>Sup Forums won't have sex with this asian qt because they are against race-mixing
I'm fine with that, i guess that means more qt Japanese girls left for me
>Sup Forums won't have sex with this asian qt because they are against race-mixing
I'm fine with that, i guess that means more qt Japanese girls left for me
Suit yourself, more israeli slags for me
>Not glorious superiour China
shit taste famalam
>won't have sex with this asian qt
Yes I would
O VEY maybe we should get your gf and wife fucking morooco cock kike
fucking and breeding aren't the same thing
Why not making her your waifu and fucking her everyday though? there is no reason to not do that
problem: that qt Japanese girl will not have sex with you.
go to Sup Forums
quit cucking up the political section
where do I get one of these?
didn't realize you liked the starving holocaust victim look, shlomo.
Nope. I would in an instant.
>Sup Forums won't be having sex with this asian qt because they won't leave their mommy's basement
OP are you looking to create more Elliots or what.
Not everyone wants their lineage to turn out like yours did you Mongoloid
She has to be small enough to fit the whole imprint of her in his gut for cereal afterwards
As europe is going through the toilet and shit will hit really hard in some time I planned going into japan and marry a qt 3.14 nip gf to live a comfy and traditional life in homogeneous and safe country.
Is it a good idea merchant-kun?
>t. jew
I'll mix with a qt semite instead ;p
I don't want look at the degenerate shit.
>wanting to fuck someone means wanting to produce offspring with them
when will this meme die
>implying the fucking meaning of life itself is not to procreate an pass down your genes plus raising them into a way your will and the will of your people does not dissapear from existence.
t. degenerate
Look up what happens to male hapas and get back to us on this