Why are traps, pegging, musclegirls, and femdom now popularly promoted fetishes? What's causing the numale phenomenon, Sup Forums?
Is this some form of (((government))) conspiracy? Was Alex Jones right about the gay frogs?
Why are traps, pegging, musclegirls, and femdom now popularly promoted fetishes? What's causing the numale phenomenon, Sup Forums?
Is this some form of (((government))) conspiracy? Was Alex Jones right about the gay frogs?
Dat ass and thighs tho
>is this some form of gov conspiracy?
No, but left wing politicians push for female empowerment, which was once healthy but now has transcended boundaries and is toxic for society and especially women themselves, who are losing their social roles to become just a weaker form of male which will eventually succumb to a reactionary wave in the future, or to Islam.
>nu male phenomenon
Nu male is not a conspiracy but a response from beta men to woman's empowerment. As women grow stronger and more influential, betas are trying to find new ways into their panties. One incredibly ineffective strategy is to become a nu male to get, at best, pity sex.
You're welcome user
Doesn't do a fucking thing for me.
We must ban anime
Birth control
Liberal betamales
>not the most redpilled taste in women
OP is confirmed faggot
>OP hasn't made pegging the only form of sex in his relationship.
It's life changing, breh. You'll never go back.
Absolutely nothing wrong with a muscular chick as long as it's natty and she's not gonna grow a little dick or something.
Man I just really want to try sex.
clearly a slide thread, but NOTHING beats musclegirls
>numale epidemic
Nah, just stupid cunts always wanted to be men.
There have always been spineless bitch men throughout history, I do not see an actual increase of their % in society, just a over-developed media craze pushing their bullshit.
Women have always wanted to be men though, but they can jack themselves, try and dom some bitch subs, even talk the talk, but they will NEVER be able to walk the dominant Alpha Male walk, ever. And we'll never be eradicated of Alpha Males. For without the Alpha, there is no civilization. Civilization = Patriarchy
Sup Forums is full of lonely awkward faggots, some of which feel ashamed and try to act tough on Sup Forums to get over it
I just find it weird that you're biologically attracted to male secondary sexual characteristics. Females don't naturally achieve that level of muscle mass - if you have this fetish, can you legit claim to be anything less than bisexual?
also anyone got good FBB porn sites or something?
Seems like it is kinda hard to find.
Especially FBB pegging.
Inb4 varg posting.
Reminder, Rin Nakai is the only pol approved wifu
You're thinking 2D
I fuck sexy musclegirl, she holds me in her big muscley arms like a little teddy bear
9 months later BAM, it's a boy
And that boy has terminator muscles and hangs dong straight out the womb.
And if it's a girl? more musclegirls
it's like personal eugenics
girlswithmuscle.com is the only site I've checked every day for the last year. Even more than my email.
See what I mean, Sup Forums? Gay niggers everywhere.
No ass.
I dunno but I literally fap to traps everytime I fap
I literally fapped to this trap lastnight on Chaturbate
And i'll do it again tonight
>not Kanae Yagi
Was getting trashed part of your plan?
I agree with the fact that numale degeneracy needs to be purged but
tfw ywn be wrestled into bed by her for intense sex right after a workout
these women are fucking retarded, the hair loss, chin stubble and 2" clit they get from doing steroids is going to reduce their value to ZERO long after their fatty bloated water muscle has vanished
Pic related, and at least this freak actually looked like a bodybuilder not a fat chick full of steroids
what's his username?
Female bodybuilders generally look like shit though, especially if they cut
Muscular athletes with thicc legs and a layer of fat are the way to go
this, i wish i had a first kiss already, but no, i'm just here 21 and counting and i can't get anything from anyone :(
Those are not popular, nor promoted. You spend to much time on Sup Forums.
oh look another waifu shitposting thread
>protein farts
>Real answer
> pornography with massive penises ramming into girls 2-3 at a time makes regular males feel inadequate
> they feel weak and that they cannot satisfy a woman
> still attracted to women
> they feel immaculated and that their cock won't do shit
> get turned on by being fucked by a woman like the "worthless piece of shit they are"
Also sex is supposed to feel taboo and naughty. If everything is normalized people go further and further. Muzzies & old values had shit right in that regard
birth control can actually regulate hormones and cause a girl to stop producing testosterone
t. a girl with pcos who was hairy as fuck and got it under control with birth control
a big clit is not great but it's wild. it's the other side effects that come with hormone abuse like the need the shave the face anc chest, the lowered voice, the receding hairline, dry skin, etc that ruins it
not to mention fitness, physique, and bb women are the most mentally-ill and sick women before the hormones. most of it is the side effects of the drugs and diet - the diarrhea, the runs, the 90 days without a period and then a major fire hydrant of thick black blood, the mood swings
these women are mentally ill
What social groups do you associate with? I guess Im lucky to live where this faggotry is still looked down upon.
>thick black blood
>protein farts
Is this a real thing?
I've been getting swole but also gassy.
I just thought it was from the half dozen eggs I eat a day.
If you're eating a lot of protein then you're gonna get the farts
Just google protein farts, or if you're feeling a bit cakey then cake-farts
It's not, you just want to discuss this off-topic theme on a board you consider your social circle, which is pathetic.
>Also sex is supposed to feel taboo and naughty.
No, it's meant to be respected and orientated around bonding with your spouse, muslims are fucking retards who promote polygamy which leads to violent and unproductive societies where the majority of the males have nothing to live for.
