It costs like $1.50 a hit in most coastal cities in the U.S. now.
Heroin is now cheaper than cable TV
So how much does cable TV cost per hit?
What a time to be alive.
tree fiddy
3 hits a day to compensate for 8 hours of tv =
$1.50 * 3 = $4.50
$4.50 *30 = $135.00
Heroin is not cheaper than cable tv
>watching the electric Jew
Thanks for the info CIA
Now take the tolerance of people who've done that for a year into account
2 years ago when I was on the dope it cost about $10 for a hit. A baby hit at that, just a tenth of a gram. I refuse to believe a hit is $1.50, even on the coast.
Good job CIA for keeping that drug traffic going.
Most of it actually isn't heroin, it's extremely cheap Fentanyl from China. It's many times more potent then heroin.
You can get a kilo of pure fentanyl from China for about $10,000 USD. By weight it's about 100 times more potent then morphine.
Maybe it's on sale now because they're really really trying to kill off the native population as fast as possible.
Weak minded dumb fucks gotta have that "fix." They too lazy to work or do anything to make a difference.
Why aren't we taking fentanyl then?
so im thinking about killing myself, maybe ill just try heroin
or just kill myself with heroin
>It costs like $1.50 a hit in most coastal cities in the U.S. now.
In Seattle you are more likey to die from an OD than a car crash. Natural selection I guess.
Just plug that shit into your anus str8 up for just 999.99
because it is extremely easy to OD on.'
source I am an oxymorphone junkie
Is the scrip meme real? A lot of Americans seem to be on some kind of scrip..
>browsing the digital jew
Pulp Fiction has taught me that bitches OD on heroin all the time.
you can send the thank (((Yous))) the low, low price of heroin to the CIA for getting us to invade Afghanistan so the US military could protect the Karzai cartel's poppy farms, America :^)
No way good heroin is that cheap
I am prescribed adderall and I also buy adderall. I know lots of people who are also prescribed some sort of amphetamine and xanax.
Currently also fucking with benzos, would recommend.
I am not really any oxymorphone junkie, I tend to tweak more.
source: i take about 120mg of Adderall a day because tweak life.
usually because shitty dealers mix their H with a little fentanyl and cause ODs cause they want to make more money.
Man I just love heroin
opiod/herion abuse is shortening the life span of whites
tucker's covering it
Don't you make less money if your clients OD regularly?
OD doesn't necessarily mean death at all. You can OD and not even know it dude, might just have a longer nap or so.
I'm so jelly of you burgers. It's really hard to get here so I don't, but I'm an ugly virgin loser so I'm having a hard time choosing life if you know what I mean.
I'd like a good nap.
take xanax if you want a nap.
Go to Russia they have way more heroin than the US
no, you see, they make one person die so all the junkies think their heroin is really good. this increases their sales
I prefer to nod out in my nice apartment rather than nod out in some communist shit hole block.
actually its china
You degenerates that have no self control need to stop doing the things you can't handle and ruin shit for the rest of us so when I get a script from doc I don't have to go shopping around drug stores like a like a fucking junkie. Bunch of damn pussy's is the real problem
>CIA subverting culture with drugs the thread
Why the fuck would you even seek heroin?
Krokodil isn't heroin.
>what are rc's
I get a script from my doc too, anything I don't have left I buy from the plug.
Fuck you, make all drugs legal, gubmint get out.
If people want to be dumb and OD and die fucking let them.
unable to find pleasure in life, and heroin is guess is supposed to be a neato experience
>instant good feeling
gee i dunno
Who even does drugs this day and age its so lame
heroin honestly isn't that great compared to other drugs.
Go cop an adderall script and take 60mg of that shit, or if you wanna see some trippy shit go seek some shrooms or LSD.
>If people want to be dumb and OD and die fucking let them.
absolutely, they should give free heroin at the clinic, as much as they can carry, drug problem fixed in two weeks
Apparently I can afford to do heroin everyday. Good to know.
Guess why China is doing nothing to curb illegal fentanyl export to the U.S.
Yep and tax and regulate it like alcohol and weed, more money for the wall user, and I don't have to buy my drugs from jamal anymore.
Legalize marijuana, MDMA and LSD.
Provide heroin on prescription to addicts, to be bought in a pharmacy.
And guess where drug related crime would head. And guess what druggies would do to get to the 50cents they need per hit... exactly, you end up with 1 million fewer criminals and a lot of drug addicts could get back to doing something like half a day work and thus give back to society.
