Please, NY anons put a burqa/hijab on this statue so normies are conflicted and they self implode.
picture related
Please, NY anons put a burqa/hijab on this statue so normies are conflicted and they self implode.
picture related
Daily reminder: unless this girl is black, it IS cultural approp.
try to make the burka out of an american flag, that should be neat
of course Ikuta drones are from a eurotrash country
bump someone do this
a suicide vest would work just as well
You are fucking retarded. This is the most pointless idea I've read today. People like you should either kill yourself or actually start doing real political advocacy by gathering people to mass-communicate with our government representatives and organizations.
But no you want to giggle about literal-retard level shit like this. No wonder you've never accomplished shit in your life.
Hijab and duct tape over mouth.
A card in her hand from Podester
Look at this FBI gay boy
wow rude
I thought welding on a maga hat was the plan?
No digits.
No KEK (xxx)
No OwO (xyx)
No Basedette (xyz; zyx)
I'm not convinced this is worthwhile.
Someone should create a metal MAGA hat and weld to her head.
fuckin piece of shit CIA shill
MAGAnet Metal Hat
oh hey CIA, catch the latest episode of My Little Pony?
there was that idea thrown around today, but i donty honestly think it'd be feasible since you'd get a lot of attention from the public just by welding the thing in place, you need to bring the equipment on the scene, which is another hassle, you need the proper guy and of course you need to make sure the police isnt gfonna come around and throw this whole operation in the trash
the burqa idea is simpler
where did you get that from?
I had a vision of this happening. When the burqa is placed upon her head, the liberals fear where they have tread.
Do it, NY anons.
Great rewards from kek await you.
I've heard it's from wikileaks but i don't believe it. i got it from faceshitbook.
I think we should try the simple burqa first. If that gets removed, then we can make this plan B.
We want them to think before we deface/destroy anything - if it comes to that. Welding something to a statue in a public place wouldn't be easy, either. Besides, you have a metal Maga hat laying around? Pics?
Canada is so boring. We never do anything like this. Why do you guys get all the fun?
Hey Sup Forumsack what ya doin?
Yeah but gotta wait till early morning it's only like 5:30pm there now
So is there a name for this girl yet?
Hilloli made it really easy to find pics like related, but I won't know how to search for this if it becomes more popular.
Wait your turn.
Someone please do this
Digits for this to happen...
Thank you KEK for the bantz timeline!!
from some other user in the last thread
We have a flag to prove we have accomplished life. We are better than you!
>that pic
Kek says make it so.
that, or give her a strap-on.
>discredit the users as racist
Outside of Sup Forums maybe, but that's pretty much the standard on here and most other chans.
>Mfw live in New York
>Tfw barely go to Wall Street
>Don't have a thing to veil the statue
Feels bad
you have to got to /mlp/
Glory isn't achieved without effort.
Make a MAGA burka that what i wrote in another thread
bonus points if its either Red or has the US flag patern on it
also someone wanted to put a jew hat in the bull
you goys could also put a Fez on the bull if yall wanted it
But CIA, we found that flag.
Yeah, it's not at all feasible. The burka idea is better for a lot of reasons, namely it forces the left to choose sides and it's less likely to be seen as a "Nazi attack" or whatever.
No muslims use this for little girls even in islamists shitholes.
It would be obvious that an islamophobic did this.
Use pic related (hijab) instead : It's meant to cover every thing, even for little girls (it's the ultimate proof that muslims are pedo).
Under this...
which is one of Sup Forums's funnier accomplishments, I think.
Here's where a niqab or burka can be bought in NYC. I say go for a niqab, since it has a slot for the eyes, and it would look less like a blanket. If it looks like a blanket, people will be confused that it's Islamic, and just remove it. If it looks like a niqab, it will be more clear it is Islamic
someone in NYC do this, for real
Or this. Make it correct so it looks like real tusken raiders did it.
MSM tries to sell her as the "Fearless Girl Statue"
Why not just use a hibjab instead?
Burqa would cause normies and shills to eat each other. Removal will cause the sjws to attack and if it were to remain the average person would be subtly red pilled as they would want it removed
good call. i thought the hijab was just to cover the head though?
also i think it should be plain black rather than patterned or coloured.
this is seriously the best they can do?
Ahmed, please go to any gulf state and you will see niqabs for girls 10+ quite often.
How about a Gary Gltter t-shirt?
Go for the hijab, the burka/niqab doesn't make any sens since islamists don't use this for little girls.
False flag would be too obvious.
