Should we even have health insurance?
Should we even have health insurance?
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doctor aisle at every walmart
but wal-mart don't provide health insurance to its employees...damn it, let em all workers die.
Health insurance is a scam.
No. Maybe people would start focusing on their health before the fact instead of being rest-assured to never exercise and eat like a pig because if they get sick big daddy government will pay for it.
Also over generations we're encouraging less than optimal genes to reproduce, making each successive generation more likely to need continuous health care when the truth is the original sickly person generations back never should have had kids in the first place if they couldn't afford to keep themselves alive on their own accord.
Yeah pretty much, seeing how it's not exclusive to people who are healthy until they randomly get cancer or whatever.
what about injury
one man with perfect genes, 6'4, strong as shit, smart, yet when he was doing roofing, the ladder breaks from under him and he does a 10 foot tumble onto his leg
should that man die because lmao lets not care about our countrymen because fatties?
Let natural selection kill off the idiots, the unhealthy, the non-whites, and the obese.
All insurance is a scam.
>pay money in case you get into an accident :^)
>never get into an accident
>still have to pay
He should have enough money of his friends or family to pay, or worst case scenario can take out a loan that would be easily repayable once he recovers and can go back to work.
Plus his medical bills would be about 1/10th what they are now if healthcare stopped being subsidized by taxpayers.
It seems like your insurance companies don't bargain enough with the hospitals/drug producers and just shift the cost onto their customers.
so all of america? sounds good to me
>Get into accident
>Nope, check with the other guy's insurance :^)
>Raise insurance premiums anyway
Imagine how much wealthier the average person would be if instead of paying money to insurance every month they put the same money in the stock market. They'd have more than enough money for any injury that did happen and have the added benefit of a hefty sum if they don't get injured.
Insurance is one of the biggest causes for wealth inequality in America yet liberals ironically are the ones who push it so hard.
They're monopolies being supported by the government.
>what about injury
>spending your life savings on a $56,000 broken leg
Dude we put value on actual life itself
Whoa man...
Hey Jamie pull up that video of that moose getting hit by a car oh Jesus look at that thing
Think of how much less Americans would save if we still had stuff like this in our public schools!
Yeah I can't get this line of logic through my insurance buddy's head
>so insurance companies profit billions of dollars right?
>oh absolutely
>so the overall cash flows are in their favor, in a sense?
>so why would I buy that product
no, fuck the insurance companies
single payer system is the best way of going about this.
We aren't canada, we actually have money here.
No. Humanity did fine without it for dozens of thousands of years, and suddenly leftards are acting like it's impossible to live without this decades old thing. Let's keep privatized healthcare for those who want to pay for it if they think they'll ever need it, but don't force people to pay for some shitty state healthcare like in France. I shouldn't have to pay other people in the first place, and especially not for leftards, shitskins, fags, trans, whores, junkies, foreigners, etc
>don't give money to Jew A, give it to Jew B!
Honestly the only advantage you guys are getting with health insurance, is doctors will more readily give you drugs when you ask for them. Here you basically have to make your case with a Doctor or Walk in clinic and say "Yes I actually need this test done, or yes I actually need this medication" because they will bullshit and try to pass your symptoms off as something else or something minor.
In my province in particular we're starved for Doctors who accept new patients. So it's pretty much impossible to have a regular family physician. Everything has to be done through a walk in, so you spend 30min-several hours waiting to talk to someone then your actual visit is about 5 minutes long and may or may not have been a complete waste of time.
On the bright side, if you get seriously injured or you're bleeding from a stump, the ER pretty much gives you first priority, and obviously its free as well. For everything else hospital related expect to wait 4-6 hours to see someone.
I've been told things are way better healthcare wise in Vancouver. Which makes sense since they're rich as fuck over there.
What about your little Funland communities here?
Are all of you fat, stupid, non-whites as well?
>Humanity did fine without it for dozens of thousands of years
Holy fuck user...
