hid his car keys so he couldn't make it to some meeting, and forgot where I put them.

yes hitting your children agressivly never works thats why mena and latino countries are shithole , the kids grew up to be edgy fuckers


fuck off

well said

nobody is a larger child than your typical fat Sup Forums user/

>spanking lowers I.Q
Maybe if it's repetitively done to the head like your mother did.

It should be Illegal.
>No discipline.
>Gangs of child criminals take over cites.
>War with China.
>Government collapses.
>Veterans make new government.
>End up with Terran Federation.
>FTL, Power Armor, Whites in Buenos Aries.

so you are okay with drunk parents torturing their own children ?

Random fact: teachers can still paddle students in many states in the southern US

You forgot
>Are they old enough to understand reason?
>Are they capable of listening to reason
>Are they capable of understanding cause and effect

Its just not my problem
I am not in favor of creating a huge bureaucracy because some people have shitty parents

Yes and black children are well known to be degenerate thugs. Still think spanking helps?

How bout shut the fuck up and let me raise my kids my own way. One of the most insulting things you could do to a parent is lecture them on their parenting skills, especially when you do it towards a mother

And wouldn't you agree they need to be hit?

children seriously cripple you social life, ruin career, drain money, take time, you will be tried, devoid of sleep, and finish your life without money for retirement

only a fool and an egoist would decide to have children

also planet is overcrowded

Blacks do not discipline their children. Blacks do not have fathers. The black family is a single mother sheboon letting her filth run wild. Your post is a fraud. Sort yourself out

Are pedophiles not your problem too ? , why is Sup Forums so individualist and traditionalist in the same time . why are you guys so schizophrenic

Yes because Black's are subhuman and subhuman is gonna subhuman

They want the police to kick down every door BUT theirs

You have to make babies Polska. You must continue setting an example for the rest of Europe

Married 10yrs, compsci graduate, dev manager. So yes, doing OK.

Fucking this
All these fucking idiots thinking its a good idea to have the government involved in how you raise your children especially seeing the kinda shit going on in College atm.....

There is a difference between spanking and beating
Just because my girl likes a spanking during sex isnt the same thing as me punching her in the head

Good goyim, we need less White children

Traditionalist society never had CPS

That image implies the human brain needs intellectual rationalization to associate pain with something. You need to be on seven layers of self-deceit, detachment from reality and SSRIs to think and believe that.
This is just yet another neolib argument that's 100% superficial and falls apart upon any critical examination. It's always like this. ALWAYS.

Leftists should shut their fucking mouths up about things they don't know shit about, especially when the only reasons they have kids is either to exploit them in their agendas/virtue signaling or molest them.

Just beating your kids is being denerate. Appropriate corporal punishment is discipline. Guess what nogs need more of...

>Sweden made it illegal in 1979 and they seem okay.

Nigga u what.

>muh strawman

stay triggered cunt

Not even going to bother arguing your slippery slope, make an argument or piss off.

It's not torture if the children know what they did wrong.

While I don't think you should hit your child, this argument is just plain terrible. Dogs don't understand reason either, but they sure as hell understand pain and will change their behavior accordingly.

I think the argument ITT is that it doesn't matter if they know WHY what they did was wrong, just that they know it was wrong.

spankings should be reserved for girlfriends and wives and should be administered on a nightly basis

t. Schopenhauer

The advent of Positive Parenting, (from which the "absolutely no reason to physically discipline your child" school of thought derives) coincides with the early days of the millennial generation.

The weakest generation in history.

If you want to raise a child that thinks it's penis is a social construct, that's entirely your business.

But children growing up without consequences is how we got to this mess.


>hits girls
>ends up on Sup Forums
Suprising, isn't it?

Slapping, punching, striking, etc should never be done. These fall under "hitting"
Spanking your child should be done sparingly. They should probably only be spanked less than what you can count on two hands over their entire life.
Spanking should never be done in anger. Before spanking, you should make it clear why the child is being spanked. Spanking should not be forced, but the child should submit to it. After spanking, you should comfort your child and love them.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Reprove in times with sharpness, then show an increase in love.

By the time a child listens to reason it's already too late because those bad tendencies have already ingrained themselves in its persona.

the buttocks are an erogenous zone. i wouldnt spank any kid there. it it inherently sexual.

Pleb tier. Swaffling is the patrician choice in gf discipline

as a 6'9" Dutchman I really like the idea that it's ok to hit people who don't listen to you or do stupid things, just so long as they are smaller than you.

Now stop advocating beating little kids or I will have to give you all a spanking.

>if your only parenting options are beating your kids or giving them complete free reign, plz plz plz buy a parenting book or something, cause you are doing it wrong.

Yes. Its literal child abuse and solves NOTHING that non physical punishment can't solve.

Anecdotal but, Me and my siblings were NEVER spanked as a child but my cousins were. They were ALWAYS wild and out of control and would get spanked ATLEAST once everytime we saw them. It never did anything, they would take the ass whooping and then as soon as the pain ended it was like nothing even happened.

The problem with spanking is that it creates so many destructive dynamics.

Firstly, parents that are proud they spank their children almost always end up doing it as a way to make themselves feel better when they're angry, not as a way to actually teach discipline.

Spanking teaches children to lie. A child will do whatever it takes to avoid being harmed, as is natural.

Spanking teaches children that using violence to solve problems is acceptable, and sometimes it is, but that's probably less than five percent of the time. Teaching violent resolution as primary, secondary, or even tertiary option can lead to catastrophe later in life.

It creates anxiety and fear. Children will never develop self esteem out of fear of taking a social risk, making a mistake, and then having to be physically punished.

Children should be reasoned with, Adults are the ones who should have the shit beat out of them. An adult will learn more from one beating than a child will from 100.

Their minds simply aren't capable of fully understanding what is going on.

if you need to spank your kids, you're not a good parent

my parents used hot sauce on my tounge and as a kid i feared it

I'm sure the average Sup Forumslack would agree to be hit if degenerate whores are allowed to be hit too.

wise, well fleshed-out post user. From an American no less.

Fuck off gigantor

>seems ok
user pls

>reasoning with children
People who don't have kids.

OK share blue

Bend over midget

You're a fucking idiot. Dogs use physical punishment on their own pups to stop bad behavior. It's actually NATURAL for them. Stop trying to be a closet pet psychologist because you're fucking terrible at it.