What happened to him?

What happened to him?

He's oddly more quiet these days. There was a surge in his popularity or public prominence. Now it's just suddenly gone.

Other urls found in this thread:


He better give that speech soon on Pizzagate.

The """public outrage""" was entirely a smear campaign by the (((elite))) because he was ruffling too many feathers. Notice how everyone has stopped talking about him.

He's really active on normiebook but has been successfully marginalised by the mainstream.

They decided to take him out after he revealed too much truth about most trannies being sexual perverts.

I think it was more after he BTFO that nig on Maher and leftists started chimping out. They had to quickly demonize him so it seemed like the protesters weren't animals and that they were the good guys.

He's still the rightful leader of alt-right. He's just waiting to fully monetize his new celebrity and popularity. I'm hoping that he founds his own TV network, like a gay alternative to Breitbart.

It's true. All of it.

He's too busy sucking Jamal's cock

kill yourself

Bill Maher and the other kikes got him with something after he made him look like an idiot

They must have some real dirt to gag Milo

He's still doing his thing. The only fall-off I see is him leaving Breitbart. Aside from that it's just back to business as usual.

>He's oddly more quiet these days.
Compared to when?
Sure a few weeks ago he was all over the news, but before that he was pretty quite as well. He comes and goes as far as relevance goes.

pedo from pizzagate got destroyed by the media

They don't have ANY dirt. They went through all of his speeches to find that one thing about teenagers from a year ago. Isn't it such a coincidence that it was only covered after he fucked Maher in the ass?

>pedo from pizzagate
are you a retard or just black?

He is not underground, he literally wrote a kikebook update that he made new deals to replace the ones that were dropped, and he is actively back on track. It's just that our autists threw temper tantrums so much, calling him a degenerate kike pedophile that it scared the nu/pol/ from making positive threads about him.

No platformed. Kicked off twitter, kicked off kikebart. Kicked off storm front.

Just remember that he is a nigger loving fagot pedo sympathizer trying to subvert our movement to accept his type.

I like that he triggers liberals cognitive dissidence but the fagot baits in blood and calls it art, there is no room for his shit in our circles.

In more normie friendly (((alt right))) circles I have even seen people say they are not gay but would still let milo fuck them.

I had wished our enemies would kill him for us at one of his dangerous fagot shows.


please kill yourself

>kicked off stormfront
>wasn't even on stormfront
Hello stormnigger!

He's not the leader of the "alt-right" and nor will he ever be. What he is is a nutcase and an extremely talented and prolific troll who consistently upsets all the right people. Ultraqueer Jewishness aside, it'd be good to see him back to his old tricks again.


Poli/cultural hitjob the whole pedo thing was.

He said some things that were wrong, but more than that they were emotionally motivating. The result is that normies and mainstream got an excuse to ignore his far more important messages of free speech, small government, and conservative culture.

Didn't he get caught diddling kids at a party with George Takei?

This is the reason I hate the media.

And I assume that you consider racial purity and cultural conservatism a more pressing issue than economic and education policy?

Dude he hides information from the public on pedophiles in his homosexual groupies. He stated "I went to parties... And I saw many young boys with older men, and I meam young... Very young"

He wouldn't say the identity and he is a fucking homo which means he probably would be into that shit too.

>namefag is a complete retard
color me surprised

>In more normie friendly (((alt right))) circles I have even seen people say they are not gay but would still let milo fuck them.
you are making this one up, buddy, or just being autistic and taking some banter too seriously

Give source on that.

Joe Rogan podcast. Then watch molymemes video where he takes an analysis on it

He was torPEDOed

Tell me what the context of the quote is.

Do you even research anything before making a fool of yourself

Get out faggots.

>make claim
>asked for source
>"hurr you fool"

He was talking about parties he went to after he talked about the whole "I love father john" bullshit. He went on to say that he saw young children who were men around age 14 and 15 at parties and that he wouldnt say the names.


I gave you one you fucking reddit faggot


>go to party and see degenerate behavior
wow surely this is a new occurence

And you replied to me twice like an autist

Wow surely going to hollywood elistist parties and seeing homosexual pedophilic behaviour and not reporting it to the police to save the children sure is cool

Where do you live? I bet I can kick the shit out of you in a fight

try it and see how well that works out for you

He never believed in the cause.

