Can someone explain what the Netherlands vs Turkey situation is about?
Netherlands vs Turkey
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Please someone...
the prime minister got the shits from a bad kebab.
how about you google it, it's news.
Because it's muddled.
And you think looking for info on Sup Forums is better ?
Sometimes. Will Le Pen win?
Only the first turn. Then the rest will make an "all together" alliance again to "protect the republic"
a big Roach came to Holland to talk to roaches about roach shit
gets banned from attending before he lands, turned away by security
but he's an official member of the govt user!
Erdogan gets mad, stirs up shit and calls the Dutch nazi
as part of his plan with Russia
Erdogan is piling pressure on Cowardlands
He's looking for a new partner to fuck Merkel with now that Obama's gone.
Erdolf wants to hold a referendum that will set him up as dictator of Turkey.
He's not sure of his victory so he sends his henchmen to European countries that have large roach populations.
One of his henchmen DEMANDS to speak in Rotterdam IMMEDIATELY at a location HE chooses.
The Moroccan mayor of Rotterdam can't guarantee public safety so he forbids the meeting at that time and place.
While the Dutch government is trying to find an alternative solution, Erdolf goes apeshit and calls the Netherlands a nazi remnant and threatens with sanctions.
Faced with this, the Dutch govenment decide there's no point in further diplomacy and decide to stop the Erdolf's roach ministers.
One of them is BTFO and declared persona non grata and turned back.
She starts screaming that every single one of her human rights has been violated
Erdolf goes apeshit again.
His followers in Turkey go apeshit.
Turkish media go apeshit.
Roaches in Netherlands go apeshit.
Dutch sell Dutch flags (50 euros) and lighter fuel (50 euros) to roaches to burn and make quite a profit.
Dutch police clobbers a few roaches.
Roaches protest some more today.
All in all just a storm in a teacup.
I knew he was a mudslime!
>Dutch sell Dutch flags (50 euros) and lighter fuel (50 euros) to roaches to burn and make quite a profit.
We have some jewish blood in us.
But seriously they are really annoying. Tonight here in Amsterdam dozens roaches in cars and on scooters were disturbing the peace by honking, screaming, and waving their flag. Didn't see them burn any Dutch flags.
If roaches are mad at the dutch, they should go back to roachistan
Toothpaste vs Roach
Roaches don't actually want to live in Turkey because it's shit so they spread all over Europe. When election season rolls around the politicians have to go campaign in other countries because that's where all the voters are. This time Holland said no you can't hold a political rally for Turkey in our country and the Roaches are flipping their shit.
Erdo: hmm im not doing good on polls, oh i know! I will make europe the enemy and rally people against it and gain more vote!
I don't even understand why you're allowed to vote if you live outside of your country. You don't live there so why should you contribute to how it's going there?
Welfare, my dearest Pierre. Dutch gibmedats is what they live off. You think they'd live all cozy and protected like in R*tterdam compared to whatever backwater village their grandparents crawled out of?
They tore down the Netherlands flag at the Dutch consulate in Istanbul and put up the Roach flag
can someone go to turkish consulate and put up kekistan flag?
Sup Forums ripped down the HWNDU flag and put up a MAGA hat.
Lol why turk roaches think they matter
Let turkey be part of the EU. It would be funny. They are already in NATO and the UN.
Fuck off please, no mudslimes/dictators in the EU ty