He truly is /our guy/
He truly is /our guy/
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He is an open atheist, thus unqualified. Plus he is happa oriental and dyes his hair like only a degenerate would.
Your time is running out, Ahmed
He's not literally Hitler, therefore he's unqualified.
>You are not welcome here
Damn this guy is genuine redpill
I like his anti islam stance in principle, but to elaborate on his atheism... they all start this way,stalin did this too, but when the atheist gains absolute power Christians are always next. His stance is more anti-theist. Any Christian calling an open atheist 'leader' or friend /ally is a fool.
He's more of a stalin than a hitler.
vikings dyed their hair blond
He's a fucking shitskin u dumb fucks. What next? "Muh based negro..."?
This. Why are there no electable white male Christians?
He's a faggot
How the fuck is he a shitskin
WTF is David Brock doing in the Netherlands?
Is there some new shilling op we need to worry about?
>a slav saying a dutchman isnt white
He is /ourguy/ in the Netherlands even though he's a half-kike half-gook he is an honorary Aryan.
He is a fucking kike ya dumb fuck.
He sounds like a chink. Do all toothpastes talk that way?
Also fuck roaches
>his stance is more anti-theist
no its not, fuck off shill
He is part Indonesian.
That video is over a year old.
this poland i fucking love you thanks for pointing the truth and not letting yourself fooled by his populist speechesr
Absolutey disgusting.
He isnt white though. Slavs are the next best thing to germanic/anglo/nord
Geert Wilders is a Mossad Agent
Geert wilders is a zionist shill
Zionist Extremeists funding geert wilders
Coldenhove Calergi Plan for white genocide is being enacted by Gerrt wilders
The Fake dutchman zionist shill geert wilders
Geert wildes embraces his jewishness in america
Geert is apart of zionist warmonging against islam
Zionist hatemongering
When your country is full to the brim with shitskin Achmeds.. well... beggars can't be choosers and the Jews have a proven track record of removing kebab.
>Geert Wilders (born 1963) is a Dutch politician and is leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV), the third-largest political party in the Netherlands, which he founded in 2004.
Wilders is best known for his anti-Islamization views which have made him a controversial figure in the Netherlands and abroad.
>In 2009 the anthropologist Lizzy van Leeuwen revealed Wilders’ Jewish roots in an article in the newspaper “De Groene Amsterdammer“. [1] According to the article Geert Wilders’s maternal grandmother Johanna Meijer who married his grandfather Johan Ording, has been stated to have been from a wealthy Jewish familiy. [1] Which will make Wilders mother Maria Anne Ording a Jew and Geert Wilders himself a Jew according to Jewish Law. [2]
>Wilders grandfather is stated to have been camp commander at an infamous post-WWII Dutch camp Fortes Honswick for “Nazi” collaborators who were tortured. [3]
>Geert Wilders has since his youth developed an emotional bond with the Jewish state and has visited Israel at least more than 40 times. As a youngster he went there to work in the Kibbutz, a socialist experiment of collective farming. He felt completely at home upon his arrival in Israel. “It felt like I had been there before,” he says. [4] He supported himself by working long hours in a bread factory and had an abortive relationship with a Jewish girl.
>Gert Wilder is married to his second wife the Jewish Hungarian diplomat Krisztina Marfai. [5]
blonde blue eyed slav reporting in
it's true
Gert Wilders ties to Zionist State of Israel:
>In the past twenty five years Geert Wilders has visited Israel on numerous occasions, where he says he has met former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert personally. [6] He had a very warm relationship with Ariel Sharon for example, whom he still admires. “Sharon was demonized in the West, too, but he was a great politician, and I take an example from him,” Wilders emphasizes. [7]
>At one point, Wilders wanted to move to the State of Israel because he believed one could, as opposed to the Netherlands, ‘work for your own money’. [6] Wilders in his youth worked in bread factories at a Kibbutz/Moshav in Israel. With the money he earned, he traveled through Israel and some nearby countries. In 2003, Wilders stated: “The past years I have visited many interesting countries, from Tunisia to Turkey and from Cyprus to Iran, but nowhere I have that special feeling of solidarity that I always get if I set foot on the Israeli Ben Gurion Airport.” [6]
>Wilders is one of the most ardent and loud of Israel’s supporters in Europe, and contrary to many others he does not bother to hide this. He had even insisted on including in the platform of the new Dutch government the intention to improve relations with Israel.
