Individualism destroyed Western society. Do you agree with this statement?
Individualism destroyed Western society
No. The opposite. Collectivism destroyed Western society. Lunatics like this couldn't survive without governments supporting their degenerate lives.
No seeping communism destroyed the west
No, collectivism destroyed western civilization. None of this behavior would be possible without the welfare state being there to bail out these shitty single moms.
Without the individual, the West does not exist.
You'd have to be a fucking retard to defend collectivism. That's what leads to subhuman cultures like China.
Second wave feminism is what destroyed the west.
Am I the only one that wants off this ride? Argentina don't pretend you know how american women are.
This. The whole degenerate identity politics bullshit is based on collectivism.
This pretty much. Lots of traditional values are more like survival strategies for when you didn't have someone to bail you out when you fucked up. Being a single mom was a really bad idea when you couldn't use the courts to get money from your baby daddy or get welfare from the state. Being promiscuous was a risk for the same reason. Collectivism and the welfare state enables and subsidizes bad decisions, individualism rewards good ones.
Literally nobody in this world, apart from fringe groups of the internet, care or even acknowledge all this retarded shit that gets you all so worked up.
Is this real?
I thought this bitch was quite conservative
t. woman
>But muh communism destroyed the West
You know faggots, lesbians and sluts are treated far worse in countries than China, Cuba, and Vietnam(which are communist) than in countries from the West?
Is there not something other than Individualism and Collectivism?
No, materialism destroyed Western society. We became hypnotized by a globalist dystopian system designed to prey in the most basic aspects of our psychology. To make us fixate on the consumerist scheme, on bling things, false life goals and trash on propaganda TV.
As a result, we became a lower form of human being. Caged, we degenerated. Detached from nature and from the highest possibilities of our spirit.
And therein lies the problem, sweety.
I'm not the religious type though
she is only thinking like that because the marxist establishment put her into that collective. Husbands were replaced with the state and the state made them either sluts or brainwashed voters. Individual liberty with a Christian monarchist collective scaffolding is what made Europe great
No. A lack of exceptionalism destroyed the West.
If anything, collectivism destroyed the West by favoring the extended family over the nuclear family.
This board is depressing as fuck. Does it get better?
I pretty much agree.
Even for supposedly collectivistic ideologies like Fascism or Roman Republicanism, the ethos that lies at its heart is an individualistic aretaic virtue ethics.
The history of the West is the history of the sovereign individual; degenerate collectivism is quite recent.
>communism = culture
With or without communism sluts, faggots and lesbians would STILL be treated like shit
Normies get worked up by fake hate crimes and sports ball. Apathy is not an argument, it's a defense strategy for a loser that already believes he's lost.
t. guy with a girlfriend and a job
You'll realize you're just looking for something to pin your shortcomings on if you ever leave your mommys basement and get a job
western society is a spook.
t. normie
And why did Communism ruin the West? The West never had any communist regime anyways
No, the opposite actually.
I would say turn back but its already too late.
The West IS individualism
No,you're just autistic
What kind of individualism are you reffering to?
Hedonism destroyed Western society.
When people started believing that happiness is found on their genitals. Mostly on the 60's and 70's.
At the same time people don't want to contribute to society. Not for real anyway (most jobs are not productive). They don't want to have to change their ways. They want to be unique. They dislike order. Maybe the best word to describe current society is selfish and narcissistic, not individualist.
Individualism can be functional and make everybody better off with the proper framework. But it usually comes with responsibilities too then.
Not just collectivism, but hedonism also. Hedonism need not be a facet of individualism, but coupled with collectivism you get literally the worst combination possible, an unsustainable mess of civilization and culture.
>high taxes
>single moms want society to be their baby daddies
Actually, individualism is all western society is based on, and it was what made it successful. And it's precisely the lack of individualism and the push for a collectivist hive-mind that justified all of the above.
People have always been cads - they just did it behind closed doors. Didn't you hear about the "key parties" of the 50s?
