When did you realize that evolution is liberal bullshit?

When did you realize that evolution is liberal bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:


>the theory of natural hierarchies
>survival of the fittest
>>>liberal bullshit

You've gotta be kidding me, kiddo.

When they discovered Noah's Ark in 1986.

Please redpill me on this.

I still haven't heard a better theory, or any evidence that suggests that evolution isn't real

when I had to cook meat to eat it

>doesn't believe in evolution
>wants to be taken seriously
reminder to sage and report

I don't even take people who think evolution is bullshit seriously. I immediately discount them as an intelligent human being capable of higher thought

Most science is liberal bullshit. Why do you think colleges are so liberal?

When I realized magic is real


Never, because im not retarded and evolution doesnt even agree with liberal ideology 100%, its a scientific theory not a political tool if your really dont believe it please end yourself because scientific illeteracy is truly mankinds greatest weakness atm and i want no possibility of u teaching this to kids

do eat your meat raw?

if you (((evolved))) the you would have no need to cook meat

Did we ever find the source video for this pic?

Post more of those sexy hoes. Also, you're a mongoloid if you think religion is real and evolution is not.

See what I mean? This moron doesn't even have the slightest clue as to what evolution entails.

Talking about it with people like this is UTTERLY POINTLESS

you utter fuc-

other (((mammals))) don't cook their meat.

why do you if you evolved?

i wanted to be on your side but you didnt state how he was wrong and just discarded his opinion

if you want to have discussions like these go to plebbit where they censor unwanted opinions you literal faggot

no don't get me wrong i think there's a biological basis for race and so called racist views

I don't take people who are ignorant of OOPARTS seriously because they're obviously dumb on purpose.

>i bet you post all the trap threads on Sup Forums

Then you havent heard of Devolution

when I realized that no amount of evolution could've resulted in dat ass

What have you achieved in life? Only reason I'm asking is because there are plenty of scientists, philosophers, etc. who believe in creationism but have above average intelligence. Are you as educated as these people? If not, how can you write them off as being less intelligent than you?

If you understood the theory of evolution as it applies to humans maybe you would be remembering that a combination of us keeping people alive who shouldn't be and us cooking our meet for thousands of years because they found it is healthier and safer have ruined humanities overall disease resistance and made us more susceptible to infection, meaning we now always have to cook our meat or risk infection and death, bascially other animals always eat raw things and have been doing so for so long they have hard resistance to disease because if they didnt there ancestors would die (wow survival of the fittest) and for humans we broke that order and now humans who could never eat a raw steak and live have been born and dont die but get to repopulatw and over thiusands of years made everyone that way

Why do white people seem to have perfect noses?

evolution is 100% real
>but its a THEORY
its a scientific theory not a regular theory which means it has tons of work supporting it. It's not just some guy's opinion that might be false who knows lmao. ITS PRETTY MUCH 100% FACT unless some absolute madman brings up another idea that proves evolution wrong BUT STILL EXPLAINS WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT EVOLUTION.

I hope you guys redpill yourselves on evolution because we're gonna need to do some eugenics in the future.

Evolution is the ultimate redpill.

The struggle for existence is practically the foundation of far-right ideology.

Because White people are perfect

>Probably the only school of thought on earth that strives to be objective
>Has a political bias
>And that bias is liberal

Please explain your train of thought here. Science by itself actually mandates a fairly conservative ideology. It's only when science is combined with philosophical schools of thought like sociology and psychology that a more liberal field of options becomes apparent.

Granted, when you're capable of taking in all the information around you nearly any rational human being will eventually reject conservatism, but why are you blaming science for that and why do you consider being informed to be a bad thing?

Flawed question
I haven't realized it yet

Macro-evolution (the complete change from one species into another species) has NEVER been proven.
>there isn't even one single 'transitional fossil' to indicate that it ever even happened

Micro-evolution (the slight changes and variations in a species, ie finches) is the only true concept in the evolutionary theory.

>good scientists know that Intelligent Design is the superior origins theory


The one on the right is a coal burner.

when i saw these guys outside squatting and drinking in adidas suits.



Kelly Donnelly

good luck

When I cracked the Bible for the first time and read the first few sentences.

Muh dick

It's useless user, typical Christian stupidity driving people away from reality. People who don't understand evolution don't understand science, and consequently gods creation.

