Not all Muslims are like this, you fucking racist

ok mohammed

I laugh at such news now, this is so fucking absurd

Why is his nationality or status of residence relevant?

A crime is just a crime.

Infact, one of the "victims" sneezed in his general direction before being stabbed. An islamophobic sneeze if you ask me!

Who are the real victims?

fucking russian kgb again

bring in 12 million more while we are at it

> France
> Germany
> Defending terrorists

Like pottery

Perfect timing for the Dutch elections.

well they better get used to it.

link to a news site?
how would a witness on twitter know that the attacker's nationality?
german medias don't report about that fact
if that really happened, are you the attacker?

>Toothpaste flag
Checks out.


People tend to say these violent terrorists represent only 0.1% of all refugees.

Then that means soon there will be 12000 enraged animals waiting to kill/rape/suicide bomb, just in Germany.

Fuck Europe.

Because we don't want our country to become like theirs.


it's already being reported everywhere. They arrested him. Only got german sites tho.

Wheres the 'new' in this news?

Its just an average day in Germany


Grass is green, more at 11.


Who has invaded Egypt?

>refugee from Egypt
The word refugee is fucking meaningless now. These are sandniggers looking for gibs


just because one muslim does this doesnt mean all muslims in germany are bad

Praise kek

You know at this point, this jap could say the same thing about germany.

Who cares anymore, you did it to yourselves.


He's not a terrorist. It's regular petty crime.

Get a life, virgin racists lel

the more germs dead the better
rest of prussia SOON

So it's the story of a refugee entering a bar

Is that supposed to make the families of the victims feel better

obvious bait

I'll take it

Muslim brotherhood most likely. They get detained here and you give them asylum lol

You've been at this all day mate it's time to stop baiting


muslim or lost sjw?

Because if one group disproportionately commits crimes than its a problem



how many shit was this since last week?

Easy there champ

Netherlands is the toothpaste flag.
Lurk moar ™ faggot.

AfD now german cucks

Unless a Muslim reaches 15 kills or more it's only local news, sad but true.

Shut up evil nazi

not even sweden is this bad

If you consider stabing 4 people a petty crime then you have already accepted a huge decrease of safety in your country.

Sadly, all 4 people deserved it for being so fucking stupid and gunless.

I think 10 is the magic number when it comes to world-wide coverage

double digits are psychologically more impactful than single digits, especially if they repeat

Petty crime is theft not putting a cold piece of sharp steel in 4 people that is 4 counts of atempted murder ya dumb fuck.

>mfw i will attend CeBIT

how fucked am i krautbros?

50 riyals have been sent to your account, Ahmed. Praise allah



Are all people a shade darker than pale now refugees?


Ugh, 4 less potential husbandos

If a radical muslim attempting to murder 4 german citizens by sticking cold sharp metal into them (stabbing) is a a petty crime and your arugment against pointing out this sicko behavior is "shut up racist" you need to check yourself man

Pretty fucking brainwashed huh

>He's not a terrorist
1 not terrorist.
2 mentally ill.
3 unknown to authority's

Same Script, same bullshit excuses

Spencer you don't want me to open my 'bin that knife & chav' folder.

Why would you go there? Tou don't have an IT job, or a job at all.

>sticking cold sharp metal into them (stabbing)

That's not stabbing, its someone being impaled by a metal object at a modest velocity, it can happen anywhere at any time.

Therefore, a petty crime.

how is that a "happening".

it's normal, it happens every day.


They seek refuge from the white capitalist patriarchy.

and he wouldnt have been able to do it if there was a travel ban on muslim nations

praise KEK for the happenings we have received this week give the normies sight even if you must cut the lids from their eyes for this we pray oh KEK

kek. I feel your pain, German bro, don't worry. I know you are not mad at us here, I know you are just sad at the state of your country. We all are, don't worry. We're with you. Know that we are deeply appreciative of the sacrifice your country is making so that the world can see what happens under globalism, before it gets out of hand in other Western countries.

The German people will roll over and take it like they always do.
Have fun with Schulz.

holy shit checked.

Egyptians are fleeing a war-torn country? Well, I'll be damned.


I will be there to provide bull services for scandicucks like yourself for €500/hour.

Interested, sven?

The left wont listen or they will, and only its too late.

(the horse has bolted)

Religion of piss strikes again, refugees welcome, etc



>Muslims are engaging a passive war to kill white men and rape their women in germany
>It's okay because it only happens a few hundred times a year

Isn't this enough to cause war? Shit, if hispanic people started pulling this shit, they'd be shot.

Open fuckin Auswitz again u mongoloids

This isn't news, this would be like reporting on a car chase in LA.

There would be four unharmed people more if he wouldn't be here.



You're a fucking racist I am Muslim. Extremists are victims as a result of racism in Eurocentric white supremacist society.

>be german
>get stabbed

When will Germans stop oppressing these poor helpless migrants?

Top kek

>if mestizos were doing this

The people he stabbed would still be injured if he was in his rightful nation? No. God I hate you leftists


Egypt is fucking politically stable though

While there are a lot of people who actually believe this, none of them would be brave enough to go on Sup Forums (or any place that directly contradicts their viewpoints). Unless perhaps there are a whole bunch of you sitting in a room together?
In summary, valiant effort, but nobody believes you.

>if hispanic people started pulling this shit


In other words it's Sunday evening

Was he taking refuge from his mostly secular country? He couldn't stand all these Russians coming to Egypt for a vacation and to exchange vodka for hash?

Show me your boypussy.

Im just waiting for something like 911 to happen to germans and push them to start a new holocaust

(burger fag)
>itt: a bunch of cowardly countrymen defending literal threats to their own sovereignty
the fuck is wrong with you krauts and frogs?

IKR! It's almost like the guy was there and knew the guy was Egyptian. You know, like by hearing him speak. Or him saying he was from Egypt. Nonce.

You need take 12million stabbers!

Leftists are lunatics without normal human emotions let alone logic.

Because when a "guest" starts killing the people who took him in, you start to ask yourself if you should take more "guests" in the future.

Look at a prison population sometime. These beaners rape and kill all the time bruh.