Not really. You are failing for fake history.
>“The median number of partners was one for those born in the 1910–20s, two for the 1930s cohort, three for (those born in the) 1940s, four for (those born in) the 1950s and ’60s, and three for those born in the 1970s, ’80s, and ‘90s.”
You're not exactly making a good point.
It's a sad state of affairs when only shitposters on a Filipino fishing lure forum care about the degenerating state of society.
US was funded by hardcore individualist billionaires and became great through borderline anarcho capitalism. Nations grow with individualism, and they fall with mindless collectivism, nihilism, utopianism. But of course, all the way through the collapse people will be blaming individualism and how we are pushing for a government utopia hard enough.
>“The median number of partners was one for those born in the 1910–20s, two for the 1930s cohort, three for (those born in the) 1940s, four for (those born in) the 1950s and ’60s, and three for those born in the 1970s, ’80s, and ‘90s.”
t. literal storm front / TRS shill trying to damage control back to a situation where the lowest common denominator is more open to outright statism in a culture that prides itself on deposing dictatorships in favour of the liberty of the common man
Identity Politics, Individualism, however you want to say it, is a cancer that has the West on its death bed.
>(((Diversity))) destroyed Western society
FTFY senpai
Yes, because individualism is a sweet lie.
Fuck off, Santi. Individualism is what made western society different and better in the first place.
Went from 4 back to 3, these things are cyclical.
germany destroyed the west . and when that wasnt enough they destroyed the environment
I don't think Julies ascribes to the ideologies you are attempting to insinuate with that pic.
Certainly, but without welfare it's kind of do or die. Being a non-productive hedonist without someone to subsidize your lifestyle isn't a very tenable choice. You'd live the life of the poor starving artist pretty much. Now granted, we're never going back to the things were fully, not even if we were to abolish the welfare state, simply due to technological progress. The pill isn't going to go away and that is going to have an impact on sexual behavior for example.
It is not a matter of religion or belief, however new-agey. Is a matter of roots, of what your body is designed to do and in which conditions it evolved to thrive. And I mean to thrive not only socially or economically, but also spiritually and mentally.
They've put us on a global Skinner box designed to hack our most primitive instincts and forget what we are, to make us only thirst for what temporal material pleasure can bring. It's a carrot that has the power to change our cognitive system (via Hebbian law) and degrade our whole spirit.
Your mind is able to do more than this. But the whole system is rigged to make you less human, more fixated in the minutia of the immediate low-quality pleasures that this urban-landscaped advertisement hell provides. The whole Internet and its gadgetry is being built like a degenerate brainwashing technology towards conditioning the masses into obedience to consumerism and materialism.
But, as I said, your mind, your spirit, is able to do more than this. The sooner we understand this, the sooner the West will rise again, like a beacon of hope for humanity.
Please tell me that image is her being sarcastic and satirical
This is something I find weird about the Americans on here LARPing as NatSoc or fascists. They have a long proud history of being skeptical towards government and minding their own business. You can just look to Europe and see how too much power in the hands of government will fuck over a continent. Why would you want that instead of freedom and independence?
Thanks for this well thought out post user, I'm going out what I want to create and truly enjoy doing outside of materialism
Very true.
All of the /r/the_donald newfag kids
They don't know anything about politics or history they would rather spam their stupid kek memes and post their dumb frogs everywhere.
>Individualism destroyed Western society. Do you agree with this statement?
No, not at all. There is no reason to villianize sluts or feminists, people have a right to do whatever they want. The reason that men are fucked over is that they are weak. Thats how life/nature works, if you are weak, you get fucked. Stop being weak and people will be unable to fuck you over...its that simple
Individuals need the muscle of the state to solve large-scale problems.
Libs killed nationalism, so nobody acts for their country any more
Libs killed the family unit, so nobody acts for their family any more
Libs took away everything men used to go to work 6 days a week for and replaced it with nothing. That's why we are where we are.
