How do we stop the tattoo degeneracy epidemic?
4 out 10 millennials have tattoos :
and contrary to the propaganda it does affect your chances of job.
How do we stop the tattoo degeneracy epidemic?
4 out 10 millennials have tattoos :
and contrary to the propaganda it does affect your chances of job.
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Smh why do u care what ppl do with there body??
I don't care. I don't get tattoos and it makes me look that much better at job interviews.
That's their problem not mine.
You got to think man, these people are your competition.
I have a super cool vidya/animu tattoo, nothing wrong with that.
pic related
fight the tatjew
>super cool
>vidya and anime
I hate to yell you how fucking gay you are Hans, but you're pretty fucking queer.
makes identifying trash people that much easier
>stop liking what I don't like
no you're clearly the gay here
nuke this country already
So you're okay with gender reassignment surgery?
Please leave this board you degenerate faggot.
The art and subject are cool. Why does it need to cost so much money and why does it need to be on your skin?
yeah right
I think some tattoos are alright but as long as they are super visible and abrasive to the eyes.
I might get this one day but really tattoos are expensive and not worth it. Unless they really mean something to you.
I like it and I have the money, i'm not poor
it is tho
Ayo you dun be needin da Jesus, nahmsayin? shi fuh rill dawg getcha ass to god.
They aren't super visible*
Aren't the next generation basically looking at tattoos as retarded shit already of our generation much like kids would look back at their parents with their huge ass disco afro perms and cringe? Shit looks like it's fixing itself.
>trying to fix millennials
Just don't user. Let this pathetic generation's grasp on culture die out and try to keep them from ruining it too bad for the next.
Because it's easier than forming a personality
so it is written so the digits confirm it
almighty KEK hates gender change let the
message of KEK go forth through the aeons
I don't think so. Bitches like this literally make tens of thousands of dollars on youtube from "fans".
>tfw single mom when she was a teenage and psychotic body issues are seen as something to strive for now.
While tattoo is indeed degenerate slave-tier, OP's pic is counterproductive.
>RIP in peace
shit tier troll
rest in pieces in peace
It's still prime normie bait
face the facts fag
>Hey big hoss, i'm here for the job interview
>Whoa i don't shake hands hoss, i'm Kosher, just kidding, haha!!!
>So yea i'm gonna need fridays and saturdays off.
>When do i start?
Disgusting hog leg with cringeworthy shit on it.
thats like just your opinion man
Tattoos aren't against Christianity.
Yeah look... people on this board are starting to notice that tattoos are really fucking lame now.
But I don't believe Gen Z is really that conservative. Maybe a percentage is and likes edgy humour etc. But talking to kids who are 15/16 I know a lot that are vegan, have piercings, hate trump, want tattoos.
I even know a 12 year old girl how was complaining about other male students cat calling her* not saying thats good but this new generation is they were born before 2006 seem to not be red pilled... its a giant meme
Gotta love all the salt these jealous NEETS have against you man, fucking hilarious, keep being you, screw these cucks.
If you're gonna get a tattoo it needs to be out of sight, if not you're fucking your job prospects and making yourself more easily identifiable. Only an idiot would have a visable tattoo(that includes women with their stupid "bible quotes")
I've seen some tattoos which could be considered art if it wasn't on some idiot's back or fucking scalp, idiot girls tattooing kanjis on their neck to "forge a personality", and 90%+ tattoed people. There is never a middle ground. I am baffled they don't realize how much a little mark can ruin you.
There's no point in having a discussion about how to stop something if you first don't establish that (A) it exists, and (B) it's a problem.
A. I think you've met this one. You posted a credible source which states that many young people have tattoos. Although you didn't state it explicitly, you highlighted their identity as "millennials" to suggest that this departs from previous generations. Both points are borne out by the study:
>Tattoos have become something of a trademark for Millennials—nearly four-in-ten (38%) have at least one. Gen Xers are not far behind; 32% say they have a tattoo. Only 15% of Baby Boomers and 6% of Silents wear body art.
B. You have not established this one. To show that tattoos are an "epidemic," much less a sign of "degeneracy," you have to show evidence that they cause harm. To support your claim that, contrary to some vaguely alluded-to "propaganda," tattoos "affect your chances of job," you post a source about people's perceptions about job prospects.
I read the linked article, and this is the only evidence it provides:
>A recent University of Tampa study found that 86 percent of students with visible tattoos surveyed think they will have a harder time finding a job after graduation. When deciding where to put a tattoo, 89 percent said they will consider how it will impact their job options.
So you haven't actually established that tattoos affect job prospects. You've established that some students at University of Tampa think that tattoos will affect their job searches.
FACT: Tattoo needles can spread AIDS.
FACT: You're not allowed to donate blood if you've received tattoos, because you are a potential reservoir of AIDS.
Stop tattoos. Stop spreading AIDS.
holy shit you numale piece of trash
what the fuck is wrong with you?
hans stop
>FACT: Tattoo needles can spread AIDS.
only if you do it in a pozzed place and not at a 10/10 artist who knows his shit.
>FACT: You're not allowed to donate blood if you've received tattoos
I don't give a fuck
I have tattoos but I'm not stupid.
I don't have it places where it's visible when I'm normally clothed.