He just found an easy way to make money.

When you have a MOTHERFUCKING backing of 2 million supporters, Tv access, and are dying of AIDs I am sure you can have alittle more balls

>implying he would be invited to pizza parties
Those are entirely different things. Although, he did say he was fucked at like 13, so he is definitely not completely normal and probably saw the 14-15 year old relationships as normal, as he had an encoutner at a younger age. You are correct that this is not right, but it's not the same as diddling kids and running pedophile rings. Notice how the media will vilify him just for saying wrong things, but dismisses the entirety of pizzagate as a hoax.

This is why they try to get dirt eg pedophilia on everyone in high tier celebrity.
He probably pulled the pin on himself before they

This>2 million supporters and TV access
those sure will help you when you car crashes into a tree on it's own
Wow, you're a real tough guy. I sure was right about the autistic part.

I don't think he had any of that at the time...

libs accused him of pedophilia even tho hes a victim of it
hes been posting regularly on instagram tho

Its not the same and I agree that the argument the left made is unfounded. But if you see shit like that and dont report it, you are doing a diservice to the child being sexually abused and I hope only people like milo get stoned

Sure, but he saw it and he could,of saved children's lives. Instead he ignored that and instead of becoming a hero, he became just like the rest of the rich homosexuals

>report to child services
>cronies in child services make sure the claims are seen as "unfounded"
>you are killed 2 days later
Great idea. This is better left to Sessions and Trump, where they can actually make a big difference.

The victim holding information on other victims is not a victim. He is an accomplice

>rest of the rich homosexuals
yes because they are all right wing race realists, right?
What the fuck do you think one journalist can do against a global pedophile ring.

Lmao whatever you say shareblue

>release information
>now the victim AND you die

>he disagrees with me so I better call him shareblue
You're the fucking redditor here.

He was the head of the pizzagate scandal and was found out

Have dome fucking balls like REAL journalists who went down in history did. Unlike this jewish degenerate puppet who participates in yellow journalism

you do realize that he may not be able to expose those people because
1- could get him in danger
2- not enough evidence, which can lead to the accused suing his ass for slander

Be a hero and save them all, even if its not all its better to be dead than molested

>real journalists
Like? Surely you don't mean the leftist-controlled drivel these days. I know 100% if you were put in a similar situation, you wouldn't have the balls to act, like you apparently do on the internet.
I'm embarrassed to share your flag.

>save them all
You don't realize how deep this goes.

You are right, why would a jewish gay trans leaning zionist puppet have any set of balls

see, this is proof right here

actual white supremacists worked with the liberal media to take him down


>Didn't file a police report about high level officials fucking children because he could have been put in jail for defamation or killed
>He's an enabler!!!
>People don't lie about rape, so his story must be true!
You're not seeing the endgame, schlomo.

Whats wrong with being a white supremacist?

Ok shareblue

>Say that to my face, not over the internet
Holy shit, this guy is serious! Give him your address so he can break his fist on your crimson chin!

He'll be revealing info about his new work and activities in the next week or so.

Source: Baboon Mindframe who spoke to him.

>Pedo sympathizer when he's locked up other pedos and has openly expressed his contempt for pedophiles
>Pedo sympathizer for enjoying sex
W o w, I didn't realize anyone that had sex under 18 was a pedo! At last, now I truly see!

Yeah say it to my fucking face you pedophile lover

stop making e-celeb threads

Has anyone heard anything about the status of his podcast? His PodcastOne page is gone and he hasn't released an episode since this whole this started :/.

ITT degenerate faggots defending a pedo. he got exposed saying that relationships between adult men and underage boys can be healthy and beneficial. do you bluepilled feebs seriously condone that shit? stop hero-worshiping this "alt-right" attention whore you cult-of-personality faggots

Nice deflection, shill. I haven't seen a real argument from you the entire thread.

>he doesn't like useful idiots
You must be one of them, then. Milo was one of the most useful idiots, since he destabilized the feminist momentum simply by trolling them. They became rape deniers, homophobes, racists bigots just to attack him and didn't even realize it or care - and that was exactly his point. They're willing to go against everything they supposedly believe in, if it means getting even with someone they hate. Someone they hate for not conforming to their views.

observe my digits btw


shit wrong thread

I don't love you, pedo. I hope they set you on fire when they find your porn stash.