*sigh* If only we could re-position the statue that way; the reaction alone would be worth the jail time.
>all those stores muslim clothes stores
i didn't think the us even had that many muslims.
anyway it's probably better to do it online and get home delivery rather than go into a high street store
>tusken raiders
makin me have a bubble m8
Security is tough down there though. Even at the wee hours of the morning.
It's going to have be a secret secret ops.
>When a french fry becomes a freedom fry
You'll earn your stripes yet, Jacques.
will go to bed now because i have to get up early for wörk but praise kek and hopefully some user will deliver
Ok guys like what if the bull represented Islam instead of the little girl?
i have no idea for this but if you goys maneged to make the bull to represent islam everyone would go apeshit
why not just do a burqa and a MAGA hat at the same time?
Do you know if there is a livestream already existing?
How many cops?
Is there a persistent presence of feminists?
What's the rate of foot traffic?
Listen to this user, so we can get maximum accuracy and it looks less like a sloppy anti-islam job.
Also for anons pushing for the hat idea, they need to understand that the point of the prank is to confront leftists with their double think. A MAGA hat has no layers of irony or humor, it will just be reported as a Trump supporter prank and that will be that. If a hijab is put on her though, leftists will be uncomfortable with the implication, while others will go "Oh what are you implying that Islam is an oppressive religion?" The propaganda machine will trip over itself trying to conduct their narrative.
I find it interesting that their entire bodies are meant to be covered completely and THAT'S what is a red flag that they're pedo? Genuinely seeking answer.
Can someone just do it already? i cant wait anymore.
>good call. i thought the hijab was just to cover the head though?
Indeed the Chador covers every thing. We see that more and more in France. But they also go with hijab + black "islamist" dress for the same effect.
So in the end you can use a hijab + islamist dress on the little girl (thats what they do in islamists shit holes), the effect will be here.
No manners. Rude!
hijab >maga hat
cognitive dissonances of leftist and normies will be magical
>worth the jail time
Gee it would be really bad if someone simply took away the real statue, casted a new one exactly in that pose and put it up there instead
kek at that picture.
it's a better size anyway. hopefully there's something like it in black.
She is 48-50 inches tall according to pictured
Except he's not right. Niqabs ARE used often by the most extreme wahhabis from age 10+ in preparation for the time she undergoes puberty and bleeds.
The objective is to create an existential crisis for libtards rather than make ourselves look like assholes.
It will be like the fucking fembots on Austin Powers when he used his mojo to defeat them
KeK wills it now go wait for it to appear on reddit
just about to ask this. might be a little bit small then
I mean that Chador = cover every thing except the face.
And Hijab = cover the neck + head only (and not the face ofc).
Burka = total cover (even the face and the eyes).
Niqab = total cover (even the face but not the eye).
You won't see little girls with niqab/burka anyway that's my point.
I think that sounds like a terrible idea.
At least I don't work for the CIA.
You fucks are a laughing stock
(OP) 116346555 116353666 .... not even including the 4444 one because i cant remember but kek checks out
too far
I really like this idea. Wish I still lived in NYC.
alas, we com to da imbas
Burkas are a more extreme type of Muslim dress, that's the whole fucking point dummies. Dumb cunts are already associating liberation with the hijab
Okay I see what you mean. But you're still wrong that little girls don't wear the niqab, they do to prep for puberty.
Chador is what we should aim for. Normies won't get agitated enough from just a hijab. We need an all black covering, from head to toe, everything but the face, although we can always wrap a shaw or any black cloth around the mouth if we want to.
I wonder who drew that
Absolutely not. This is your daily reminder the the REAL OPeration is to get yourselves elected into the halls of power, to learn the ways of sound governance, and to apply them well. Any of you attempting to perform any of these operations face risk of arrest, charges and imprisonment. These could seriously affect your future job prospects, damage your financing abilities, and severely damage your prospects should you ever try to enter any political game. (((They))) are trying to capitalize on the flag stealing to encourage you to perform wild stunts and get arrested, as well as the accompanying media shitstorm that will damage the overall movement. If any of this comes as a surprise to you, you are probably browsing the wrong site.
i don't know how you know so much about islamic dress codes. do you know if they do or have you seen girls hijabs in black? most of the ones i've seen have been really colourful
I went to London i know my stuff man.
On a more serious note, i'm 99% sure of that. Check AS, these guys are the most extremists.
The Burka will be too much. Even your "liberal muslims" (you have a lot of this kind in the US) won't like it.