How soon until we see this headline?
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When I'm a crisp fucking corpse and they pry the guns and knives from my hands and million others, and bury the bodies of the entire Liberal government and cbc
You're going to be fifty percent non-white before 2050 bud.
It is inevitable, I admit, but mind over matter is the true game.
You're going to be fifty percent non-white before 2020 bud.
"god keep our land, glorious and free"
Could it even happen?
not an argument. a fallacy can never be an argument. have you learned nothing from stefan molyneux?
There is literally nothing wrong with this. What are you, an islamophobe? Inshallah, the Sharia is the final redpill!
I was just in england, for 3 months, didn't meet one british person.
not an argument.
this desu senpai
The PM political approval would hit the floor if they did that.
Muzzies may be growing in numbers but so are the gooks so they wont just side with the muzzies first thing.
We should build a northern wall.
islamophobe. You're only against this because you hate Muslims you white supremacist.
Eat shit and die
I'm a fucking gook and let me tell you, we all hate muslims, the sandy ass wrap head fuckers
>we all hate muslims
is that even legal to say in canada?
Probably never?
Canada is moving away from religion in government. These days it's just about not hating people who have a different religion.
I don't get the outcry about a bill that condems racism and wants to create a commite to study racism in Canada.
>on a mongolian finger painting website with access to youtube
are you even allowed to do that? Where's your tv license?
>Canada is moving away from religion in government.
feminism, environmentalism, the carbon cult - these are religious belief systems kuffar.
Yep, it's also legal to say that they're a horde of degenerate inbred desert pedophiles with subhuman IQs and inferior bodies and minds.
We have great freedom of speech here!
We can say things like: we will demolish all mosques, and violently expel the shitskins from Canada, not leaving even a memory of their presence in our land.
We will ethnically cleanse them until they flee in horror.
Fuck Islam, the traitor Trudeau and every leftist piece of shit that thinks they have it in them to stand in the white man's way.
Jewish influence and birthrates...my money is on 2041
Screencap this
now now silly billies, it's not like canada will become like the middle east you know.
it's not like we boys will have to wear desert robes and grow our beards mandatory.
it's not like we girls will have to wear those black heavy blankets over our bodies all mandatory you know.
i think this is nothing but fake news
remember it's canada, our culture is way different than the middle east culture
>it's not like we girls
> we girls
You know the rules.
Post your tits. write maga on the timestamp.
This is actually a good thing. The chinks hate the mud races a lot more than whites.
T. Scarborough resident
fuck off cunt, tits or gtfo
They aren't really. Equal rights for men and women is a good thing.
Not polluting the environment so we don't live in a toxic waste land is just common sense.
Environment stuff/green energy is also good for the economy
there were 2,230 people in Saskatchewan who identified themselves as Muslims,
Saskatchewan is the size of Texas
i have over 3300 rounds in my closet lolz
Thanks, NEEGan
>what is conquest
there wont be a canada in 2041
Here's a leaf who shouldn't be raked.
3 years tops
Wasn't the Brexiting supposed to save them?
#NotAllGooks are atheists or buddhists, or whatever their primary religion is over there if they have one.
Welcome to maplestan
>islam = race
>freedom of association = racism
>12th most firearms estimate per capita
canada has a big 'murrika problem in that we're rather armed to the teeth in comparison to the rest of the earth. not to say that sweden doesn't have us beat but they've been made docile for quite some time and the real widespread ramifications upon segments of the populace ultimately capable of fighting back has yet to be seen ANYWHERE ON EARTH THUS FAR. the saxon again still learns to hate. look towards aforementioned cuckistan and france in the near future for such things.
canada can be freed of muslim filth handily and trudeau has been blessed with another two fucking years to dick this place up and rile the destitute masses towards nationalist populism in the IMMEDIATE future.
remember, leftist filth could not stand further disconnected from the realities of being an everyday canadian. the scum of society is invisible to them and a burden leveraged by them upon wider society
we're pretty fucked up when it comes to asian-infection in the west anyhow and there's little to do but rip foreign money out of real estate. what ethnic pollution that has already taken place is somewhat irreversible but by creating hostile political climates for the likes of a barbaric sand-cult we can drive off handily scum islamists and their ilk
Even if they kicked out all the non-whites canada would still deserve a nuclear holocaust
>We boys
>We girls
Tranny who's too much of a coward to castrate himself detected, not worth it.