See what I did there? I called you a pedo, so it must be true! BTFO!

That's how retarded you sound. As if calling someone a nazi or pedo ever meant something. You've got a few more years to mature before you should be asking people to make public appearances.

>What happened to him?
The logical end of his activities.

Milo is somebody who only cares about upsetting people. 30 years ago he would be right with the feminists smashing the patriarchy. Today things are different so the only thing he cares about is upsetting leftists. His whole character and thought process can be described with one word: contrarian.

Naturally, when mindless contrarianism is your only guideline in life you will eventually cross the line and people will renounce you. Milo isn't a bad person or a racist or whatever label has been pinned to him. He is just a living warning about how bad it is to live a life devoid of any principles.

you bought that narrative hard, huh?

>that relationships between adult men and underage boys can be healthy and beneficial

I know you forgot to say "sexual relationships", but you also forgot the point where Milo said "consentual", and the part where he said he didn't condone anyone underage doing this.

And you're the one playing identity politics here, dismissing everything else Milo has said because media has labeled him a pedophile for some statements he said and they took out of context.

I don't know why a """"white supremacist"""" neckbeard virgin who keyboard warriors on an anime imageboard would have any balls either.

usually leads to large extermination of human life user, if we've learned anything from history.

And this is honestly the only real argument here.

I think since he's a useful idiot, he should be allowed to crash and burn, since he was expendable anyways. It was fun while it lasted but there's really nothing to defend. He said something stupid and now he has to pay for it. That's just the society we live in today. Where you can lose business and be silenced for having edgy opinions.

So, having said that, I can understand why some people WOULD defend him, despite him "being a pedo". I still don't see how being a victim of a pedo makes you a pedo, if you've never had relations with someone under 18, yourself, while over 18. Not even allegedly. Calling a rape or molestation victim a pedo is victim shaming. Until there is evidence of him diddling a kid, I'm not going to call him a pedo, despite how disgusting or edgy his views get. But that's just me.

Is that pedo enabling? No, since he's not actually a fucking pedo. He's a victim. Do I think we should defend him? No, since he's a useful idiot and disposable. So is this still pedo enabling? I don't see how it can be.

This. The footage was heavily edited to make it sound like he said something that he didn't. Information that could have redeemed him was removed.

Again, not even defending this dude. People are just being retarded and that needs to be exposed. If he was actually a pedo, I'd be on board 100% but this is on par with petty name calling.

W/e you say new fag

The important thing about him and Ruben is that now that Gay marriage is settled, Gays no longer feel required to Act / Vote as a block. Most of my gay friends were closet Republicans, but they'd rather tell strangers they were degenerate faggots than pro Iraq invasion.

The establishment sees their type as a threat because they are part of the split of the progressives and classical liberals.

Degenerates will never be part of the alt right, but they are useful idiots for us to split our opposition.

ecelebs threads are great with all the shills involved. You can tell that they are literally shaking because tranny/commie losers have become irrelevant now that nobody cares about kosher "celebrities" on msm.
>b-b-but he le JEWISH
>d-didn't you see based mcmuffins epic takedown of him?

Why would he talk about pizza Gaerfyrddin when he thinks boyfucking is great and a wonderful bonding experience?

pedo shit sunk him

the right hates him
the left hates him
he's only got a few gamergate neckbeards and /r/thedonald left on his side

he will be back soon don't worry, this war is far from over.

>ITT: Cuckservatives unironically look up to a faggot Jew who exclusively dates black men while referring to those who are against him as "cucks"

The literal fucking state of this board.

Hes licking his wounds (read: black cock) and shitposting on Goybook and Instagram

Eat a dick MILO will phoenix and all naysayers will eat a massive shit burger RedPill that fag-o-lot

That's the joke. How do you not understand that? He, by all means, SHOULD be one of them but they hate him so much because he's not and hits them hard and where it hurts. All they can do is go against their supposed higher morals and ethics to go against him and that's what was so beautiful about watching them struggle with him.

Like black Trump voters calling the DNC racist. It's glorious to watch them disavow and silence him with "uncle tom" and for the rest of the world to see that and know he's right.

kys milo.

>Some fag from the UK calls you Milo
My sides!