Why are millennial women hopeless?
Why are millennial women hopeless?
>this is my fetish
>I have nothing else to add
why do you post this thread daily
for the past year or more
1post by this id
every time
clickbait dead eyed whore
guaranteed 200 replies from newfags
do i sage this shit or not?
i can't even tell anymore
i'd fuck this degenerate
It's the meta now my friend,
sage sage sage
Oh look, it's this thread again
At least OP posts a different pic everytime, this girl is cutie 3.14
take an art class
go to thrifting
even going to a concert for a shit pop punk or even Christian rock band would be a decent way to find women
at least a better way than going to a gym or club
wat a qt
why is she hopeless OP?
They are hopeless because they ARE NOT Women, they never grew up to become Women.
You cant grow up when everyone tells you that you can do no wrong, that your shit doesn't stink, and everything is the fault of someone else.
Also her name is Soembie, that is all.
>tfw from commiefornia originally
>began to drift after military service
>from memory most commiefornian girls were shallow and completely fake
>passing through Oregon, hit up a strip club friend told me about
>says the steaks are phenomenal
>went for the steaks, stayed for a dance, get the attention of a young stripper my age being the only dude without gray hair there
>get 3 free dances out of her and imparted the most bizarre and useful advice and wisdom I had heard in a while
>leave after she tries to get me to stay, she wants to just sit on my lap, no dances just sit there with her
>had to hit the road if I was going to make it back in commiefornia before dark
>mfw Oregon strippers are more real than your average Commiefornian girl
Im pretty sure she was just using me to take a break from dancing with old farts but I had a feeling that deep down in most girls they just want to be normal and do all that lovey dovey shit they see in the movies despite society telling them that they have to act like vapid whores to be normal.
Who the fuck is this rich, jobless idiot that always seem to accompany these millennials are useless threads?
hes a fucking right gimp.
valueless trash
Thank You.
Oh shit did you hit the Acropolis?
This, those girls are hella cool
t. cucknifornian
You're just beta cucks that don't know how to charm/put them in their place.
I'm not a nigger
Don't worry, my friend, I'm sure those grapes were sour anyway.
it was a Stars if I remember correctly, good time really, girls were hot, the steak was good, staff was chill and, you know, that whole thing with the stripper and I using each other to feel like two normal 22 year olds
I'm not the only one