Get cut if you want better performance goy
Get cut if you want better performance goy
>this thread again
Fuck off, we don't want another cutfag vs uncutfag argument.
>Cut off your foreskin so you can't feel shit and last longer.
Great idea.
Decreased sensation requires more stimulation. What else is new?
Best way to get better performance is to develop clinical depression and then go on SSRI. Hope it will be worth it you pathetic weak little minutemen.
It's not about the body. It's about the soul.
Ofcourse cutlets would say that LMAO
literally every woman who has banged will tell you otherwise. fuck off, kikes.
I love when cutdicks defend their broken dicks in circumcision threads
you've been marked by the jew from birth
probably the reason white people have stopped breeding, (((they))) are doing good job on this
>having a foreskin which protects your penis from drying out is "spiritual damage"
Jews are so silly
>Hitler had a micropenis, goy!
> Hitler had only one testicle, goy!
> Cut of your foreskin like a real man, goy!
Another Jewish push to emasculate European supermen.
>if you cut off a piece of your dick, you win
>having a rabbi/doctor bite half your dick off
having a full penis, feels good man
>t. Jordan Peterson
>Daily Mail
>Owned by pic related
you know (((they))) literally have a neurotic fear that if circumcision becomes unpopular enough RIGHT WING PENIS INSPECTORS will pull down their pants, laugh at their cut schnitzels and send them straight to a death camp.
hahaha right. let me debunk this.
on the underside of the penis there is a discoloration, it runs over your ballsack over the shaft of your dick and it stops where the frenulum begins. there can be found the sex nerve, an important nerve needed for orgasming and getting erections. during circumsision a large part of that nerve is removed, the nerve ending which is the most sensitive part is gone.
>orgasms literally become weaker.
>better sex life
actual scientific evidence what the jews do to your dick.
Stuff like this makes me wonder if I should just stay single forever. I'm half jew, but I was circumcised at birth, so I didn't get a say in the matter. Which makes me pissed off, and yet I understand why my family did it. I just wish I could have gotten a say in the matter but I was probably a few weeks old at the time.
Perhaps on the plus side, maybe without all that stimulation to push me to orgasm so quickly will lengthen how long I last, but then again due to the lack of simulation I tend to just go flaccid.
Not like it even matters, no women would ever touch me, unless she was a former cock carousel rider.
You'll be fine, just don't have your kids circumcised. Fight it. It's all you can do.
Did the jews get your foreskin, Sup Forums?
They got mine.
No, my Aryan Lutheran parents would never have let a slimy Jew touch their baby.
No, the Catholic church is not a Judaising sect that makes you cut off your foreskin like the Jews do
KEK, thank you for your wisdom great leaf.
Women who haven't been circumcised should consider it if they want to improve their performance in bed.
yesssss goy, pay me $1000 for a 30 min procedure that irreversibly mutilates your genitals
seriously fuck circumcision
That's what I plan to do. I'll make sure they are raised properly too. However I list circumcisions under Body Modifications, along with other things I want them to exclude from their lives. Tattoo's, piercings, hair styles, dyes, and the like. I just want to keep them pure.
On a somewhat related note, I see little infants with earings and it pisses me the fuck off.
Did not read.
Best bait ever.
>Other circumcised males say that circumcision is good
Lmao fuck off. Next manlets will tell me that being little improves sex performance as well because you can literally crawl into the vaginas and penetrate the g spot with your hands.
boxy sarah silverman frame. hm.