I'm quite skeptical about the "refugees will outnumber Swedish people" thing aka Al-Invasion So I'd like proofs about this thing and these things; >Can refugees really outnumber Swedish people? How? >What is the current Swedish percentage that refugees constitute in Sweden's total population? >Can refugees really constitute a majority in the future?
Second:Mass immigration will CONTINUE after the refugee crises,it will never stop, eventually most people in Sweden will not be White.How much year it will take we don't know.
Hudson Foster
Sweden took in 100000 niggers last year. 50000 this year. They will bring their families. So we count 400000 in 5 years. They will have kids. they will fuck swedish girls. Have mix babies. Alas, no more white people in 100 years. What more do you want?
Ryder Williams
Are these real numbers? Still, you swedes are 9 000 000 and you'll have some kids too huh?
Hudson Jenkins
No there are less of them,people who live more then one generation there are counted as Swedish.
Kayden James
>you swedes are 9 000 000 No that's the total population of Sweden including the immigrants.
If you want to see what the Swedish Government thinks will happen, you only need to watch this 2 minute video:
now imagine 20 years from now when the muslim kids grow up and outnumber the native swedes
how is this hard to understand
Zachary Green
Holy fuck what a retarded post. The point is that nowhere near a majority is needed to permanently destroy the civilization of a country that has been developing for hundreds of years.
But of course, you're French, so you don't care. You're fucking autistic and are talking about the "minute logistical details" and completely ignoring the objective fact that you're literally being cucked out of existence right before your eyes.
Remember the Bataclan? Muslim savages murdered dozens of your pathetic helpless countrymen, cut their fucking dicks and balls off and put them in their own dead mouths, all the while your cuckold "police" were sitting outside doing nothing, in fear of the masculine invaders slaughtering your pathetic people like sheep.
Pathetic cowards like you have always been the downfall of humanity. Europe is already dead, you are just too blinded with Muslim dick to see it.
Dominic Brooks
>Dead coalburner eyes
Kayden Barnes
This video is depressing. Even if I'm a berber, I still want Sweden to be one of the whitest country in the world. Honestly I get so butthurt when I see black people in Scandinavia. 8 kids? Are you sure? I don't even think that Syrian's fertility rate is that high.
Jason Evans
>Even if I'm a berber, You're actually part of the problem. Get the fuck out of France before they kill you.
If you don't think that will happen, you're stupid too.
Jeremiah Adams
Current population is 9.000.000
Immigrant population is 1.600.000
If 100% of swedes were national socialists and didnt mix breed, then yes it would not be a problem. But with a population of 16% nigger blood. mix breeding is inevitable.
Jayden Richardson
>you'll have some kids too huh?
Maybe one kid at most, the taxes in Sweden are incredibly high.
Anthony Johnson
The dick cutting is a hoax tho,t hey just shot everyone and finished. And the jihadi mastermind of Paris attacks was born in Belgium, so you can't really blame France for that. Amerifats and their manichean view is fucking boring sometimes
>Get the fuck out of France before they kill you Who 'they'
>Who 'they' The French people who have had enough. They're pretty pissed off and if you knew anything about French history, you'd be concerned right now.
Bentley Myers
Thanks kind nordic guy Ahahahahaah, you really don't know how France is rn. I explain: The French people "who have had enough" get some relevance because the old population is bigger than the French youth, it is mostly old French people that "had enough" and are pissed off. Second, the French youth is... How can I say... "cucked". Berbers like me, arabs and nigs are concentrated in big cities, there, every ethnicity interact with each other and know each other. Thus, it makes French youth massively less racist than the adults. I'm not even going to tell you about the "trendy" view of having arab and niggers friends, French rap industry is the #2 rap industry in the world and is like the Mecca of music in French youth, and this industry is 90% represented by blacks and arabs. Having arab and nig friends is the new thing. And French people who have had enough can't do anything tho, suburbs are armed and have weapons, and they know that if someone like Marine Le Pen wins and do something against minorities it will lead to a civil war. Note that even native white French young adults are against Le Pen. And the 'Algerian War' and 'French crisis that called for immigrants to rebuild France' are too big to be defeated
Brayden Turner
Well, refugees are unlikely to outnumber Swedish people any time soon. But people of foreign origin almost certainly will, unless Sweden drastically reduces the immigration.
Gabriel Collins
they breed like insects the only people that have brain and think before doing that are whites and some asians, everyone else just shits out children without thought
100,000 allohasnackbars turn into 200k in 10 years, in 20 years those 200k turn into 500k, in 30 years they turn into a million. Something along those lines, and then you end up with muslims simply taking over the land and having their own laws etc. happened plenty of times already. You think Kosovo was always majority sandniggers? Learn from other's mistakes.
Jeremiah Perez
The current swedish fertility rate is 1.9 A muslim on average has the fertility rate of 3. Its quite common for a muslim man to have 6 children. Now factor in sweden has a massive bunch of swedes leaving the country because of this refugee crisis. If we don't stop this muslims will be the majority in sweden in 2050
Sebastian Peterson
It doesn't really matter if they outbreed Swedes or not. They certainly do, but it doesn't really make that much of a difference, just a decade or so.
Suppose native Swedes have a birthrate of around 2, so the Swedish population remains constant. Right now, there are approximately 7 million ethnic Swedes in Sweden, that is, people who are born in Sweden and whose parents are both born in Sweden. 3+ generation immigrants in Sweden are still very rare. Now, suppose Sweden receives approximately 100,000 refugees each year. Suppose their birthrate is the same as the Swedes (in fact, it's significantly higher). This means that in 40 years, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in Sweden. Now, this isn't a completely fair assessment, because in fact, ethnic Swedes only have a birthrate of around 1.5, and first generation immigrants have somewhere around 2.5-3. And it's reasonable to assume that the immigration would be proportional to the total population size, so it will probably become larger and larger the bigger the population in Sweden is. With this in mind, if the foreign population is 3 million now, it will have grown to around 4.5 in 30 years, while the Swedish population has declined to ~6.5 million. By this time, if Sweden has received 120,000 refugees per year on average, the foreign population will be around 8 million and the Swedish population around 6.5 million. So it's not unlikely that the population of ethnic Swedes will be outnumbered by the foreign population in 25 years.
William Cox
They are probably at about 25-30% now, and outbreeding us FAST.