Why didn't you guys show up to his inauguration?
Why didn't you guys show up to his inauguration?
Have a job
1. It was raining.
2. I was working.
I was at work.
Obama's taken at 12:15
Trump's taken 1:15
Crowd cleared after the speech retard
Because I actually have a job, I'm not rich and WA is a blue state, of course there is more people.
Both of these.
the rallies were enough shariablueballs
Because the invitation didn't get to me until early March.
I really don't get why Trump lied. Washington DC is a liberal city, everyone knows that. It only makes sense more of them would turn out for "le first black prezdent XDDD" than for him
those kids aren't gonna rape themselves
>this much mental gymnastics
>being this far up drumpfs ass you can't admit that nobody likes him except rednecks outside of the city who couldn't make it
DC traffic. I'm not a nigger so I'm able to watch it at home instead of feeling edgy by putting great risk on myself.
more showed up for Bush than for Trump, and Texas is much further from DC than Manhattan
Oh what are the odds A FUCKING LEAF is shitposting
I have internet
>a fucking leaf shill
what else is new?
Don't forget DC is also around 60% or so black. Combined with all the white liberals, of course King Koon would have a big turn out.
>Buying into a pointless dick measuring contest that changes nothing.
Hey look it's a picture of the Capital Building where Barrack Obama held his inaugural address. I wonder what the picture looked like at the Lincoln Memorial where Donald Trump held his inaugural address? Sidenote: OP is a fucking faggot idiot.
thanks for this.
My guess is the inauguration is surrounded by a geographically cucked area, reds who care about politics have jobs, and the threat of violence drove many people to stay in their home state.
I was there. There was nobody fucking there. You can bitch all you want about the time they took the photo, but the fact doesn't change that the crowd was weak. And don't blame the rain, it was barely drizzling.
very nice
>posting it from the front
Kek, this is real shilling if anyone's curious
I was there on inauguration day. Shit was not empty by far. We were in line on the south side for over three hours and just barely made it in on time.
Meanwhile (paid) protesters had multiple entrances on the north side shut down, so a bunch of people didn't even make it into the mall. Conviniently the media was all set and ready to go with the No-one-showed-up narrative.
It's been crazy watching news reports contradict what I saw with my own two eyes. Really makes you think.
Uh ok
We did. Everyone in that picture is from Sup Forums except you, apparently... newfag!
>I was at my job
Didn't obama kill all the jobs and now Frump is going to fix it?
>pics are at different times
read: "the creative fiction writers at breitbart are my only source for news"
>DC is mostly black and democrat
Bush had more people show up than Trump and yet Texas is much further from DC than New York
ITT: trumpfag cuckfucks that are members of a cult of personality and can't admit it
At the first rally I went to in August, the line to get in was literally 2 miles long. Exactly twelve protesters showed up, I counted. Guess what the local media used as their backdrop when covering the rally? Guess who they interviewed for TV?
He was so sure that everybody would show up.
bull shit, my boss was there and he openly admitted it was as barren as barrons frontal lobe
You lost the election. It's been 4 months already. At what point are you going to move past denial?
didn't want my coworkers to know i would go to it
your idea of win and lose is so pathetic. Of course your tiny tribal mindset thinks this is a binary result
no you blue collar cuckfucks are my slaves these days
>elections aren't binary results
At least you've moved on to the bargaining phase. Glad to see some progress.
You do realize who votes for Democrats right? Poor minorities.
I tried to go, but the line was too long. There were tons of people just outside of the mall who couldn't get in because security took so long. So its not as if there weren't enough people showing up. Also I heard that protestors bocked a lot of entrances which slowed down the security process.
I had to work
Shush, Packo will be going home soon.
He already have a job. He is working in the CIA.
Stop posting pictures of yourself, you fucking leaf.
I don't know but it's really embarrassing how republicans didn't show up in the biggest niggerville in the entirety of the country.
so shills think we all forgot to look at the clock in the photo and see that it was 1:20 on a rainy day and people left?
or is this the photo taken at 8am?
why don't crew post anything new? it takes them months to come up with stuff and it's all garbage
i couldn't expect your black and white rationale to understand the nuance of a competition without a trophy
the color white of the floor is longer
Too poor with shitty jobs they would get fired from. You know unamerican hick hacks
i notice leaf posts are a fraction of shit they were months ago and aussie posts are getting shittier
Why are you a fucking shill? Hi CTR
kek I don't think the one on the left understands the message of her hat
you just get back from a long break from Sup Forums?
this has been Sup Forums for over a year now
We have jobs unlike all those niggers at Obama's inauguration
>without a trophy
Honey, we won the trophy. There's no nuance at all. Trump won, Hillary lost. Trump will be in control for the next 8 years and Hillary will fade into obscurity, forever being remembered as "Bill's wife."
>its coming
Lets not forget Trump was predicted to lose by large margins, and people were unprepared for the red pilled revolution at the voting booths.
do you know what sage does?
I was doing better things like being brazilian
Replies without bumping
gotta work to build that Korean pension, nigga. also it's a majority-democrat area and we live in very polarizing times, what did you expect?
Such barren. But don't take my word for it - You can always check out the reputable CNN's gigapixel shot to see all the people, plus those who were blocked from entering the mall on the north side huddled up to the screens outside of it.
Should've taken more pictures, but we ended up missing most of the commotion by entering from the south. Only heard about the north gates being closed when we were talking to people at the parade afterwards. Had no idea we'd have to prove anything to anyone =\
We aren't nigegrs living on welfare in DC.
>US East Coast has millions more Dem voters than Republican voters
>Dems too stupid to realize this.
>Dems actually expect millions of people to take time off from work and travel to DC to watch someone accept something they gave him.
>Dems not realizing that theres this thing called the internet now, and you can stream things from it. Including somewhat meaningless ceremonies such as this.
Why didn't you, leaf?
false images
stop fuckin around leaf
for fucks sake canada
washington (clap) is (clap) a (clap) blue (clap) city