Officially /our girl/.
ITT We Summon Brittany Venti
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Why is brittany /ourgirl/ ?
Shes a gamer whore
she looks half or 1/4 black, therefore she can't be /ourgirl/
disgusting transsexual degenerate freak
masculine facial features are an instant tell
tits or gtfo, octoroon
Tfw nobody checks your digits. :(
Octoroon. 1/8th.
Nah. She's just part black.
and FAS
There has to be some creepy folders out there filled with all the pics of Brittany looking hot no one should post those or anything
>picking dumb memegirl over our guys
Jihadi Jesus and Jackie Sup Forums > all
We need her to do the niqab operation on that NYC statue.
Good body, bad head on her tho
Is that old? She's with the chad now, isn't she?
traps cant be ourgirl
>cucked poor naruto for chad
hwndu pls go
>cucked naruto for chad
Ayy lmao
How did this trap meme get started?
Kek she trolled hwndu and jews.
I'm cool with that.
(((She))) looks a white-washed nigger. Please no.
Why? Do you want to suck Sam Hyde's cum from her pussy?
Most of Sup Forums is non whites LARPing as whites.
t. jamal gonzalez
Yeah she's dating 4chad
Gonna need a view from behind in that outfit.
>yfw Chad is a rubber fist
can i get a status update on Brittany and 90's Kid?
they still fuggin or was it just a HWNDU fling?
He sounds like one.
Nope still single. Sam byde even got to fuck her durring hwndu in nyc. She fucked pretty much all those guys over there
she's nice and looks to be built for hard fucking
only a complete faggot or a sloppy fat nerd who jacks off to cartoons would think otherwise
CIA is better than Jackie, though Jesus was best
How do you fuckers know all this shit?