americans are watching anime 24/7 and everyone know that anime is a jewish propoganda, you faggots are going to masturbate on fucking cartoons, and develop a fetish to asian women, eventually your next generation children will be stripped out of white gene/wont reproduce at all because you will be to socially akward for bitches to fuck your sorry ass, so bottom line, Anime is degeneracy and those who watch anime are faggots
Anime is degeneracy
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kike preaching everyone gather around
you probably watching anime too faggot
im ashamed i have to breath the same air with you
what anime is that?
is that anna frank?
Italian children have been watching anime non-stop since the 1970s and we turned out fine
ye sure, you have the same facial characteristics of a jew, you call that fine?
It's the other way around. It's Jews that resemble us, not us that resemble them.
Japan has been in the propaganda business for a long time. Wouldn't surprise me if Jews paid them tons of money to make this crap.
dont be silly
jews need bigger platforms
Italy has the highest proportion of 20-somethings who still live with their parents. Its about 55%. You're not fine.
If I won the lottery I'd do the exact same thing as your pic OP
No 3DPD only waifus now
itt. One kike argues with himself
I like anime occasionally. Even my ultra redpilled redneck Dad will watch the films.
>the uncomfortable truth not many has accepted
ultra redpilled doesnt mean he doesnt watch fagottery anime, perhaps he gets off on trap porn on /gif
Anime girls are cute though
Jews fear the samurai
>Jew telling me to stop doing something
>Jew says anime is jewish
Anime is officially based.
>implying I'll willingly pass on my manlet genes
How do we make animu go back to the age of pic related again, Sup Forums?
Anime is cute though
ah it's Rachel Purity
you found a pic of the typical Sup Forums user
Nice try kike
Fuck off kike, anime is great and there's literally nothing wrong with watching it
that's 30 something but whatever
it's not because they are retarded, that's because of low finances
Fuck yeah it is.
Just finished Serial Experiment Lain. Can someone explain wtf I just watched?
>no, goy! you must take women out on dates and pay for their meals (at jewish owned restaraunts), buy them gifts (at jewish owned stores), buy wedding and engagement rings (from jewish jewelers) pay a (jewish) wedding planner to have a large extravagant wedding at a really nice venue (owned by jews), so you can get a loan for a house (from a jewish owned bank) to buy a house (from a jewish realtor), and have children so you can buy toys and baby supplies (from jewish owned companies) and send them to (jewish controlled) public schools! and then a couple years later, you'll pay a (jewish) divorce lawyer as your wife's (jewish) divorce lawyer works to take everything from you when she divorces you to go fuck Jamal and raise your children alone so they'll more easily succumb to (jewish) propaganda!
nah, fuck off schlomo, I'm content with my solitude and waifu.
What the hell is this from?
Anime is degenerate, I agree.
It should've been Index S3.
Boku no Pico
>he can't recognize Dragon Ball
>anime idealizes small noses and pure white housewife material
Everything makes sense now.
No wonder kikes hate anime.
I don't watch anime.
While I like how asians are ageing and they are sexy but If I had the choice I'd take a white women any day of the week. But alas I am a social retard, fat and poor. I'm working on getting thin but having no social clue is hard to learn after being raised by a single mother.
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no wonder your country looks like it is if you all fags in sweden watch anime while muhamad from somalia fuck your women
yea, you're right. i'm a foreveralone virgin and my only escape is anime. i watch it as much as i can when i get out of work. it's the only thing i enjoy anymore though so fuck off.
i want both
Its asian propoganda and has correct gender roles. I dont get how retards get sooo into this gay shit
Anime is degenerate It's made for the lowest common domination in Japan
Regularly filled with Homosexual characters, pedophilia le cute girls doing cute no better then mlp, and it's made to distract you from real life things.
You didn't think the Jews would let Japan off with just two nukes did you?
You want Index more.
I would kill a bitch if they divorce me to fuck jamal. Skin a bitch, AN hero. I will tell wife that will happen if she pulls any funny shit
You watched a pretentious, aimless, poor man's Key the Metal Idol ripoff with no meaning beyond trying to be confusing for the sake of being confusing desu.
That's right goyim read the paper jew and watch the electric jew
What do you don't understand?
>lain is a programm (admin of the ''internet a.k.a. wired'')
It is fairly complicated since it's an open ending. But you can see that the anime that was made in the 90s kinda predicted the future.