>“I am very glad that Israel is the only country mentioned by name in the platform; this will get it the needed attention,” he said “We are Israel’s best friends and we will support it in any way possible.” [7]
>Furthermore, Wilders has made some proposals in the Dutch Parliament inspired by Israel. For example, Wilders supports implementing Israel’s administrative detention in the Netherlands, a practice heavily criticized by human rights groups, which he calls “common sense”. [8]
Slavs are the whitest race you illiterate inbreed.
>Geert Wilders holds the same view towards Iran as does Israel’s Likud government who see Iran as their enemy. “Iran is the biggest geopolitical threat to Israel, to the stability of the Middle East region, Europe, and the whole world,” Wilders says.
>As the Likud government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has called for military action against Iran at UN. So does Wilders supports military action against Iran. “If Israel decides it has no other option but to strike Iran militarily in order to defend itself against this existential threat, I will understand,” Wilders said. [7]
>Geert Wilders is a Zionist who weekly visits the Israeli embassy and and has ties to Israeli government. Currently his being investigated for his ties to Israel and their possible influence on his loyalty by AIVD the Dutch intelligence and security agency. [9]
nice try schlomo. elect a white male Christian next time or youll have no future.
Everyone knows Geert is a Jew, perhaps it makes him a qualified kebab remover.
Yes, they are.
Northern slavs are. The 'problem' slavs are too close to turkey and have polluted genes.
It is true, these are not 'tan europeans'.
He's just making satire. He wants to import Turks to bring our proper traditional ways.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a Jew who hates Muslims and wants to save the West from them.
>all this anti Geert shilling
Globalists must be shitting their pants right now
Digits of truth. Hello, fellow white friend!
They are literally in SW asia.
Friendly reminder
Nope, Western Asia and a bit of South East Europe.
Kikes like you pushed those muslims into europe
at lest you arent posting on your german proxy today, schlomo
Shows how much you know really. The so called rape babies were killed by their families. Raped women who got pregnant sometimes killed themselves rather than give birth to half breed muzzies.
Recent genetic studies on the Balkans showed 0 t*rkish blood.
The more you know.
It's like you being roached or something.
>divide and conquer anti-geert 'right wingers'
he looks like Slobodan Milosevic, I just hope he won't end up like him
friendly reminder
Fuck the liberal diaspora.
Israel supported South Africa, Rhodesia, Serbs against Bosnians and Albanians, Trump and Brexit.
We are always on the side of saving the West. Fuck off with your stupid anti-Israeli shilling.
We know kike shill.
>supporting a gook
>supporting a jew
Is Europe savable?
holy shit CIA is going all out
these memes look like crap though, hope you get 'underperform' in your quarterly review
Every.single.millisecond of this was pure unadultered undiluted primal #Cringe
Cringe cringe
>says anti-jew geert is D/C
>on Sup Forums
This is how i know youre new here
Damn Netherlands mad respect keep it clog people
> there are literal kikes that belieb this
So why dont you take care of your beloved "disapora" when faggot?
Oh wait, if it wasnt for their 24/7 shilling there wouldnt be a Isreal.
>All the values Europe stands for
>Freedom, Democracy, Human rights
lol. He forgot the real European values; cuckoldry, being a good goy and immorality.
I blame US for this. They brought the idea of Democracy etc. into Europe and kikelovers like Geert believe it is something European.
Funny thing is, he is very honest and %100 correct about he relation between EU and Turkey. Yet they will vilify him because of his honesty.
>israel always supported the west
Who the fuck cares if he's a gook, he's one of the few anti-immigration Dutch politicians that can win
He gets a hardon for kikes too.Deal breaking flaw because with Jews, you will lose. Every. Single. Time.
You didn't like his stronk message? It's like you don't know a real man when you see one or something.
I guess israel is our greatest ENEMY then huh?
Who would have thought Geert would take a shit on the Kuran and then wipe his ass with the turkish flag.
