Why did /pol hate him?
Bernie Sanders
Sup Forums does not hate him at all.
because (((he))) is one of (((them)))
love that Hillary fucked him over. Hate that he's communist scum as Alex Jones would say
because hes a cuck who didnt even stand up to shillary, if he had a backbone he could had won.
A charlatan who spent his whole career railing against open borders (condemned it as "a Koch Bros idea, which it was/is) because it obviously rapes the working class, then when he joined the Democrat party in 2015 he went over to La Raza and bent the knee on open borders. That party knows it can win everything by changing the demographics to get a few million extra super-low-info welfare recipients so, he went right along with the program and shit on the working class he spent his life claiming to represent.
this is why
he's an anti-white socialist kike.
He's a socialist joke with retarded as fuck ideas pandering only to his base of fucking stupid people that think money grows on trees. He's a pathetic failure of a man. His life has been utterly meaningless and his death will be the greatest thing he ever managed to do.
Sup Forums doesn't hate him. They love him. He was the best candidate ever possible to run for president.
>why does Sup Forums hate a socialist jew?
>socialist jew
Jeeze that was difficult.
weew lad
If you give people free college they will take dumbass shit like vagina studies or epidermis color studies.
Commie Jew who lost to a woman
Lol mad communist scum?
Sellout, willingly cucked by HRC, no spine
>white people don't know what it's like to be poor
He laughs like a monkey
>Why did /pol hate him?
There is literally nothing likable about him.
Spineless commie
I was kind of for him because he was like the only dem being real about the out of control college debt. But when it came time for him to step up to the plate it clear that he wasn't serious about running for president. I mean just look at what he died when those blm protester stormed at one of his rallies. loser
Leftist, socialist, and liar
Those are my reasons for intensely disliking him
I don't hate him or his 'wizard of oz-esque' promises. He inadvertantly helped trump get elected by causing the democratic party to self-cannobolize
He doesnt know how to into economics. All of his major selling points were unsustainable on a grand scale like the US. Give him some shitty African country since he likes sucking up to blacks so much, his brand of socialism can probably work there, but not here
Stop giving niggers student loans. Problem solved
hes a commie moron that has supported every dictator in every failed state for his entire life. he is civilization destroying human garbage.
Also, remember folks. No refunds.
>why does Sup Forums hate a socialist kike
gee, I wonder why
Yeah giving free healthcare is communist as fuck.
Having people literally dying because they cant afford an ambulance is WAAAY better
Because he's an establishment hack who has been a leech on society for his entire life.
I could not believe Bernie took money from Shillary and let her take the candidacy. He even got a nice house from it.
He's a fucking sellout. Even with Wikileaks helping him demolish Shillary he folded. Sad, just sad.
Definition of a demogogue. Unrealistic plans and goals that would have unraveled American society but it made people feel good. Fuck that exploitative cunt.
>dying because they can't afford an ambulance
Has literally never happened. Emergency rooms are not allowed to turn away people in need of medical attention.
((((((Bernie)))))) ((((((((((((((((((((Sanders))))))))))))))))))))
That is completely wrong.
But he still is a traitorous jew.
t. Russian with dem free educashionz
The only time (((Sanders))) got visibly angry during the campaign was when he screamed at one of his own supporters for daring to question Israel.
Because he was a cuck pussy that traded the election for a new Lincoln and beach house.
He would have been a disaster for the economy. Besides not being able to do anything because he's far too left for most democrats in Congress, the shit he could do if he got everything passed would be devastating.
>50% reduction in investing if HFT tax occurs
>everyone with a retirement account even if poorfag will pay that tax for college funding
>further devaluation of college degree with more students not prepared for university flooding in
>absolute fuckery of dollar value if Congress audits the Fed and writhes its tentacles in it
>more or less the favored candidate of SJWs
I voted Trump but 2bh HIllary would have been favorable compared to that old Jew
He's a communist by the very nature of his belief, life style and action. He may be a good person but he won't fit in with the political climate of the US.
I know he is a kike and a socialist and all, but I still can't help but feel a bit sorry for him, since that bitch Hillary Clinton was seriously hell bent on taking him down and absolutely destroying him. Bernie Sanders is just a naive, overly idealistic guy who never grew out of the college kid phase, while Hillary Clinton is pure evil.
Kill yourself sodomite.
Sounds like Trump
t. neckbeard on Sup Forums
Nice meme.
> Commie bastard
> Old as fuck
> Wanted to make college free yeah right
Because his whole platform was "dude, FREEEE lmao!"
Which was impossible in the current economy, he would have ran is into the ground. Also he was never aggressive enough in the debates, and he let some obnoxious blm supporter blow him out at his own rally; could you seriously imagine him having the balls to initiate military action? I couldnt.
But these dumb college kids fucking worshiped him, and actually believed he was Americas savior, and was leading a "revolution" I dont think I would hate Bernie as much if it weren't for his supporters, obnoxiously shilling for him on facebook, clinging to delusion. "Bernie can still win guys!'
I was so happy when he lost. He was an annoyance on the campaign trail, and would have been a nightmare if he ever made it into office.
15$ min wage is the most retarded idea ever just saying. also hes a massive sjw cuck who supports BLM feminazis and other stuff and thinks that mass immigration is no issue even though illegals are extremely overrepresented in crime in america but hes too blinded by his goggles of "feelings".
Because he's a senile communist.
ironically, his policies have more in common with Hitler than Trump's ever did. Especially his stances on banking and financial sector.
Unfortunately, he's a cuck who does not fight back when two retarded BLM whiners steal his micrphone, or even when it was proven the primaries was rigged against him.
This alone makes him unfit for presidency.
Commie Jews never work out after all. See Europe in the early 20th century.
>hillary vs bernie
I think its an unpopular opinion around here, but I'm with you; I would take Hillary over Bernie, every time. At least Hillary has the balls to take action and fucking stand up for herself. She might be a crook, but I'd take a crook over a naive idealist who sucks Castro's cock.