Individualism would work if EVERYBODY did it
However we've now got enormously fragmented individuals in the west and a strong united religious force in the middle-east
Guess who'll win
>Collectivism destroyed Western society.
this. there is no other answer
> promote the lie that everyone is equal
> there is only one race, the human race
> still be a special snowflake
> still demand special rights
Isn't this maximum cognitive dissonance?
you mean socialism and feminism
you can see the shame in her eyes.
No, individualism is what has made the West great. Nikolai Tesla was one of the greatest individualists who ever lived, so was Leonardo da Vinci, Winston Churchill and most other great people.
Of course, for individualism who works, your population needs to not be shit.
Don't worry, user. The ride will end any day now
Live and let live was a mistake.
individualism for everybody? no. society needs classes, specialization, and so forth. individualism for those who earn it, yes. those whose genius supersedes their circumstances have more to offer society artistically, philosophically, and so forth than as something predetermined.
For liberalism/individualism to work, you will need virtuous people who are capable of self-governance.
Not of people who think a good life is one where you get drunk and have sex with random people.
But the government always works toward expanding itself. You should always be skeptical towards the state wanting to "solve" an issue because it invariably means it will want to "solve" other issues. Power hungers for more power, and power famously corrupts.
Slide thread
You realize that she was taking the piss in the source, right?
Fuck off cunt. Western society was no collective at least on the gender issue ever since the sexual revolution.
And that happens to society when it's left alone anyway. The truly exceptional will excel, the mediocre will fall in line with each other, the parasites will be ostracized or even imprisoned if they're actively harmful. Hierarchies form naturally, you don't need the state to manage it. Individualism allows individuals to succeed and fail according to their own ability, collectivism sucks the money out of the successful to prop up the failures, keeping everyone artificially even.
>hurr durr individualism
Individualism is incompatible with identity politics right? Then white nationalism isn't individualistic either. Individualism by its own definition ignores racial differences, gender differences and even cultural differences.
If you're really an individualism, you can't believe in a state that enforces border. Citizenship is essentially a collectivist idea.
Yes. The family is the foundational unit of Western Civilization, not the individual.
End of the debate.
Individualism must be protected, we do not live in a fantasy world where everyone respects those values.
Sluts don't necessarily results in single moms. And single moms would get support from men.
The state not getting involved doesn't mean much when your society supports degeneracy.
All the classical institutions which society was founded on were gradually destroyed, as more and more they were weakened and diluted in order to make room for the individual. See: shit like marriage.
We were divided into our smallest, and then bombarded by (((them))) They retained their collectivity, and we lost it.
You can have family and individualism. For me family is very importan too but the individual must be free to do and think how it wants. Family is sometimes a strong barrier to free thinking.
>Individualism by its own definition ignores racial differences, gender differences and even cultural differences.
They should be ignored of course. It's just that the niggers just happen to die in hunger more often, be more violent and stupid, etc.. they just should get what they deserve then. As an individuals. No gibsmedats, no asylums, no BLM shit, no a raycis. Just Individuals judged according what they are:
Niggers just happen to be niggers.
> tfw you saw the OP and was about the post how they had it backwards and collectivism created all the problems that are destroying the west
I see individualism as a facet of Western civilization, which arises out of Western people, i.e. Whites. To safeguard our way of life, we need borders. And who's to say individualism ignores group differences? I'm not going to bash, say, Tomas Sowell, because he's black even though I think niggers as a whole are pretty terrible. I can acknowledge individual achievement while being wholly cognizant of the properties of a group on average. Group identity is also not at odds with the individual. I'm sure you see yourself as both a person but also part of your family. Both are true and they need not compete, and if they do you will compromise according to your own values. And things like family, culture, race, history etc are all components in what makes a person. Tabula rasa is a false idea.
They weren't communists but in fact critical of it.
Postmodernism is a reaction to certainty of assumed reality in pretty much all forms. This doesn't really have anything to do with communism. If anything it's more compatible individualistic like libertarian ideas:
Nothing can be proven to be true, your religion can't be proven to be true, cultures are relative, etc... Then the government shouldn't get involved in anything since there's nothing true it can based any of its policy is.