If nobody's posted this yet:
>So why dont you take care of your beloved "disapora" when faggot?
We have no power over them you fucking idiot, they do not live here, that is why they are diaspora.
>The USA
The USA has a history of being anti-western, for example the USA was anti-colonisation and forced Europe to destroy their empires, it attacked South Africa and Rhodesia. The USA also pushed forward racial equality legislation on the UN level.
Im a proud Christian. You obviously arent if you support a kike/gook. An atheist led europe is doomed, but you already knew that.
I know pitcher or a catcher when I see.
holy shit the kikes are going all out shilling for their kike geert
Remember your kippah!
Who brought them there you dupe?
Hallo Turkey? How is Erdohitler doing?
>I'm so smart I'll never let the damn kikes trick me
>I'll show them how smart I am to their tricks by letting Muslims into my country by the thousands
And this is how Europe dies...
Oh great it's the Jew shill with Greek wife that abuse kids again... can't wait to listen to his argurments!
He's still alive which makes my blood boil.
Old video. saged
Hitler was redpilled. Don't compare Erdogan to him. Erdogan is a jew puppet.
In Canada, we fucking did. Do you know how many white "Christian" people literally want to adopt their own pet sand nigger?
>They need our help! It's the Canadian thing to do
>they do not live here, that is why they are diaspora.
Are you a retarded Hasid of you have the power that's your fucking purpose Zionist ethnostate faggot.
Someone gas these kike shills
>hurr hurr he isn't literally hyper 2.0 so don't vote for him
>remember refugees are welcome! :)
>jews were pro racism
yeah no, not even a two second google search can stop us now you filthy heeb
>how dare we not want muzzies ruining europe!
we must be judens because we're trying to save the white race!!
makes sense.
how much do you get paid of my tax dollars to be a worse shill than a Chinese wumao?
Hands down, you are one of the many Turks that have red pills.
We voted against the racism laws.
There is nothing wrong with having a Zionist state. Get over it.
>We are always on the side of saving the West
>creates the largest immigration crisis ever seen in history
Truly makes one ponder.
Greet might be a circumcised faggot but at least he doesn't endorse terrorists.
>claims to be christian
>supports muslim invasion
oh really.
>He likes Hitler and said something about Jews being behind things
>He's so redpilled!
I swear every time some underage sperg faggot on Sup Forums says "redpilled" I want to kill myself
you just implied I was a jew for not wanting Turks in Europe
get your fuckin story straight you fuckin CIA intern
do it faggot
>>creates the largest immigration crisis ever seen in history
Lol, that was not us. That was the Saudis and Qatar. Israel had a good thing with Assad before the war, because Assad was always too scared to actually do anything like other Arab leaders had, such as Saddam.
But I want to watch you idiots get genocided by the kebabs you love so much first.
I can't believe, you still fall for that after the fallout with The Rebel Media. Spoiler: They don't give a rats ass, if Europe stays white, or if the Netherlands stays Dutch. They know, IF the Europeans would ever adopt the same policies as the Southeast Asians, especially Japan, their power and wealth in the West would be OVER. Jews will NEVER support ethno nationalism or share the idea that Europe is for the Europeans.
They have a clear agenda: rally the Europeans against Islam and make them fight for Israel, BUT surpress any real ethno-nationalism.
>we voted against racism laws
oy vey! your lies betray you!11
Where is that "(((god)))" thats supposed to give you victory over your enemies (the white race) now?
not even your yahweh can help you when israel is nuked
The hapa thing is a complete meme, his ancestors were just colonizers not actual ethnic indonesians. The guys like 6'6 you dont get that with asian genes
Yeah, Geert is a real piece of shit wanting to kick the Turks out of the Netherlands.
Thanks for you input, Ozkan.
You would you anti white faggot
>lying on the internet
sasuga kike.
reminder that (we) are classified as white by our jewish overlord soros
White race are not our enemy idiot.
>Try to help Europeans like Wilders does
>You're a kike shill! Go back to Israel you Zionist scum!
>Laugh at Europeans stupidity like I do
>You anti-white faggot!
Lol, I'm just gonna laugh, tho.
>we're trying to save the white race!!
Not with Geert.