>Sees body pillow with 2d waifu on it
Gonna need a sauce pronto
Japanese girls are the most redpilled and the best wives. They don't go talking about feminism or supporting LGBT rights. They are ok with a wage gap and they want to stay at home and raise kids.
Also, they won't cuck you for a Jamal, unlike German sows
When listening to the subtle undertones of this threads conversation, there is an important lesson to be learned here: Just because you like something degenerate you are not a degenerate. Whats important is that you preserve your culture and heritage. What anime you masturbate to and what irregular side chicks you have is of no importance.
But anime taught me the power of shitposting. Gatchman crowds is a terrible animu but shows the power of shitposting. If people shitpost too far people will shitpost them. Together we can shitpost a new world. They also predicted that new media would overtake old media as technology progresses hence prime minister livestream. Inb4 president livestream.
Gatchaman Crowds is about social media like forums, Facebook and Sup Forums.
All the people are lurkers or casuals, just living their lives without worrying much.
CROWDS users are posters.
JJ is moot, in the top of power but doesnt really do anything.
Gatchamans are mods, they must control the posts and stuff.
MESS are shitposts, which by command of moot, mods must delete these be good or bad (Gatchamans see MESS that way, must eliminate, without knowing if they were evil or not, of course except for Hajime which was the first gatcha to attempt communication)
The reason we didn't see MESS in a while was because there was no shitpost. All were starting to follow the same path, Rui path, via X. At the end, not having any command to follow at all (chaotic scenario, they were just starting to solve shit by fun games) ended up in shitposts to appear again, so MESS did appear.
BK is the personification of trolls, a troll only wants chaos, and can be anyone (that's why BK takes different forms) and the only way to stop a troll is either mods try to control it, in this case gatchas can't, so what Hajime did is what its supposed to be done always: ignore the troll. Eventually he will go away. And that's how gatchas 'stopped' BK.
I have autism. Thanks.
>on jewish propaganda website complaining about jewish propaganda
This is getting out of hand
Recommend me some good starter anime, I have never watched any.
>Whats important is that you preserve your culture and heritage
yeah...worked really way to you Hans, or should i say Muhammed
>When listening to the subtle undertones of this threads conversation, there is an important lesson to be learned here: Just because you like something degenerate you are not a degenerate. Whats important is that you preserve your culture and heritage. What anime you masturbate to and what irregular side chicks you have is of no importance.
Inshallah brother.
>the left blames anime for making people right wing
>the """right"""" blames anime for degeneracy
Nice try kikes, no one is going to watch your faggot promoting HBO shows.
Dude first you should check Attack on Titan, it's like the Neon Genesis Evangelion of Anime
You must be retarded. Japan is most based country in the world. They don't take and from any group of migrants. They work hard , and take care of their own families. We can clearly learn something from them.
"27" turks
Jigoku Shojo is the first anime I've seen
It was good
get your filthy post-2000 sluts out of this thread
The heck are you on about?
>he doesn't have a dakimakura
step up
I'll tell you what I tell my friends: If you wanna get INTO anime, watch Cowboy Bebop. If you wanna get OUT of anime, watch Bleach.
The jew fears the anime, because it comes from a country that his grip has not yet reached. Anime spreads traditional values instead of endlessly degenerating "social commentary" over the jew's territories.
Take that back you nigger
post-2000 sluts have to go
Anime is used a tool of the Yellow Jew as revenge for the two nukes.
Too bad they destroyed their own society with it. It's in their blood though, the kamikazes and seppuku honor suicide type deals. As long as they destroy the West, they die with honor.
Anime is the sword that will slay the SJW and the kike
>he doesn't want a dakimakura
faggot confirmed
What is this? A synagogue? Why is this thread filled to the brim with jews?
Jews fear the samurai
>Muh anime is jewish meme
I honestly don't understand why you guys like anime. Can someone give me a quick rundown? Not saying ts degenerate but I've never seen the appeal tbqhwyf
Ghost in the Shell (the movie)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
kill yourself you nigger
The only time a nigger appears in anime it's always a joke and is an American
>even in the 90s, based animu portrays America as full of shitskins
rate my latest purchase
Can confirm, watch G.T.O.
Then watch Avatar: The Last Airbender to really get a decent insight into Japanese culture.
I rather like anime.