The last time i used it it cost me $200 to get an NSAID equivalent to tylenol after talking to a doctor for less than 10 minutes and resolving none of my problems/being told nothing.
Dropped my insurance in December.
Unless I am bleeding out of my ass or have an exposed bone I won't be going back to a doctor.
>implying costs would stay the same if insurance companies disappeared
>fuck the insurance companies
>by becoming the insurance companies
this. I pay out the ass for insurance I never use - and when I do, the clinic or wherever just charges my ins company whatever the fuck they want. Then, medical costs itself (for real stuff) is 8x more expensive today than it was 10 years ago for some reason. My dad was looking at getting a per-cancerous polyp taken out of his ass and it was like 50k. This shit is out of control and just "having insurance" isn't the solution for an over-bloated healthcare system
doctors are pretty stingy here giving out meds now because of all the retards overdosing.
I got a broken back and severe pain with sciatica, they still want me to take advil.
>for profit
That's the difference.
non-profit = larger employee salaries
>implying non-profits' leadership, boards, and outside-influence don't profit
why is forcing me to buy expensive health insurance somehow okay?
as opposed to filling the coffers of a for profit insurance company?
At least the costs are transparent when the government is involved.
>implying nobody profits from the Clinton Foundation
you guys are missing the point, health insurance is a scam but it's not the insurance companies' fault - it's the drug manufacturers and in-patient charges that are fucking sky high. Don't fall for the blame-the-insurance jew.
>clinton foundation
>government entity
That's what insurance is: a way to mitigate risk. Basically, it works live this:
-No major health problem (95% chance) - everybody is happy
-Major health problem (5% chance) - choice of death or bankruptcy
-No major health problem (95% chance) - happy, but pay a few thousand dollars a year
-Major health problem (5% chance) - Pay a few thousand dollars extra, but life goes on as normal otherwise
Insurance lets you offload the large potential downside of a major illness at the cost of a monthly fee. It makes good sense in principle. Now, whether US healthcare markets are distorted or business practices are unsure to the consumer is another matter; all I'm saying is that insurance itself isn't some insane scam.
> at least the costs are transparent when the government is involved.
>box of staples
>box of pencils
I can understand them wanting to prevent overdoses though. Doctors here will only give you very small amounts of ativan since it can be addictive. In the case of your pain is that something that you have to live with permanently? or is there a procedure or means for it to heal properly? I hate thinking about permanent injuries, even though my intestines are probably fucked given how I feel every day.
pharma jews increase prices
insurance jews have to make a profit on top of insuring for those increased prices
you're just getting double jewed,
>Clinton Foundation
>The VA
>Gov't program with corrupt profiteers
I don't understand what your question is even trying to convey. It's extremely vague and reeks of a shill/bot post.
is health research really that expensive that we have to spend so much money on it?
Does this research go to other countries for free or something that it costs less there?
like seriously why is it so expensive?
Is it big pharma or that theres like zero free market and it's all government controlled?
I dunno.
pretty much its almost like investing in lottery tickets
very few people will benefit from it
Permanent injury that will only get worse over time, to the point where it will literally rip my sciatic nerve in two, paralyzing me from the waist down.
There's a surgery for it, but I have to wait until then.
Hey at least they were transparent!!!!!!!!
>we can have fractional reserves for our fiat currency, in the long run we're all dead
>everybody is required by law to have health insurance
what did they mean by this
Can't people just provide medical attention out of the goodness of their heart and not for money?
>getting money from the stock market
and then law makers get involved and fix it.
corruption is harder to detect in a private company.
Did he end up getting the polyp removed?
Ya but think about it - if you ever get raped by a buffalo you're REALLY gonna wish you had buffalo rape insurance! Trust me!
hopsital is jewing the state/federal government on top of jewing the patiens on top of jewing the insurance agency that is jewing the pharmacy jew
everyone ends up with billion dollar profits and the patient ends up with $20,000 bill for getting stitches he could get in his living room $2
because the wannabe-social-planners don't care about what you want
they only care about what they think you need
No. Health insurance is not only a direct economic drain on the communities that pay for it, but it increases the cost of care.