Postmodernism is pretty vague, you can't really get much out of it. It's flexible for good or bad. In art it's been critical of late capitalism but could go the other way.
>Isn't this maximum cognitive dissonance?
If it makes me feel good then it's right (regardless of whether or not it makes logical sense beside by other beliefs).
If it makes me feel bad then it's obviously wrong and racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
This is how their brains work.
> promote the lie that all groups equal
>individual is what matters
>demand borders to be enforced
>demand the group to look in a certain way and act a certain way
The "individualists" of this board are retarded.
Spot on.
>Individualism must be protected,
By acting in a collectivist way to defend an individualism that doesn't really exist anymore (and perhaps never existed).
>inb4 b-but west has most potential for individualism still!
The individualist doesn't whine about the collective. It rises above it.
You're contradicting yourself.
>I see individualism as a facet of Western civilization, which arises out of Western people, i.e. Whites.
So individualist for you is a collectivist idea by and for Westerners that is hypocritically wearing the mask of individualism.
Get the fuck out with your retardation. You don't believe in individualism. You're suffering massive cognitive dissonance with idiotic mental gymnastics.
It's not hard to be an individualist, you drop the concept of collectivist, no matter what it is.
>And who's to say individualism ignores group differences?
Ignore as in it doesn't believe in acting about it.
>I'm sure you see yourself as both a person but also part of your family.
Individualists don't demand the government to enforce family or personal identity you retard. You're making a false equivalency with nationality and family. There is no family citizenships (unless in royal countries).
When has anyone in this thread stated that all groups are equal? They're not.
>demand the group to look in a certain way and act a certain way
I've never demanded that. I say it happens naturally, as we interact with our surroundings and compromise between our personalities and our need for the community. Collectivism instead takes money from productive communities and hands it out to parasitical communities and individuals.
pretty much yeah
>Do you agree with this statement?
In a way. I'm 49 years old and grew up in the 70s and early 80s.
I joined the British Army as a Royal Engineer in 1986. I left the army in 1993 and became a teacher of Physics.
I was born in 1968. Of course I've seen and done stuff that disturbs me. Also things that I'm proud of.
I'm from the countryside and it's slower and more socially conservative than the big towns and cities. pic.
>Individualism destroyed Western society
Maybe. There has been a shift to self satisfaction and gratification without consequences. It goes against my grain.
It's a selfish pursuit. It's OK to be selfish at times, but not self centered. There are many humans that we must be altruistic to; to provide love and stability. I'm a father. I have a dying mother, a daughter going to uni soon, a wife, my neighbour is an old man 94 years and can't walk. So I get his shopping in.
It's just life. I'm so relaxed about everything. It's all important but we must sometimes eat shit sandwiches. I've witnessed horror and caused it too.
So, I'll meet my maker one day in the future. We all must die.
There comes a point in life when you go from needing others to being needed. It's a blurry distinction, as we all need each other.
But I'm generalising.
peace to you.
Things are never black and white like that. Pure individualism as you envision it is just anarchy, which inevitably leads to an end to individualism when someone takes charge.
>When has anyone in this thread stated that all groups are equal?
Strawman. Believing in group differences doesn't mean ask the state to act on them.
>I say it happens naturally, as we interact with our surroundings and compromise between our personalities and our need for the community
You're deflecting. It's really simple. If you believe that something should be done about borders or believe .
If your simple position is that welfare ought to be removed, this is an individualist position. If your position is for the government to deport, enforce citizenship, etc... That's collectivist. Individualism enforces NAP by targeting the individual that violates not the group, excepts if that group is a military like unit or terrorist unit.
>inb4 migrants are all terrorists
An idiotic claim that even the average natsoc doesn't believe in.
An individualist position can easily reduce the problem by removing govt restrictions on weaponry anyway.
this is nice post