What are your thoughts on women in the military?
What are your thoughts on women in the military?
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Female and co-ed infantry units are abhorrent. Other than that, I'd say they can do any job.
Ban them.
They won't really be there if an actual war starts.
Lesbians, femminists, daughters from families where mom was abused or from families where they are trying to earn their dad's love and be the son he never had.
Same with female cops, mma fighters, boxers, bodybuilders....you see the pattern.
they look pathetic
no women allowed in the military until they are all issued draft cards
There are lots of good jobs in logistics and such they can do that free up capable men for the front lines. See: WAFS in WWII.
If women want quality they should also see equality in the draft.
98% garbage
>yes, Mistress. Please punish this filthy slave of yours.
>step on my cock and balls, destroy them.
>send me in my cuck shed, please
A terrible idea that is bad for women, men, and the military. There is not a single problem that is solved by allowing women in, and it creates a thousand new problems.
There is no issue so long as we do not compromise performance.
This, the only women I know who could even come close to performing at the same level as the average man were literally born and raised on a military base.
I wouldnt be surprised if this happens in tge males also, it can be difficult to get used to carrying another 60-80kg
No upside to them, only downsides. They bring nothing a man couldn't do better, a top tier female in optimal conditions would still be equal or less to an average male soldier. And for all the shit they talk, they still require special accommodations and wavers.
Shoehorning them in combat unit is bad for morale, unit cohesion and ultimately combat readiness.
it does compromise performance you fucking idiot, that's why the debate is occurring
stupid cop-out ethos
women are evolved to nurture. men are evolved to fight. simple as that
women do not belong in combat. they cannot do the job and they impair unit cohesion
counterproductive to military mission-oriented environment but they can sure make tasty turkey pot pies
I haven't done military service, was denied thanks to a damaged knee from sports, so I don't really feel like shitting on women who actually do military service.
I am convinced there are a few women who could perform on the same level as your average conscript. But I also know how weird the social dynamic gets when you introduce a few women into a mostly male group. Don't see how it is worth the hassle introducing women into combat units.
If there are enough capable women to staff an entire home guard unit or something I don't see a problem with it.
>What are your thoughts on women in the military?
put all the women on the frontlines
send all the men home
If women want to serve, they should stay home, marry young and be good, loyal wives. They'd be a lot more useful that way than another GI Jane barrack cumbucket.
Are any of you familiar with Mary Hegar? She's a fucking badass.
They shouldn't be. Plain and simple.
Admirable. Aswell as that they are typically well disciplined conservative women like all women should be.
Everybody who passes the required tests should be allowed to serve their country
No problem what so ever. As long as they don't effect the performance in any way which is impossible. Personally I think it would be best if they were separated into there own squads. When your life is at risk all your gonna want to do is fuck. That will fuck up performance BIG TIME.
Did you even read what I said?
China has 300 million women in its army. Think about that.
Yes, every girl should learn to shoot.
Do you have actual data to support that?
if they can do the job then go for it, however the amount of women who can drag 300lbs of weight out of the line of fire while carrying a 100lb pack themselves are 0.00000001% of the female population
Terrible idea.
Someone may have to help me find the sauce but I remember reading a great article about Paraguay (I think) and how they suffered a massive population drop when their men got slaughtered. But before long they were able to bring the population back up because the female population was untouched
If we go to war, and women fight, we lose our capability to regenerate our people.
This. Current USMC gruntfag. When I was going through "infantry school", they were running an experiment where females could volunteer to try it before going to their appointed job school. Ended with something like a 85% failure rate, compared to like 6 or 8 for males. In my class, we started with 22 females and graduated 2. It's a fucking terrible idea economically, logistically, medically, functionally, and socially. Literally nothing to gain and tons to lose. I'm pissed it's getting forced on us.
60-80 lbs*
The loadout they give you for the test at the end of SAS selection is 40 lbs. It's a 24 hour march. It's not easy.
data to support that women are evolved to nurture?
who breastfeeds?
get the fuck out
I'd argue that there are a very few women that could be incorporated into infantry positions. These are the type of women who are dyke lesbians but can integrate well enough into the male cohesive dynamic in infantry roles. These are the women where if they were under fire the men in the unit won't feel as much of a need to rescue them over anyone else.
That is a very small % of women that can do that though. And it would be considered discrimination or sexist but that's literally how it has to be.
Only a certain type of woman can become a warrior. She has to be brought up like a male. Vikings used to have Shield-Maidens and there were also women serving as warriors in many tribes in the past, some even served in leadership roles, Boudicca being one example. Modern Women however cannot perform on the Battlefield I'm afraid. Get them out of the military. At best, keep them in a home militia or National Guard or something for home defense.
Any marines here? Is it true that the female flexed arm hang isn't allowed anymore? That's a good start, at least.
Whoa whoa whoa
Is that table of data actually suggesting there are physical differences between men and women?
They're no good in the navy either.
that isn't data faggot
That they impair unit cohesion.
Fuck off. If she was a dude you would never have heard of her. One woman doing an adequate job doesn't make up for all the others that can't do anything right. Libshits are ruining your military with stronk womyn, fags and trannies.
How do you call a soldier that can only fight 3 weeks out of 4, is physically weak and prone to throw tantrum ?
A liability. And that's exactly what women in military and law enforcement are.
hot cop women always make me want to rape
military women should get the fuck out
I wouldn't mind it if they didn't fucking segregate training into male and female
How is that fair, they obviously go easier on the women
You shouldn't give an inch. If you do, there will be so much political pressure for them to make the grades that they'll be allowed to cheat until they pass. You might as well give them "participation" ranger tabs and shit.
