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>Pres Trump Weekly Address #7 3/10/17
>Pres Trump Health Care Discussion 3/10/17
>Pres Trump meets small banks 3/9/17
>Pres Trump whips the house 3/7/17
>Pres Trump surprises WH Tourists 3/7/17
>Pres Trump announces new Exxon jobs 3/6/17
>Tillerson/Kelly/Sessions Presser on Travel Ban 3/6/17
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>Female Trump vs Male shillary
>Tucker talks Trumpism
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Rioting Against Reality Edition
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Grumpf is a complete failure. Impeach!
why does steve bannon wear like 3 button up shirts at once?
It's true though.
At least you outjewed the Jew mongrel
my most successful oc yet.
fixed it a little bit.
>page 1
he knows that kikes are onto him
I suppose a really heavy bulletrpoof west
Drumpf will never be president
>thinking trump a 7D chess grandwizard will fall for this blatant 2d checkers move
muh sides
So where is McCain's phylactery? Maybe POTUS could make use of his droning privileges just once...
This is too slow for me. Somebody will have to take over
I will come back on wednesday, when there is something to post about
most likely so his tits don't show, that would be very disrespectful
that and
hides the bulletproof vest he wears
> muh russia
The more this tweet goes viral, the more people will get redpilled. This will also raise awareness of Geert Wilders in the upcoming election. This may be the last bit of meme magic Geert needs
that's a very good pic user. Explain how did you make it. gimp?
> there is no precedent for a wiret-
>That Florida pan handle that flipped the state red
nothing else going on, so get to it, anons
like I said, I'm leaving, so sort yourselfs out and decide who makes the next thread so joe can fuck off
>5-year-old Sinan al Ameri was asleep with his mother, his aunt, and 12 other children in a one-room stone hut typical of poor rural villages in the highlands of Yemen. A little after 1 a.m., the women and children awoke to the sound of a gunfight erupting a few hundred feet away. Roughly 30 members of Navy SEAL Team 6 were storming the eastern hillside of the remote settlement.
>According to residents of the village of al Ghayil, in Yemen’s al Bayda province, the first to die in the assault was 13-year-old Nasser al Dhahab. The house of his uncle, Sheikh Abdulraouf al Dhahab, and the building behind it, the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the U.S. forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight.
>With the SEALs taking heavy fire on the lower slopes, attack helicopters swept over the hillside hamlet above. In what seemed to be blind panic, the gunships bombarded the entire village, striking more than a dozen buildings, razing stone dwellings where families slept, and wiping out more than 120 goats, sheep, and donkeys.
wtf i love immigrants now
The Orlando Pulse helped.
I don't understand why this board feels the need to care about mcmuffin
/jidf/ (joe internet defense force) rollcall?
who else /fightingforjoe/?
Those poor sheep goats and donkeys. What a tragedy.
Will Mormons put up with this shit? Can one of them wife him and end this once and for all?
Who cares, they are muslims.
Why do you feel the incessant need to broadcast every little thing you do on social media? It's not fucking real, those number of followers/likes don't matter. This is reaching CNN levels of retarded, you don't broadcast plans to do something to everyone as evidence, basic knowledge on datamining and IC communities bringing down the law on you should be enough to stop this shit.
But he's gay.
>not watching comfy F&F
ask him the about the brony site name
Honestly wasn't even trying. Just found /ptg/ in the catalog after taking a nap and waking up and opening the catalog. What a coincidence.
What's this this Israel proxy this weekend? He's in every thread and always posts some stupid shit right at the top. It used to be a Canadian proxy, then I remember a South African one, I think there was a Serbian one a while back. Do they switch countries to try and make it seem like it isn't the same 2 dudes doing shifts for their overlords that are paying them in hot pockets?
Are they going to need a new pair of cement shoes soon?
Here anons, are you tired of winning yet?
CNN is bending the knee. Not giving the link, not giving CNN (you)s. Make an archive and post here.
>when you try to 2v1 trump in utah and fail miserably
this guy is salty as fuck.
guys... i'm dying here... feed me happenings..
>we thought it was the jews
>it was the mormons all along
> vashington
Literally fake news
>anti-trump protests are completely organic
>not organized or funded one bit
>protest training events
> caring about an irrelevant and dying MSM
Why tho
Did you miss the Dutch happening last night? What the hell, Ivan. I know there's not much to do over there but shit.
Agreed. That's the equivalent of warning ISIS
> We will take Mosul in 4 months
Is Steve King /ourguy/
Is that fucking sub human roach wants a war with a white christian country he's fucking dead
>Did you miss the Dutch happening last night?
Yes. Actually. Care to fill me in?
user, you watch f&f? Congrats, I'd like to offer you an internship.
Thanks for updating your meme pic, I just had to save the new revision!
He seems like my guy
>Dutch happening last night?
I did miss it, quick rundown please?