It has an area of 651,900 km2 (251,700 mi2) and a population of 1,117,503 (Saskatchewanians) as of January 2014. Most of its population lives in the southern half of the province.
its good to be peaceful but not stupid
non violence is the best BUT we do have a very strong will to survive OK
So edgy it hurts. I'm willing to bet it was just as impressive when you said it to yourself in front of the mirror this morning.
Didn't that already happen a few months ago?
You're probably right. I've been saying for a long time...this country is too big with too few people and with many different identities and values. Think yugoslavia 2.0. That's our destiny. You may get another state or two, America, if trump can create a lasting impression of promoting western values above all else.
>being ethnically displaced is fine, as long as it's by chinks and not Muslims
guns are useless against tanks, flying machines, battleships and missiles.
Do you not love sushi? Over here we have sushi burgers. Bretty gud desu nee~~
Moreso, chinks aren't burdened with jewish influence promoting White guilt. There is nothing stopping the Chinese from curbstomping islam one day for no good reason, and I hope it's soon.
Settle down there little Muhammad, I know it stings a little but you have to realize we look down on your kind.
>guys sure you are being displaced, disenfranchised and genocided but think of the restaurants!!
Gluttony truly is a deadly sin.
You're going to be fifty percent non-white before 2050 buddy.
Gluttony is synonymous with greed. It's stealing all of the food so others can't have any. Which is greed anyway. Gluttony's a retarded deadly sin.
If that fucking happens I will, oh fuck I'm a neet. Who cares I'll just shitpost canade as a cuck to the end of time. Pretty sure the young cuck chinks will happily adopt islam because they are faggots who like to act black. Hi vietniggers or vinegars. Hi gookshits. Hi BChinks. Pretty sure niggers are retards who are busy getting high or looking for chicks. Hi shitskins Pretty sure whites are cucks busy doing the same shit at niggers but instead of showing their big penis they're trying to show how cool or smart they are. Hi cucks. Hi muh deus vult. Pretty sure poo in the loos are the epitome of robots. They are so easily indoctrinated, they can only follow instructions and can't think for themselves. Hi I'm not paki. Hi muh hindushit. Pretty sure muslims secretly hate non muslimes and are literally a cult. Hi sand niggers. Hi somalia. Hi nice forehead. Pretty sure latinos are just blacks but more tolerable unless you bother their fucking latino pride. Hi fucking mlg gamers 420 the best COD players. Did I miss any shitshow?
These sand niggers are gonna get a bullet in their skull before this harbage takes over
I like you!
Well said. Allah and mohammed are choking on pig dick in hell. FUCK ISLAM
jesus fuck you're already too dumb to live if you think that canada has any of that military equipment ready to throw around, let alone the money to do so or personnel skill to keep our forty year old shit in working order
this isn't even touching on the fact that a domestic white insurgency would COMPLETELY overwhelm our armed forces. defections would be prevalent and you'd see government arsenals being looted hand over fist then dispersed into the millions of square km in this country
totally untenable. pillars of sand my dude
Ex-mil will sympathize with white insurgency.
So might LE in some areas.
They're both key to the white nationalists' success.
canada has allies. If we actually go french revolution america and UK will shut it down because racism.
That and they will start building up during the course of the unrest.
I don't think immigrants are trying to take over Canada. Most are happy to be here and want to make Canada a better place.
Try talking to people
well put friendo
They don't have to try. They are doing their part by being there.
Regardless 90% of white canadians are foul and will proudly fight for their wifes son. Islam isn't the issue. Canadians in general are.
Doesn't really bother me. I don't understand the hate.