Spent 10 years in the service. Worked with a few shitbag girls and a few shitbag dudes too. Never had an issue with women in the military. They were like one of the guys.
try telling the social justice warriors that
Really? Cuz I could name like like 5 or 6 other memoirs written by men and her story is the only one told by a woman in the military that I know of.
women were never made to fight, but only to bear children, they'll crumble against any professional fighting force made up of men.
See Also, the ability to breastfeed is a biological fact that has led us to our gender roles and responsibilities. It's not fun to give birth and it's not fun to get a limb blown off in combat but it's what each of us do for civilization.
As a general rule, one can nevar respect anything with a vagina.
This is the obvious reality we're not allowed to mention when it comes to the workplace or military
hhahahahahahahahahaha, Enjoy being raped every night
If they want to serve, let them. I wouldn't want to be on the front lines with a woman though. There are probably 100x more complaints with women widespread in the military now
what are your thoughts on military in the women?
i think it's a stupid meme, and i doubt women will be in frontline roles (nor should they be), but they will be touted as massive heros somehow anyways
It's mostly because it's a bad idea to put men and women in the same room for six-seven hours a night for three months
That year is heavy, and I'm sure we're seeing this after pt and training all day. She didn't give up either, which isn't really an option, but that's why you train hard so you're ready to play hard in the field.
>China has 300 million woman in it's army
Weak bodies, weak minds, they bleed and distract the male soldiers.
A stupid idea
Better question, is getting rejected by a female a sin on her part? Technically it prevents a man and woman from starting a relationship and getting married and having kids, like God intended.
>every time a female rejects a man, God kills a kitten.
Well yeah, but they segregate PT
more woman doing behind the scenes jobs mean more men for the fronline, so i dont see any problem with that.
this happened in some fire brigade tests iirc
a woman was allowed to repeat a test multiple times until she passed, she couldn't and they let her join anyway.
Just because Chinese have ridiculously small dicks doesn't make them females, user. Don't be mean.
It worked for the Vikings. The military is pretty based desu not really any problems thank god
Good for propaganda, bad for everything else.
Take it from a vet who served before Obama bin lying women and faggots have no place in the military. They arent talking about it but in 2008 the military suffered a huge brain drain as all the experianced vets said fuck this shit and left. They will never recover the lost moral and readyness.
One of the worst things the American armed forces did was allow women to enlist.
>be airman
>have 5 beer buzz
>lock eyes with qt3.14 across the nco club
>talk over a drink
>back at my place
>fuck like retarded rabbits
>week later called into flight commanders office
>accused of rape
>qt3.14 claimed she was drunk after 2 beers
>court martial
>2 years in leavenworth
Vikings didn't used females in combat
needs audio of drill instructor telling her how cute she looks
Just make them tankers
retard detected
I'm okay with it, but they should never be on the frontlines.
And they made a documentary about how women ruined the swedish fire departments too. not only they make shit firefighters but they take a job that doesn't go to an actually qualified one.
Or that time where 20 firefighters resigned in Canada after a single chick started making phony harassment and discrimination claims.
The stronk womyn/fags/trannies meme needs to die.
you said they can do any job
that implies, for example, an-all female combat unit. Israel has them
there are other non-combat roles women do not belong either. women do not have the same work ethic, focus, etc. and it impairs unit cohesion regardless of combat or not
No fucking haste from this bitch, take all fucking day why don't you. I don't support auto-loaders to replace male loaders but clearly anything would be better than this un-motivated retard.
Thankfully women aren't allowed in combat roles in the UK
wew lad 40lb? your sas must suck, australian sasr has a 50kg pack and a 5 day solo hiking trip over mountains n shit, 100-120km
Former Junior Enlist, Army Officer here,
when is comes to garrison environment
females often times performs better than their male counterparts. Most of the "shitbags" that i've seen in the military were male Soldiers.
Females tend to be more fragile physically, you will see a lot of them on medical profile hence being opt out of PT or field exercises. Thanks to Barry Hussein, military in general became a politically correct military, so when you're around females you have to be extra careful because even you being minor involved in a sexual harassment/assault case will lead to your career being flopped. In the field, we have to make special accommodations for females which creates an atmosphere of extra saltiness amongst my male soldiers. TLDR: females are great in garrison, shitty in the field, deployed environment
When was this?
>reminder "If they're drunk, it's RAPE; be safe, not sorry!"
>literally every fucking SAPR session
>no excuse for it nowadays
In the full vid you can we a man casually stroll past the finish line right before that
All that she proved is that if she has to march somewhere she will be a casualty when they vet there
no, but that's also common knowledge. men have an extra instinct to protect women. women do not focus or work as hard as men. QED
hol up, you need data to convince yourself that women are nurturing and men are warriors? are you disputing that men have higher levels of testosterone and strength?
modern leftists, ladies and gentlemen
btw, if you really want the data, do a google search. there's plenty out there. I'm not humoring your fatuous bullshit
This dumb bitch posed nude with her in uniform on the other page. She got kicked out lol
>In the field, we have to make special accommodations for females which creates an atmosphere of extra saltiness amongst my male soldiers.
maybe she doesn't want to destroy her back by doing a bunch of violent pivoting.
Canadian Infantry guy here, 10 years in. We get monthly speeches about rape and tolerance and all that shit now.
Most guys don't even talk to the girls cause they fear they might say something or look at them some way that would land them in shit.
If a girl could literally make a baseless rape accusation and the military would make money rain upon them, like over 100k.
I've yet to see any actual rape.