Really makes you think.
What Woman Really Want Music Video
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i want i want i want i want
so whats she(?) saying they want?
Rights and safety and justice and stuff.
>Click here
i had a hard time fapping to this...
Seriously people, the like to dislike ratio is suspicious. What's going on? What's with the low energy?
Fake as shit. Lip syncing is annoying.
I thought girl's just wanna have fun? What happened?
People must have a need to fight for something I guess, so they will make stuff up.
I love how the feminists in the comments are saying this video is talking more about parts of the world where women don't have these rights, yet all of the signs being help up are the same ones we see in protests directed at the west.
They do this while at the same time making an alliance with islam. It's baffling.
>implying anyone cares about what they want
Why do they ALWAYS have to have some shitty fucking hashtag?
>you can't keep us down! we're not your slaves!"
>proceeds to bend down and applaud women being stoned in eastern countries, because at least it's not those evil cis white males
gtfo with this clickbait
I dont even think about what cunts want anymore, and neither should anyone with a brain.
this is some seriously cringey shit
Buzzfeed has been pummeled many a times by people taking the first step of clicking on their shit. We have to pop their bubble.
why are woman so retarded!?!?
No wonder they are inferior to men.
also defy you to find one attractive feminst
All I care about is what women like her want. Pic related, it's a real woman.
Don't bother giving this shit youtube video clicks lads.
Really wanna fuck all the asian women in this vid
mm hmm
Is there a name for this style of singing? It seems to be really popular nowadays, and I fucking hate it.
>I want to be remembered as a peacemaker
she wants Islam to take over the world and all opposition to be crushed so we have peace?
You talking about the low energy mumbling? Well the first step to outing it and making it go away would be to have a word for it, and I don't think there is a word for it.
> "I take that dry blue pill."
What did she mean by this?
lol its always kinda funny to see low IQ fags go to their utmost limit, to their highest potential, thinking that its somekind of universal value of cool because it feels good to them.
its comparable to seeing a bunny hopping really high, and then looking at you as if it is the most hottest shit in the world. Not knowing that you can jump in a car and drive 150 miles per hour, or fly in an airplane across the globe doing barrelrolls.
The "ultimate" expressions of inferior organisms are barely the most basic of our expressions, that are responded to by other feelings of logic and sense as being inferior.
We have their mental world in our brain, but ten times more cool things still than them. Our expressions are world shattering, bring culture, philosophy, religion and more into them.
when we in response to the bunny try to jump, we jump into space.
we are world shattering giants.
i knew it - 2:50 min.
and no bunny can jump higher than us.
Girl is nowadays a really broad definition. A man with a wig can call himself a girl now and fight against oppression. Ironically we live in the most liberated time ever yet somehow people get upset.
I believe it's just a global mental illness.
Is is some powerful stuff
i dont care for women say "what women want" or "what i want" i want a woman that says "i what i give" instead of wanting.
beautiful my man
Make sure you smash that dislike button
She also married a Jew... so there's that, i guess.
Honestly, I know I'm going to get jumped for this, but #NotAllJews.
Yea, there's definitely something going on with jews, but if you think there is some huge cabal they are all part of that is being kept under wraps, that would be childish.
ESS JAY DOUBLE YOU'S the video. aka muh feels are not an arguement
You niggas are scary
nobody jumps higher than us and probably never will.
forkrul assail style
Anyone who has listened to the Black Philip Show knows women don't know what the hell they want
>A man telling me what women want
Probably just the dick and your money
History makes strange bedfellows
who c a r e s
>I won't keep quiet
>All women but one in the video are silent
Nigga all these fucking broads do is moan on and on and on. They had wall-to-wall coverage for their pointless women's march; the media is always banging on about women's rights and """the pay gap""" and shit; this agenda owns academia and the media and politics and is forced down our throats 24/7.
WTF do they mean they can't keep quiet??
Is there a place where these sluts, betas and freaks ARE keeping quiet, then? Can someone tell me where it is so I can emigrate?
Sick of this shit.
What is The Black Phillip Show and doth it love deliciously?
>I cant keep quiet
every fucking woman ever
Fucking kek this
What they really want is to be told what they should want. Women naturally look up to men for leadership and control. So if your bitch is misbehaving, its your fault for not being alpha enough.
Bitches today can't even cook, clean or raise kids properly. I blame the social media.
this is exactly what happned to me.
Classic Pakistan.
I remember when I had contempt for the right because it was so anti-science.
How times have changed.
>can't have children
women want other women to stop fucking with them?? fine with us, just stop blaming men you dumb cunts.
'Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lah, ash hadu an la ilaha illal lah,
Expect that prayer to be heard in your western streets. Keep femenizing and de-masculating western men. Then you will get Islamic men, enjoy then freedoms We grant you.
God I love being Muslim. Soon the west shall belong to me and my people and it's all YOUR WOMENS FAULT! THEY WANT US TO RULE THEM!
>Shuts up the second she's done singing.
>I want to be free from the consequences of my actions.
>I want the government to steal from the working class so that so that I don't have to risk my life stealing it for myself.
>I want respect, but am too lazy and ignorant to earn it.
This site, you know it that one day they'll come here en masses.
>spaces his post like reddit
more hippy shit.
we've been over this ground since 50+ years ago.
corporations are NEVER going to put people before profit. etc with her other complaints.
she's lucky to be alive now in the west when people are a lot more easy on stuff.
I had to mute it, só bad i was literally going to puke.
If the women in the suffrage movement knew that their actions would eventually lead to this shit they would have shut the fuck up and sat down.
They would have been called Nazis by the feminists of today.
Nobody cares about what chink women want. You're valueless.
hi jidf.
I guess to make it "official." Who the hell knows?
If I were a girl I would find shit like this so patronizing.
Women are sooo strong that they need constant, saccharine, facile, sanctimonious emotional reinforcement.
Honestly even as a guy I find shit like this insulting to most of the women in my life that I care about.
>We're not your slaves
Which leads to
>I want a man who will take care of meeeee.
images of war torn countries when theyve probably never been in a dangerous situation in their life
I do think there is something more sinister at work behind all this. Some kind of radicalization. It getting ridiculous
What are hoops?
hoop earrings. These people are crazy
>What Woman Really Want
>song literally contains the line "take that blue pill"
Jesus christ... i want to get off the meme timeline.
I don't get it what does taking your ear rings mean?
>Hoop earrings are now a sign of cultural appropriation, according to a group of Latina girls from Pitzer College, who recently painted a wall with the words, “White Girl, Take Off your hoops!!”