If you do have tattoos on the face/forearms, you _know_ you are lowering your chances of employment and need to deal with it.
But who cares what I have on the rest of my body?
Rate my tattoo?
>paying someone to fucking tag you as if you were an animal
This is cuckoldry by proxy, aside from being degenerate as fuck
Some tattoos are degenerate and some aren't.
Good tattoo: Fuck Islam
Bad tattoo: Young at heart
I know it's not yours but it's pretty fucking neato.
That person must stay in shape though.
A nice tattoo on a fatty is just bad looking.
why are you so angry m8?
why does it trigger you what I do with my body? mohammed is that you?
stop what?
10/10 but damn must hurt
but I decide what I want on my skin, I decide the art.
stop being a faggot
You're still getting tagged
Why should we care? It's not costing me anything and as a business it's a legit source of income.
You're getting tagged by wearing clothes that you don't personally make.
Chaos a shit
He'll burn in the pyres with the rest of the cultists.
Degenerates like you are the reason your country is imploding and your people are being bred out of existence.
>overdose on hemp
Into the trash it goes.
Also, why is anyone doing the autistic screeching about tattoos?
1) Those doing it are not hurting anyone, except maybe themselves.
2a) If you like tattoos and those doing it, then you identify them easily and be friends
2b) If you dislike tattoos and those going it, then you can identify them easily and stay away.
So by all means, it's not a bad thing.
>autist shoe
>animu tatoo
at least u look kind of fit
clean sknned mean non nigger.
btw faggots dont go to heaven either op.
wtf I hate weed now
>geting tagged = wearing clothes
Spotted the hillary voter
>love yourself
>that's why i covered my skin in tattoos, drilled holes in my face, chopped up my ears, and why i cover myself in pounds of makeup on a daily basis, and also why i have to use the right filter in my videos to get the right skin tone and accentuate the angles of my jawline in just the right way, and make sure that i have no unsightly bumps or blemishes that might give another person something to criticize BUT I DONT CARE ABOUT OPINIONS that's why i spend so much time on my appearance so that people know that im ARTSY AND UNIQUE but i'm not flawed in any way shape or form i am actually perfect and i'm told that all the time by my fans so it must be perfect
It's your way of thinking, not mine.
>no google results
>h-hey check out my shin! If you can't tell I like animay and v-video games pls respond
I have no tattoos and I would never get any. It's like spending money on nothing at all.
Having said that I don't consider it a big social problem.
not really angry, more like disgusted
you posted that picture, because you wanted to know peoples reactions
So I'm giving you my reaction. I think it's a terrible tattoo and you're probably a faggot and/or autist
>projecting this much
It forbids tattoos.
these shoes are good
I'm often outdoors
>getting THIS butthurt
but YOU sound like the autist here
you must be a pretty sad person if you can't even accept that other people do with their bodys whatever they want and that they like things that you don't.
Would bang.
>having to justify your dumb decisions to strangers on a cunny card collector hyperboard
this country can't stop fucking up
What's dumb about getting a tattoo?
A hideous, walking corpse
>short term thinking, easily manipulated people make themselves easy to identify
>this is bad
i accept it
but i still think it's stupid
also tattoos are symbolic of the pseudo-individualist culture we have right now
you can donate blood as long as your tattoos were done at a state registered tattoo shop
also they use clean sterile needles at shops so no AIDS, nice try tho
No he looks fat. That orange makes it worse it makes it look like his skin is permanently covered in cheeto dust now.
Bloody christian get off my board.
this board belongs to the god that your god failed to kill.
I really don't like them, so I won't get one. I feel like whenever you tell a tattoofag that you don't have any they sort of try to pressure you into getting one. They feel like since you have no tattoos that you hate people with tattoos.
Either way, since they're so mainstream right now the rebellious thing to do is to not get any. Clean cut is the new punk.
Rate my ink
Asavar Kul a shit. Should have got Archaon.
We don't. For fucks sake.
>why should we care what they do with their bodies
Society will deal with it. People will treat them like shit if they look like piles of shit with tattoos and weird hair. Imagine a man with possibly a fantastic tatoo of a beast while wearing a god damn fantastic suit and a great build. He possibly hides most of his tattoo and does not use it to make him look like a special snowflake. Intimidating and probably might get a job working in heavy labour industries. Now imagine a man with a tattoo based on fucking anime, with blue fucking hair and piercings. Society will sort out who fails and who wins. One of them will kill themselves.
Now compare both of them with a decent man with good credentials and good looks with no tattoos. Reminder. Pol is not good looking. He will probably get a job in an office and end up living as a manager or supervisor in endgame.
But that is Engra Deathsword not Asavar Kul.
Though Asavar Kul is still million times more badass than Archaon the mary sue
>Muh safe space
tats are good, trash marks themselves for other nondegerates to see. Woman with tats is huge redflag and if you dont want to be cheated on you will pass her. Guys with tats are mostly overconpensating retards, they either compensate for IQ or because his parents divorced and got raised by single mother.
What's not?
>tattoos are symbolic of the pseudo-individualist culture we have right now
Lol, tatooos disgust me so much
>Please leave this board you degenerate faggot.
Kek wills it
Did you steal your shoes from a hobo?
An entire generation of hot girls ruined by tattoos
A fucking tragedy