Health insurance removes cost reduction pressures and separates expenditure from use.
>why is it so expensive?
Because the government will pick up the bill if someone is too poor to pay. Hospitals quickly realized they could charge literally anything with the expectation average citizens wouldn't be able to pay and that the government (tax payer) would willingly pay literally any price they came up with no matter how ridiculous.
The drug companies charge more here because euro single payer systems under pay. They only pay enough for manufacturing, we eat the whole cost of R&D. We don't need single payer to fix this, merely a law which states that pharma companies may not charge more in the US than in other countries for the same drug.
There ARE many supplies and tool companies which hospitals must buy from which rip them off. This is largely due to our fucking bonkers medical liability which forces hospitals and clinics to pay out the ass for "medical grade" shit which costs dollars to make and dollars more to sterilize. You want lower medical prices in the US? Federal tort reform.
how the fuck did you manage to do that?
Only if being raped by a buffalo incurs a steep financial cost. Otherwise, what's the insurance company going to do? As the old saying goes, they can't unrape me.
then over time through use made it worse. Did manual labor for a few years, that didn't help it at all.
6 years in the military man... everything the government does hemorrhages money and all of the contracts are inflated to hell
It should be optional or capped by government not everybody lives frivolously pay check to pay check I've used the NHS once since I have been born and that was only to get a vaccination that I missed at school because I was ill. Placing the financial burden on others just make people less likely to look after their own health.
Get rid of all those niggers and mexicunts and you could have a decent public healthcare system like any normal white country.
I don't. The government has no business forcing me to or issuing a fine because I don't have it.
Defend the borders.
so it's like the 500$ hammer problem?
>private company does shitty thing
>consumers: "hey thats a shitty thing i wont buy their products anymore"
>private company goes bankrupt
>government does shitty thing
>cant stop buying their products or you go to jail
>government continues to do shitty thing
>is health research really that expensive that we have to spend so much money on it?
Yes, clinical drug trials are the biggest cost and are extremely expensive.
>Does this research go to other countries for free or something that it costs less there?
In a way. Companies that develop medical products here are obviously free to sell them overseas. Single payer systems across the pond only cover manufacturing, which is enough to continue selling those products there, but not enough to actually pay for development, which falls almost entirely on the US healthcare system.
>like seriously why is it so expensive?
Mostly because of our batshit medical liability problem. US doctors order many, many more scans and tests for the same symptoms as canadian or western european doctors, simply to cover their asses. We also pay much more for tools and supplies because paying 50 bucks for a "medical grade" 1L bag of saline is still much cheaper than settling a lawsuit
accountability in government should be a thing.
I wish more fags would figure this out. I would also add that hospitals too have become a racket.
Basically the whole "health" system is out to fuck you over for as much money as they think they can get out of you.
As to how to fix it? I think transparent prices for standardized services, mandating all hospitals be nonprofit would be two stabs in the dark of fixing things. Maybe make ir easier to treat yourself at the pharmacy without needing a prescription like the Mexishits do.
As far as health insurance goes, I'd just outlaw it. It's a net drain on society.
(You) first...
Where are we now desu
It isnt. It never is and it inherently cant be, whether youre talking natsoc or feudalism or ((((((((democracy))))))). Coercive structures can never police themselves.
paying cash for all your minor medical bills is far cheaper than keeping insurance. and the cost of insurance far exceeds the expected value of using it in a rare event.
we're in the good-times to weak-men transition.
Man, any manual methods are total bullshit - I had two cracks and rupture and only surfgery actually helped. Go to Europe/Israel/Russia (lol) surgery will cost you $2000-5000 and about $5000-10000 for two years recovery.
I'm on medicaid, it costs me $0
Why do you wait for surgery then?
>Go to emergency room when sick
>Give fake name/address
>Never have to pay for anything
Why don't people do this?