Deism is the only respectable and sensible belief if one is to acknowledge a higher power.

Hopefully one day all these shitty religious are eradicated and we can actually move forward as a species.

Humans became so intelligent exactly because they cook food.
Less work for the stomach and more nutrients.

When did you realize that understanding evolution is key to saving our race?

That is bullshit.

Why don't you go find some stats about it. Because my guess is that there's less legitimate scientists who believe in creationism than there are for equally ridiculous things like denying anthropogenic climate change.

I'd eat the nigger's cum right out of her asshole.

>plenty of scientists
Only 700 scientists in relevant fields believe in creationism out of hundreds of thousands

Other mammals also get parasites and diseases and die horribly from eating some meat just like we can if we don't cook it. That's why we cook it. It's not like you can't digest raw meat, it's just that it's a bad idea to eat it.

Can't tell if this is b8 or not.

This is not true.

if we (((evolved))) like any other living thing on this earth, then we should be able to eat raw meat everyday all day. lots of mammals do not cook their meat and live longer than humans.

Also, why are humans the only living thing on earth that does not live in harmony with the earth and continuously destroys the earth. because we (((evolved)))?

That's because it is probably a correct model

When I realized there is literally no way a spider evolved to camouflage itself as a ladybug so people don't fear it.

That's quite literal bullshit. Someone is genetically engineering animals like in that absolutely trash videogame called Spore.

Mmm... I can just imagine the tasty as the Black man's seed oozes out of her lily white ass...

>discarded his opinion
his opinion is an opinion of retard, tho.

Who clearly missed issues like people not having equal amounts of teeth.

And I bet you personally surveyed all of them :^)

Evolution may not be liberal bullshit, but atheism tottaly is.


Evolution is exactly what they hate. Behind all the other things, evolution is fundamentally the thing they hate. Leftist get the vote of the weak and many that praise democracy as it allows them to leach of the strength of the strong.
It entails being unable to face the reality of the world, that suffering is unavoidable and that the weak and unhealthy are meant to die off.

this, its the best argument to support gender roles, race realism and anti-equality in all forms because these things are simply reality

sand nigger religions sure have done a number on white people

Because we evolved intelligence and thus have an unmatched ability to change our environment to suit us.

>if we (((evolved))) like any other living thing on this earth, then we should be able to eat raw meat everyday all day. lots of mammals do not cook their meat and live longer than humans.
No, he just answered this.

>Also, why are humans the only living thing on earth that does not live in harmony with the earth and continuously destroys the earth. because we (((evolved)))?
Yes. We are smart enough to make every other species completely subservient to us.

I realized this about three weeks ago. I emailed a scientist who has been experimenting with ecoli since the 1980's - he has the worlds longest running evolution science experiment. Anyways after 50,000 generations of trying to get ecoli to evolve he told me it is still ecoli.

I don't have an alternative to the theory of evolution but it's definitely fake.

It isn't. Natural selection is real.

Races are real too. Cognitive differences between them are real too.

>Not posting the webm

>Macro-evolution (the complete change from one species into another species) has NEVER been proven.
>Micro-evolution (the slight changes and variations in a species, ie finches) is the only true concept in the evolutionary theory.

>game of chess ain't real, but chess pieces movement is real

i refuse to believe they aren't trolls
i simply refuse

maybe they are getting parasites and diseases because (((they))) are evolving and trying to prevent us from eating them.

humans are the only thing here that never evolved.

Willfully stupid assholes like you are why the left has so much petty ammunition to use against us in the culture war.

> Looks at human biology
> Teeth while can eat meat, seem to be in-lign with a more herbevoir rich diet
> Mans growing non-nigger brain leads to fire
> Ability to suddenly consume so much more
> able to keep warm in different clients

Fuck dude read a book on it before shit posting your autistic epiphany theres so much more.

It doesn't even fit the regressives lefts narritive since it shows the niggers can't think ahead and destroys the multi-racial/culture bullshit


There's a difference between social darwinism and darwins theory of evolution through natural selection
Social darwinism is retarded and demonstrably fails, right wingnuts love it
Evolution through natural selection is a conclusively proven scientific theory, right wingnuts deny it

First of all, we HAVE seen speciation directly. >pic related
>but that was just flowers and not a "kind" like a dog or cat
If enough microevolution took place over enough time, it would naturally "turn" a dog into another species, would it not?