Drug laws are fascist shit.
What about cocaine? Should we do cocaine instead?
holy cow
Just do Heroin.
>Be me
>Get some Red Mill Raw Poppy Seeds
>Get curious
>Perform germination test
>Seed germinates
And yes, anons, those seeds come from the same kind of poppy that you get opium from.
Whitey fell for the opium jew
not that much desu
Cocaine is fun but too expensive to be a regular thing, and that's if you get fishscale cocaine, regular old shitty coke from your cousin sucks cock.
Thanks canada.
>implying TV isn't the same the same as heroin
Break the airconditioning
Even the best """pure 100% colombian""" cocaine is overpriced caffeine, gram per gram. Not worth the money.
If you're not an opiate addict why even try it. I see enough junkies in town destroyed by the shit that I don't care what the feeling is like.
Let's be honest here, who is on their last thing they are trying to make work or has cashed out already? I've enlisted at one last shot at being something, and I was getting a useless PhD from a retarded indoctrination center anyway. I've lived in shared one man flats my entire life. If my military career fails, I'm probably just going to work and take test and Tren until my heart explodes like Zyzz. But if I didn't want to see myself become a mutant, I'd just take heroin till I die like everyone else.
someone has never had 150mg of fishscale coke up their nose.
>heroin honestly isn't that great
Wrong. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's like being in love for the first time. I honestly can't think of anything better and that is why it is an incredibly dangerous drug.
Nigga a bag costs 6-10 bucks that number is bullshit
I suppose thats perception, and I know the feeling since I love crushing roxies or opana and snorting that shit.
I prefer the tweak life though user, go take some amphetamine.
Benzos are the shit man you can get clonazolam cheap as fuck legally sent to your mailbox and be in heaven 24/7
doesnt that lower your tolerance after doing it everyday?
Im well aware, after a coke/amphetamine binge nothing better than taking 6mg of xanax and passing the fuck out.
You would think so but once word hits the streets your shit is strong enough to kill people the junkies come scurrying.
It's a fucked up thing.
I guess the US army is doing a great job protecting those poppy field in Afghanistan...
>Heroin is dangerous
Fuck off
You aren't going to get addicted to heroin if you have other good drugs (benzos,lsd,shrooms,ket etc)
ive honestly done all those. trippy things dont make me happy, nothing does you enormous faggot. i just want to feel numb
>Build the wall!
>Throw out hard working Mexicans!
>okay, back to talking drugs in my trailer park/fraternity
I hate Americans
I'm looking forward to a future where China and Germany with Merkel or Schulz on top lead the world into a new era
Thank you mexico
I think you would like xanax then, but hey man, keep taking heroin if you want.
I personally support it, if the people want to do drugs, let them, pour money into the wall or some shit.
>go take some amphetamine
I'd rather take nothing nowadays, but amphetamines are shit and far more harmful than any opiate.
>All these junkie burgers
And here I thought you were only just consuming hormones
I hate krauts, go report to the ministry of housing to get your refugee family living with you in your shitty apartment and make sure to pay the gubmint half your paycheck to help out achmed.
Even their idol/leader is an opiate addict.
Shut up Lahey
Benzos are "blackout until I can afford more opiates"-tier you beady eyed faggot.
how the fuck do you get it sent to your mailbox?
>$1.50 a hit
Why sell heroine? Who profits from these extremely low prices?
It will destroy your future, your present, your health, your looks, your teeth, and probably kill you.
If you survive your addiction you will likely be brain damaged from all the rat poison/cleaning supplies it's cut with and unable to ever recover or be a real man.
But yes, it makes you feel good for a couple hours.
- t. brain damaged exjunky with bad teeth, no future, no friends, no one who loves me, and no prospects for things ever improving
Look up research chemicals.
Tolerance is a thing, you will begin to need higher doses to feel shit.
I don't know how people can put that in their body.
Your basically 100% guaranteed to get horribly addicted to it.
>120mg of Adderall
When the glutamate toxicity hits HARD
yeah it burns out your dopamine
not really just don't eat fucking 4 bars at a time when you have no tolerance. When you dose it right it's nice and relaxing, almost reminds me of smoking a bowl but a little better
>living the reality jew
>A junkie burger brain telling me to shut up
oh that's rich
it's killing a shit load of people out here in Vancouver. it's laced in a ton of shit
Germany won't even be a country in 25 years. Tops.