I'd think we're already solidly in weak men to hard times. Is trump reversing the direction desu?
friendly reminder it's cheaper to not tell them that you have insurance at first. It actually lowers your price drastically.
because it is a meme that you don't have to wait for things in the US.
I've had to wait 3 months for Ortho Appt. Now I have to wait a month for an MRI and another month to see the Ortho again.
Then it'll probably be another couple of months for the surgery.
I also have some extreme sleep apnea that a CPAP / BiPAP machine won't fix and that's making me retarded due to starving my brain of oxygen and sleep deprivation, so I have to figure that shit out too.
If I didn't have medicaid, I'd be royally fucked.
And fewer and fewer doctors want anything to do with medicaid or medicare, because the money isn't worth the gov't bullshit.
Nothing's free. You pay for everything. It's just when and how much.
People who can pay for things don't have to wait. Stupid dumb poorfag.
It's even cheaper just to bypass the whole racket and do medical tourism.
I think it would ultimately be cheaper to create a single, small government agency that would negotiate with hospitals directly and set prices. In theory, paying for procedures as they come up directly with tax dollars would ultimately be cheaper for everyone over their lifetime than paying a thousand bucks a month to a profit-driven insurance company.
In practice, the obesity rate makes it prohibitively expensive and extremely unattractive to anyone young and healthy. Taking care of the old is one thing, because I too will be old, however, I will never be obese. The resulting bureaucracy will be bloated, corrupt and inefficient. Drug companies will jack up prices to unforseen levels when they only have to "negotiate" with one corrupt, inefficient bureaucracy with an essentially unlimited budget- people won't ever vote for less healthcare unless it's a massive failure like Obamacare.
It will be the MIC, but with medicine.
hard times is like the russian revolution, weimar, china in the 1920s. we're not there yet dude. son, we've a long way to fall.
>cue starsailor
>hard times is like the russian revolution, weimar, china in the 1920s.
We're no where near that but we got a lot of desperate people with out jobs that need work to support their families. I'm hoping we can reverse the direction. We need more strong men and more work for those men.
But man why not to accomplish surgery at any other country? There is an actual possiblility you will not survice next half of year.
>There is an actual possiblility you will not survice next half of year.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
the government will support all families with social welfare payments. nobody's family is going to starve. so nobody desperately needs work.
You are still trying so I guess yes thats a bad thing for you. I know what this pain is and fast exit is actually an option. (If you cant cure it)
It's a tough one, much as I'm a big believer in free markets and privatisation are the best ways to see an increased standard of living and economic growth there are some things that it would seem might be better run by a central body, such as the maintaining of our roads and keeping streets clean as well as education and healthcare. However the problem with public ownership is that things end up being run incredibly inefficiently by people who don't really need to care because they have no real incentive to make anything better, so in the end you end up spending even more money bringing external consultants in to clean up the mess. To be honest you can't win.
Don't buy it if you think it's a scam.
But in the future, don't expect anyone else to help you pay for your 200 grand of chemo.
Health insurance is not actually health insurance anymore since you can buy it even if you're dying and therefore sure to cause them to spend more money than you pay them. It's now actually just health loans, except minus the part where you are required to pay the loan back yourself in full plus interest, with everyone else paying more and more in place of that.
Oh and you're required by law to purchase some form of it. Land of the free.
Well, on top of that I don't have the money to travel and get the surgery anywhere else.
Getting up in the morning, making food, and taking a shower is about all I can do at the moment.
This is why public healthcare and second public pharma care is important.
You just get fucked over other wise because the alternative is death.
> Pay me 50k or you die/live in agony
Creating the cure is far less profitable than treatment
> Take a few pills and not be sick
> Take a zillion different things your entire life
Not hard to figure out what a profit driven business is going to go after.
> Buh the cost of research is expensive and they deserve money for their hard work
Only you as tax payers subsidize this shit with r&d tax credits and other stuff incentives. You don't get that shit back, they just jack up the price and fuck you over because they can.