>no transitional fossils
Not true

>good scientists know that Intelligent Design is the superior origins theory
In other words, the ones bankrolled by AiG and other creationist groups

> Evolution is liberal bullshit

Then how do you explain white girls with those asses?

>Evolution is bullshit
>Those girls are 13-15 and have the bodies of college students
>You have to be a liberal to believe in evolution

muh god

>its a scientific theory not a regular theory!

I cant imagine why sciencefags believe this. There is literally no difference.

That's because facts have a liberal bias

Leftists deny evolution as well though. They think it's real but somehow not for human populations.

>current year
>americans still believe humans were made by God's saliva
Explain why in sunny areas everyone is a shitskin and why people are dead-white in northern climates

we are homo sapiens not neanderthals.

neanderthals evolved. we did not.

Evolution is why we are religious.
People like Dawkins aren't really darwinian, they're rationalists. Because it's obvious that humans have lived without science for the overwhelming majority of our history and thus have evolved and adapted to a world where science never existed.

I demand proofs

>American education

Not my numbers, straight from the Discovery Institute


>forgot pic related

>societies that tries to force equality gets worse and worse the harder they try getting fucked up by socialism and immigration and feminism and societies where they have higher and higher a free market do better and better until the most capitalist country in the world is the richest country in the world

really makes one ponder

when I couldn't get a girlfriend and didn't know what else to blame

post the ig

The hell that have to do with my post?

Or are you tryna say theres no difference at all between a chink and a nigger and a white?
If there is a god (theres not) may he have mercy on your dumb ass soul

Since you have Kek's blessing, I should warn you that the chick on the right is a coalburner.


I get that evolution in terms of adaptation (like the beaks of the birds that Darwin observed) is true, I don't think I've ever seen any evidence that proves that evolution in the terms of the transfer of one species to another is true. Could someone post evidence, I find it hard to beleive that there could be a complete transition of species.

when i came here from Rthedonald as i closed my Copy of "Israel is your best ally goy"

>lots of mammals do not cook their meat and live longer than humans.
Not really. Humans live exceptionally long lives as far as mammals go, even other great apes (if we assume living longer than gorillas is only due to modern medicine) live longer than lions (oldest recorded was 25), bears (oldest recorded was 39), or wolves (oldest recorded was 21 years old). Humans who live healthy lives can easily live to 70+ while the oldest known gorilla died at the age of 60 (twice the maximum age of a lion and almost three times the age of the oldest wolf).

Look its this pic and topic again, did you figure out who the girl on the right is yet

where is the (((missing link))) to prove we evolved?

different people different gods. why only one god?


>Not social darwinism = Communism
Heh, thanks for the laugh
Social Democracy fucks Tea partyism in the ass by virtually all meaningful metrics... America has a high GDP, but the average Joe doesn't get to see much of it due to income inequality and extortionate healthcare and education costs. Social Democracies have more happiness, more freedom, lower crime... Look at norway, germany, france, sweden.
At this point people like to mention the refugee crisis, so let me point out that it is circumstantial, rather than a failure of the fiscal political system. I don't want to imagine what it would be like if america had to face the same crisis.

Lets say god is real
Why would you make trilobytes and all that shit milions of years ago, fuck around and jack off, then create amphibians, then eventually diniosaurs then one day decide "Scaley niggers" and blow the fuck out of them w/ meteors but spare the mammals.

BUT also keep random shit like sharks, dragon flys, octopus etc then one day make failed man (caveman) throw hairy elephants and sabre cats around then say "fuck that ill make dumb niggers instead" then have some leave africa to de-niggertize.

If god is real, hes a grade A degenerate autist

NatSoc philosophy is literally founded on evolutionary science, you degenerate.

Anyone know ?

That doesn't even come close to remotely proving macro-evolution and you know it.

There has never been any proof whatsoever no matter how many times fuckos faked evidence to prove macro is true.

There are so many problems with the evolutionary theory that people are abandoning it for Intelligent Design.

>Darwin never knew DNA was so complex and orderly
>statistical odds that DNA came into existence via evolutionary processes is 10 to 10^1,400,000 against.
>you literally believe in a religion that masquerades as science you fucking faggot


>believing that we came from nothing because of an incident where we exploded from nothing because of an incident that came from nothing