Salam Aleikum my brother, your pizza has arrived!

Salam Aleikum my brother, your pizza has arrived!

That'll be $20.99 plus tips plus jyzia tax

Other urls found in this thread:

Did this happen to you, leaf man?
>Canada is worse than I thought

>"Hellooo, ya ya Ive gut a live one haha I will make him breed my many wives. I told you apu, I will have light skinned children. No, no YOU listen, the pink pussies of my many arabian brides need bug fat christian cock to impregnate them. Maybe I can send him your way and he can sort you out too. haha yeah, ok bye bye my friend."

wrong house bro, i dont eat garbage.

I got your jyzia tax right here *cums*

You usually post this thread in every 36 hours, but its your second one just tonight, what happened Sikh bro ? unemployed again ?

> jiyza tax


>Google Indian pizza
>See this picture

What did he mean by this?

Wtf? Adele grew a beard??

They eat the poo poo, they poo the poo poo.

>What did he mean by this?

Omg I thought I was the only one getting jewed by the sand niggers! Al-Canada sucks. Also when I said I wouldn't pay it, Mussie faggot threatened to behead me. Tf?

Their pizza is actually pretty good

Hows life there?



Sure bud, here's 25, keep the change.

An extra 5 in if for ya if you eat a slice of bacon off the pizza.

Darn, I hate bomb on my pizza...

B... But I wanted pepperoni. What do you mean it's against your religion?

Did you just tax me for jizzing in my pizza?

You live in Hammond, Indiana ?

Mohammed, get the scimitar

Jizya would be way cheaper than the Jewzya taxes I'm paying

indians are actually good at cooking stuff. of all the different ethnicities to make pizza since the italians moved on, the indians are doing a good job. ironic that their ethnic food is un-edible basic slop. worst at pizza = chinese.

did you just assume my gender?

Hey! You didn't put on the BACON like I asked!

They're Indian tho

Jizya is applied to non-muslims in Islamic countries. It's kind of a tax they have to pay to live in muslim countries. If they don't pay jizya, state can literally kill you. So either you pay or you die.

>Anons will always reply to this tired bait even if it is spammed every hour of every day

Come on, Sup Forums, we should be smarter than this. Also, don't forget to put some Sage on that pizza.