This is so deep.
This is so deep
Why is Trump controlling himself? This cartoon can't even get its own message straight.
No it is so deep that ordinary folk like you will never understand it's message...
That pic gave me aneurysm
Have you never seen or read the Wizard of Oz?
this. it's too deep for whiteys to understand.
Dems are the real racists!
It's a Homonuculeus. The artist is obviously pushing a sophism by assuming we perceive the Phenomenal aspects of consciousness as if they are projected on a screen.
Spend a lot of time reading children's books, user?
Subhuman opinions.
is that hitler in the audience?
Of course. Read quite a lot as kid.
Turks need to be holocausted
Honestly, contrasting him/this cartoon with Hillary makes the cartoon ridiculous. Not to mention he won, and I could draw this, I'm not even a gud drawler.
It's objective is to incite, not critique or satirize... propaganda by existence.
So the most seasoned female politician ever couldn't even beat a robot?
everyone who isn't a lib or nigger supports trump.
really gets the noggin joggin
You're a cockroach, what do you know about humans?
>this. it's too deep for whiteys to understand.
litwerally from a failed state that will be worse than zimbabwe within a decade. Hows the brownouts going for ya, Champ?
How bout that infant mortality rate aye?
Still got iron doors and windows and flame thrower on your car?
Why is the roach flag in that pic?
Does Trump even know you guys exist?
>spics and roaches in a cage
Can't wait to vote for him again in 2020
You're mom's pussy is deeper!
It's his narcissism you uncultured peasant.
It's a good caricature of the situation really
Interesting that literally every person in the audience is white, without a single exception. Most naked instance of anti-white propaganda I've ever seen.
It's saying that drumpf (a known democrat and pro-lifer) is putting on a mask and appealing to conservatives for more power
That's very well painted but boy fuck is its message retarded.
And then Sup Forums will proceed to give all the (you)'s this faggot wants and then some. Fucking idiots.
But South Africans are white.
Apes are blacks.
>Trump controlling himself while standing on caged Italians and Turks
I don't get it
deep like a puddle.
cockroach pls uninstall your life... plz
Leave the internet if you can't wipe your own ass sandmonkey. Trump doesn't want your shitty country to keep getting free shit, so this is our collective fuck you.
>no pepe in the draw.
0/10, nice try.
His platform are muslims and mexicans?
You should stop dealing with politics and go back to eating the shit and crumbs under my neighbor's couch.
fuck yeah i wanna be a skeleton trump supporter
>be skeleton
>ask people not to rattle your bones
>they rattle them
>you hit them with your femur and bone them afterwards
Nice one user.
Why are liberals always diaper-shaming
Get ready for 8 more years of this crap.
DRUMPF BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>weird smiley biscuit people
>fucking chimpanzees
>a skeleton
>cool dude with sunglasses
Trump rallies must be rad af
Kek, these posters show how stupid Sup Forumstards really are
See these if you want to educate yourselves
Blumbp BFTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Political cartoons get more and more grotesque each year.
get a load of this faggot
Yo. I didn't even see this until you pointed it out. No wonder OP said it was deep. This goes much deeper than expected. Holy shit. It's like said. He's controlling himself. That's more than the DNC can say. They're a broken mirror in a dustpan, compared to him.
Bravo OP. Thanks for pointing that out to me, burgerbro.
schlumpf rekt
Obama BTFO
m8 we have enough bad reputation amongst us but you just idk man. we wuz deep is not just us yknow. anyways I'm fucking attention whoring off on you and it feels bad m8.
You like skellies huh
go fuck ur goat
hell yeah man
All it means is that the left has an adult baby diaper fetish.
Unironically neither of these are arguments
neither is your post dipshit
Who gives a shit if Trump hates nonwhites? They aren't the ones who made America great to begin with.
say what you will about the artist, but they got rubio spot on
Because he hates women and the working class etc
how am i wrong?
why is hitler upset?
My braincocks have a constant orgasm...
>putting all that effort into such a retarded message
well imagine my shock
>every ones white
Hey I don't try to redpill niggers.
so what does this comic artist look like? I bet he's either he's a comically obese beta male, or he's a skeleton mode beta male.
>thinking I care about the opinions of roaches
Made me think
Die drumpflet
The "bully" button should say "bigly" instead
Wow that really makes you think
Imagine if your rallies were so great Hitler built a time machine to visit them.
They don't need an argument against a strawman.