How many (you)s until you are satiated?
Obstinate, unthinking national character.
They'll fight for their wife's son because they never stopped and questioned things for a fucking millisecond.
>First world country BTFO by shitpoor farmers
What is vietnam
Are you serious?
Pretty sure this is fake news
En taro Adun!
2036 is the current estimate but that's still really bad since it was a 97% white country in 1970.
Islam is really really stupid. It's the stupidest religion I've ever heard of. Hell, the Egyptians worshiping the sun is a million time better. But Islam? Worshiping a rapist, pediphile, murderer, wife beater? It's really stupid. Mind bogglingly stupid. Like, I don't understand. Christianity I can wrap my head around. Jesus was a carpenter, died on the cross for our sins. I get it. It's a pretty decent religion I guess? But I just can't wrap my head around Islam. Why the hell would you worship Mohanmid? From what I gather he was a greasy middle easterner who basically created a cult following. It amazes me that so many people fell for it hook line and sinker. Probably they are too afraid to speak up or they will be killed. Stupid religion.
We're only at 90% now, and that's white Britons. Britains still overwhelmingly white, it's just a select few shithole cities where Muslims congregate.
lets just meme this into existance, lets just meme them to destruction
Just because Islam is a more acute danger doesn't mean the chinks don't see Canada as lebensraum and want to make a land grab.
>trying to make it a better place by getting into fuck whitey politics like virtually all of them do
I meant Canada since those are official government projections that they just recently rubbed out face in while some actual degenerate faggot writing for government-funded paper gloated about how we were never asked and may not be able to do anything about it.
I'm not so sure that Britain is still that white, though. Probably more like 80-85% tops, and that's not even all natives. Remember that we were once near 100% white here. All it takes is a few generations and you're a minority.
This is what you leftists tards are letting into your country. Good job you've doomed us all you retards. Btw EU Is FUCKED
our low population pool that has been stunted by involvement in two fucking world wars and ensuing pressures against the traditional family structure that we've seen mount right until this very second. the wave of simple regression in the way of wholesome social advancement in favor of short term feel-good-bumblepuppy 'humanitarianism' that our country prides itself so thoroughly. not a single dollar of our nation's money should be spent on another country so long as a single Canadian braves the elements in their sleep or starves. our ignorance to the level of ABJECT POVERTY AND MISERY THAT TAKES PLACE WITHIN OUR OWN BORDERS RIGHT NOW makes me want to cry but i've no hope for those so downtrodden to ever see benefit beneath the CORRUPT and OBJECTIVELY EVIL wave of outright degeneracy that trudeau represents!
such a small base can easily be contaminated by invasive elements within the span of decades and we witness now the fruits of liberal labors.
go and look up the statscan population tables, though. they're one of (if not the) the most reputable census-taking organizations on earth. and lemme tell you for a goddamn fact that gen Z is OVERFLOWING with lil' fucking nazis
just you fucking wait
"omg i dont like that video ahhhhh so sick it hurts my eyes I cant handle the truth"
"poor refugees" "Omg we need to save them" "There just misunderstood" "They only act like this because we call them terrorists"
ill say it again....... Leftists are leading Europeans and Americans right into there graves.
no it's just...i've only seen videos of grown men and uh....that one was a lil rough
Haven't seen the videos of South American women being burned alive or stabbed with dull machetes? Step it up senpai.
Probably by tomorrow desu
I have but they are at least 15-16 year olds? maybe 20+?
This kid is maybe 8-10. Why is he being killed anyway?
I dont mind the videos of ISIS as long as they're adults killing adults but this is kinna extreme
Fucking this.
Its vial and disgusting I understand its hard to watch but people NEED to see the sad reality of these "Poor innocent refugees"
Not to shirk you, but I certainly wasn't thinking that at all or assuming "muh refugees". I was just in shock from this clip.
its okay man, I just spread this stuff around because a lot of leftists and open border weirdos like to lurk around here. gotta expose them to whats really happening.