Where's the right screaming out Terrorist!!! This man committed an act of violence for a political purpose. That is the textbook definition of terrorism. Let a Muslim do the same crime, trump would be all over tv saying we gotta get tough
America was built on white supremacy. The fuck is he talking about?
Dumb brony.
joe is love
joe is life
apparently kino's journey is getting another animu
Just as I predicted. Mormons have become ultracucked on race. they will fold on feminism and faggotry within five years. This means that their fertility rates will tank, which means that we can't count on them as population redoubt.
>Turkroaches having referendum on who knows what
>hell of a lot of turks in Clogland
>turk politicans try to campaign there because they could sway the vote
>Dutch say no because not even a cucked country would allow it
>Turks chimpout
That's basically it. There were a lot of humorous episodes in between.
As if Asians other than Japanese or moors could ever win a fight, even in numerical superiority
For instance I'll present you with the battle of Cochin where 140 Portuguese beat 57,000–84,000 Indians, with most of them dying from disease (top kek)
Seriously, read up on Cochin. That battle was hilarious..just months of a few dozen Portuguese fucking with indians. Their allies were useless and ran away at the first sign of trouble
I'm the first day all but two of the cochinese allies fled when the Calicur fleet arrived. It was 160 ships 84,000 men vs 90 Portuguese and 3 ships. 1200 calicut died. No Portuguese died.
Pacheco just fucked with them so bad. This went on for months
At one point he got on a small ship and led the calicut fleet on a wild goose chase in order to give his ships time to prepare. Landed on the island and laughed at them and sped off. At another he had his ships not fire back at the enemy. They believed the Portuguese were out of ammo so theg advanced. The Portuguese opened up at once and shredded them.
Later he tricked them into crossing a shallow water pass. He had planted traps and caltrops under the water. When the calicut started crossing they got caught up in the traps and torn to shreds.
Then he learned of a sneak attack coming. His spies learned what the signal was. He had his men fake like they were asleep while he had scouts watching the advancing surprise attack land forces trying to come up on them. There were two waves of land forces. Once they were close enough he threw up the signal that was supposed to tell the second wave to open fire. The second wave attacked the first wave. They fought each other in the darkness. He actually made them fight themselves.
Eventually they all died of disease and had to withdraw. The next Portuguese fleet reinforced cochin and the poo in the loos were little opposition to Europeans from then on.
> tfw no Portuguese died.
wow, I just voted for hillary, because of this post
I would, but Donald disavowed you ;_;
> a crime was committed
> that means that we have to hold it in the same regard as an ideology that promotes honor killings or else things aren't fair
Lol okay buddy
It too 22 Armenians to beat a couple thousand Turks once.
I'm always fighting for joe
stop trying to make this guy relevant. dont even post about him
The dutchies smoked the roach out.
> treating your mother breaking a window in your house the same as an intruder doing it
Does McMuffin hold any title at all?
Why should anyone even listen to him?
wow look at all of those cities Hillary went to. Meanwhile Trump and his family ran themselves ragged to spread his campaigns message
>Lots of work ahead, and lots of purging of liberal scum.
There was a rally in Everett, WA that isn't on here
>Turkey will vote this week on a referendum of constitutional articles which will vastly increase the power of President Erdogan.
>Erdogan goes on tv last night and urges Turks living in Europe to vote because they can if they are still citizens.
>Some roach toady tries to fly into Holland to rally the kebab and the Dutch government bans his plane from landing
>News of his denial of entry causes a kebab chimpout in Rotterdam and the riot police have to suppress rock throwing religion of peace
>Erdogan continues to mouth off on TV / Geert tweets about it, Steve King (GOP, IA, 4th District) tweets back, snowflake scream chorus engaged.
You are up to date.
>Does McMuffin hold any title at all?
Evan Has Two Mommies
>Does McMuffin hold any title at all?
Grand Brony of the CIA.
>average intelligence quotient (IQ) of the intelligence community
>average intelligence quotient (IQ) of the drumpf administration
*straightens jacket*
'nuff said.
That's because the gif starts on September 1st. The Everett rally was in August.
dots are right on top of each other, maybe a counter or smaller dots would look better
but pretty good
Yes, but I'd prefer buckshot in the guts instead.
She was so incompetent it hurts. She fully believed she would landslide and campaigned in cities to run up the score. I mean, when you are running against a right wing populist, why even bother with the portion of the population his messages resonates with?
>A single Mormon
>being such a fucking failure that you can't even get a woman in a patriarchal arranged marriage culture
Last two digits of this post are the percentage that the PVV wins on Wednesday.
>white nationalism
Disavow Trump now!
her laziness in campaign events was even more obvious earlier, gif should be over the course of a year or something tbqhwyfam
>McMullin is an unattractive person, inside and out. I fully understand why his mom left him for a woman. She made a smart decision.