Hey Sup Forums, natsoc here...

Hey Sup Forums, natsoc here. Today I was debating with a communist and I believe I got the upper hand but I know there's room for improvement so I was going to post my debate here and ask you all for tips. I'm planning on running for mayor of my hometown and work my way up the political ladder from there, so I know I'll need to sharpen my debating skills.

>inb4 kik is only for le teenagers xDxd
>inb4 any pro-communist posts

It's a bit long so bare with me. It has 23 parts in total. Pic related, is part 1.











>i don't necessarily hate him

No, OP, you didn't get the upper hand. Never give ground against commies. Educate yourself before debating next time.

Lenin was also a brutal tyrant, don't focus on Stalin.












but op ... nat soc is socialism so you are the communist




>Lenin was also a brutal tyrant, don't focus on Stalin.

This. Stalin just implemented that what Lenin had planned.

Learn from Solzhenitsyn - put the blame on Lenin.

>i like that he killed a few cunts

Really makes you venerate your father

Socialism is not full fledged communism. The kid I was debating with was a full fledged Stalanist.

only reason i said that is because i personally hate Ukrainians and have to give Stalin some praise for how he handled that problem

>i personally hate Ukrainians and have to give Stalin some praise for how he handled that problem

Sounds like you need to sort yourself out, bucko

Fuck Communism and fuck white people

Literally no point in trying to argue with a fucktard like that, should've just said the only thing he deserves is being thrown out of a helicopter.

supporting killing ukrainians ≠ supporting communism

Didn't read the whole thing, but either you are arguing with a kid or got trolled.

after arguing with them i came to the conclusion that they sadly weren't a troll, but it's likely they're a kid

If you thought my response was about your support for communism, and not about your support for genocide, then you REALLY need to sort yourself out.

you must be new here

op seems like a faggot, goddamn my nigga.

OP, its well known that communists in the 21st century are either teenagers, man babies or tyrannical keyboard warriors

There is literally no point engaging with someone who fell for Marxism in the first place. When an idea can be disproven so easily, with so many failed examples, and not a single successful example, its easy to tell these people are just plain stupid

Last time I checked Bernie and some of his Democrat goons aren't teenagers, man babies, or keyboard warrior. Just saying.

But the fact that they're so easily proven wrong makes them excellent training dummies debate-wise

What I know of Sanders supporters is Redditors and Tumblrites

It was my understanding they had massive internet presence but no voting numbers to match

I am fairly distanced though

I meant that as in Bernie and his fellow "elected officials", not his civilian supporters.

Tell him his soft bitchass would be in the fucking urals mining shit.

Ah yeah, I guess a fourth category could be (((them)))

>natsoc here

You're just as retarded as he is.

>coming from one of the most socialist nations in Europe

as if you even know any ukranians. shouldn't you be doing your math homework or practicing your penmanship or cocksucking drills user? or checking to see if your pubes are growing yet ?

>communist criticising fascism because "dictatorship, government control of everything, no freedoms"

You seem quite young as well, judging from the way you type and respond. No older than 20 I assume. It's good you have an ambitions, but debating with children on Kik and other autistic people on Sup Forums won't get you far.

Attempting to degrade someone to make them look lesser is not an argument. I was born in Russia on the border with Ukraine, I know plenty of Ukrainians and have plenty reason to hate them.

Ever think that not everyone in a country agrees with said country's policies?
I absolutely loathe socialism and every form of collectivism with every single cell of my body. Maybe it's because I actually have to live with that shit everyday that I hate it so much.

You didn't go in order you fucking shit poster.


20 exactly. And I understand debating with autists won't get me too far, but as someone who only had their first political debate a few days ago, and who has ambitions to enter politics, I'm trying to get as much debating experience as possible. Even if they have autism.

Why are you arguing with an idiot OP? They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

We can all agree that communism is no better. But neither is capitalism. At least socialism ensures people necessities. Capitalism leaves so many stranded and helpless.

You better have nothing natsoc related associated to your name

First improvement, stop acting like a fedora cuckold

Second improvement, surrender NatSoc

National Socialism is still SOCIALISM, and you're still a lefty.