She Hulk, Xena, Red Sonja, Rogue = strength
Mystique = transform from boy to girl
Popular culture = muscle women
It's the anti-Christian agenda in effect. A man is never to be subservient to a woman, a man is to never be penetrated anally, a man is to be the leader of the household.
When eve at the fruit of knowledge, what we're here sins? Gullibility, pride, envy, greed, of this nature. But Adam knew the consequences and did it anyway. Metaphorically, his only sin was following a woman's example in spite of knowing the consequences.
kind of. a lot of farts that come with a change in diet are caused by changes in the diet, because gut bacteria seeks the same environment to continue to reproduce
the good news is that your protein requirements, no matter how heavy you are, are not very high at all, and can be hit with a couple meals with meat. dietary supplements are just there to empty your wallet or for convenience
we still have 180lb kids trying to digest 300g of protein in stupid shakes and the supplement industry is laughing
if you have specific questions user please fire away. i am jacked and an expert and i love when these threads show up on pol
Males die at a higher rate than women due to workplace accidents, war, & more risk taking behaviour. So there's a shortage of men for women.
Also I wasn't supporting terrorist shitskins just stating that we fucked up our society with degeneracy
You only need a g of protein per pound of bw to live the aesthetic lifestyle, but keep up the eggs, runny yolks. Good for the test.
>not lifting with your /fit/ gf
>not wanting to promote physical idealism
Jareth really let himself go
Do you perhaps know anything about intermittent fasting?
I have tried it for the last week. It is surprisingly good for me.
>Fathers hans literally kilos of chocolate in the house. Dont eat for 16 hours. Just gotta not eat it for 8 hours. Pretty comfy senpai.
How do I couple this with workout though? I usually eat dinner and then after some hours after dinner i eat again obv.
Is training on a empty stomach bad other than you feeling like shit?
it's less
the consensus is it could be as low as .75g
This desu
Theyre not promoted lol theyre popular only on Sup Forums because of its emphasis on anonimity. When you post on some other website like reddit your post is tied to your account so it feels less anonymous.
>We must ban anime
>wanting women to produce more natural testosterone
literally no different then supporting transgender men
Seeing shit like this is almost inspiring.
This is the depths of where degeneracy leads to which makes me want to avoid it at all costs, so it's kind of inspirational in a way.
IF is the second-best diet
personally, i've never felt hungry in the morning. it makes IF easy for me.
training on an empty stomach barely matters either way. if you're competing or making money on your strength or physique, then yes, you want glucose pre-workout. if not, it doesn't matter at all.
but IF is literally a diet you do while you sleep. it is absolutely great
Sounds good, but when your gf starts taking var to look more like a musclegirl than a woman, you're edging into unavoidably gay waters.
That's different to all the /fit/ guys who try to call user gay for not finding incredibly buff girls attractive. If you find that girl on the right of OPs pic ideal then that is sus as fuck in my opinion and you'll never change my mind on that.
I have nothing against girls who work toward healthy levels of fitness (only an idiot would) but those literal dudes with testosterone beeftits that /fit/ try to push as being "attractive" is sus as fuck.
Yeah I kind of love IF so far. Sure sometimes you get really hungry and crave food, but you just gotta stick it out.
Atm I am about 128 kgs and dont do any workout. I plan on starting once i get my earbuds (tomorrow hopefully).
Should I really worry about my diet in the sense of weighing and eating healthy or just stick below 2.5k kcals?
I mean, obviously it would help more. But I just want to loose some way so my rod of smallness becomes a rod of mediumness so i can slay the roast beast.
I prefer fit girls to muscle girls. Toned but not muscle-bound.
I have no idea what the fuck you just said.
Speak American.
Yeah. Women should definitely stay natty.
it's just a fucking fetish senpai.
I'm a male sub and I love femdom, but only in my sex life. IRL I'm completely red-pilled, anti-feminist and I don't take shit from women just because they are female
you don't. fasting burns fat because it puts you in ketosis
do whatever you want, but take a second to reflect on the fact you're using a fucking earbuds shipment as an excuse to avoid your physical duties as a man
i'm not trying to attack you, but you need to stop stalling. everything will come together once you start respecting yourself
lack of father figures and male role models.
>Couldve been born female
>Couldve been 5 10 musclegirl lifting heavy in gym
>Couldve walked around and /bully/ numales and NEET betas everywhere, threatening to smash that boipucci with big clit
Damn not the same as getting swole as guy and bullying betas
Weak should fear the strong
You can be wishy-washy and fuck around with your aesthetic if you want, I'd rather get maximum results possible, considering biovariance in no way guarantees that number as anything but an average.
Thank you for pointing that out and please keep doing it to other people too, you are doing a good thing, tough love
IF is great for your hormones, the natural state of the human body is periods of feast and famine. Reduces bloat as well, less gut back up as well, which is great for your liver/kidneys, as well as overall toxicity levels.
It isn't good to literally be full of shit.
do not ever in your life use the word "biovariance" when you're talking protein synthesis from fart powder shakes
if you gave enough of a flying fuck to respond here (and incorrectly), you'd know that you build muscle with hormones. drugs. right?
either you don't really want to maximize anything, or you're stuck somewhere between the musclemags/housewife fat-loss blogs and you think maybe some day if you just weigh your food the right way you will get jacked and tanned
i hope you read this and grow up
Agree. Thick trunk is just good for baby making, but vascularity is just...You literally can't tell the difference between a man and woman's arm on var.
you absolutely can
joint thickness, density
women are not supposed to carry muscle. you can always tell
Thanks dad. Really constructive conversation.
where am i wrong?
don't you have a megamass 2000 XL $hake to consume, you fucking idiot?
it is so hard to post on this board