Canada appreciation thread

Canada gets a lot of undeserved shit on Sup Forums and there is a resurgence of bait thread lately. Show some love and keep this civil.

>a fuckin leaf

Chang pls go

I can get head from a dog so thanks i guess

I dunno, Banff is really nice?

Well, No niggers helps to make a good country.

>undeserved shit

pic related is the ten most common leaf posts.

Canada is what every country wishes they were. They hate us cause they ain't us. They wish they could put their cock in their dogs anus.

KYS leaf scum, our lands ran by a faggot you guys voted in.
>Wait a second

The Canadian project has failed. Canada was a mistake.

At least some Soviet milsurp is cheap here

This bong has the right idea.

Fuck this piece of shit, boring, apathetic, soft-dictatorship noncountry. Fuck it to all hell.

Canada is where feminism and multiculturalism first became official gov't policies.
The large cities are filled to the brim with imported third-world GARBAGE, with spiteful Arabs and niggers in the East and robotic Chinks in the West.

Canadian women are the coldest, most contentious, most arrogant pieces of shit in the entire world. I would prefer to summarily execute white Canadian girls by this point that to shove my dick in their skank asses.

This faggot country has ENORMOUS natural resources, and what does it do? Does it build a massive, flourishing economy and propel itself to the forefront of the first world nations? No, fuck no. It squanders oil wealth by selling it off to the Americans for a pittance, cause we don't even have our own refineries to add some value. It sells its water for a pittance, and its lumber. It gives in to so-called Environmental groups and fucks up pipeline construction. It focuses on what? Weed, fucking hippy-ass weed and other non issues, like the rights of dogs to suck their owners' dicks, or more likely to lick their owners' nasty lonely hitting-the-wall cunts.

I know this place through and through, and I can say with absolute certainty that is has a third-world future, and that it TOTALLY deserves it.

NDP needs to win on 2019. When Canada is really in the shitters, a populist will rise and fix the mess.

pic related

Canadians are actually breddy gud

I'll fight alongside anyone with the brains and balls to be against this bullshit.
At the moment we are a very small minority, in a thoroughly bluepilled country, with the worst possible gov't.


>voting cuckservative
It's like you never heard of The New Constitution Party of Canada

"The New Constitution Party of Canada (NCP) is an all-inclusive federal party based on Libertarian doctrine, Christian values, and National Socialist ideology. Our political movement incorporates the intellect of Dr. Ron Paul, the heart of Chancellor Adolf Hitler, and the soul of Jesus Christ, into one powerful political Chimera that will crush the Marxist beast."

fuck ya love my country

it's got problems but it's still the best


I love this country

Interesting, I didn't know about them...

The problems of the cities will spread to the towns, don't you worry, they always do.



>Guess who's replying

Feminism has ruined this country, until its gone Canada will never be great. I live in the whitest region of Canada yet feminism ruins it. New Brunswick had a negative growth rate last year, even after some imigrants atifically proped it up. Lot of dumb and fat people here too.

It's ground zero for fucking feminism.
Absolutely toxic bitches.

There are tons of niggers in Toronto, and they are becoming increasingly more savage and uppity after watching their negro cousins in America acting a fool over the last several years.

You accepted my faggot cousin.

Thanks. Now my family doesn't have to live with him and his ""friend"".

Seek solace in the face that despite having a seemingly retarded PM, he attempts to guide your country in a somewhat realistic way. He's one of the only politicians that hasn't personally insulted Trump. Trump is quite favorable to him.

Unfortunately Canada is rapidly becoming a multicult hell like the rest of the west. Why the fuck can't white people have their own countries? It's infuriating.






Aesthetic as fuck desu


Read this you Canadian niggers!!!

Phone wallpaper

It's really cold in Calgary right now.

Daily reminder



Canada is a shithole with no identity other than "not-America." It's just like the most mediocre parts of America except a little bit shittier. Total embarrassment of a place. Watch any Tim Horton's commercial for proof. Cucks can't even win the Stanley Cup in their own hockey league.

What did he mean by this.

The only actual thing i somewhat like about canada, besides it scenery (fucking beautiful), is that I have yet to meet a canadian who hates canada. They are very patriotic and I see posters say "Ugh I hate canada" when in all they just hate the government. I hated the last 8 years of government but I always and will continue to love the united states no matter who is in charge. I feel as if every canadian holds somewhat of a patriotic duty that so many liberal fucks down here cant seem to grasp a hold of

>live in any medium-sized city
>everyone is white and everything is clean

What's not to love, bros? I've got a nice dog, everyone I know is white, and I've got a big flag pole to fly my stupid leaf flag, and no matter what those faggy liberals think, the lyric will always be "in all thy sons command". Life is good, lads.

You've never been to Quebec. I've seen more Canadian flags in Vermont.

>no identity other than "not-America."

That's true for English Canada, or as we based Québécois call it, the ROC

Quebec is patriotic to Quebec.

There's not a lot here to hate, if I'm being honest.

It's cold and it's empty and it's sparsely populated.

Nothing worth stirring your emotions over either way (besides the scenery, I suppose).


Fuck Vermont, A once beautiful red pilled state that look as if it was still in a colonial era turned into a liberal shit hole. It breaks my fucking heart.

I dont care for canada in all honesty, I guess its just all the draft dodgers that got me mad. I dont blame canada for it, i just really dont like alot of the people

you faggots can't even speak french correctly. Montreal is a beautiful city full of cucks and cloned posers. The Habs can't win the cup either. Until the Nordiques are restored your country will remain shit.

Not this shit again. We kept original 15th century french, unadulterated from Parisian corruption.

Nothing nice about western Somalia.

Keep telling yourself that, faggot. Maybe in Quebec or the country, but in Montreal it sounds like you all have a dick in your mouth. French pronunciation isn't hard, yet they still fuck it up. Figures.


No you faggots deserve it. You earned it. You caused it.


Well observed, faggot


>ever disgracing bovine divinity with the coagulation of cow tit juices
fucking leafs