Nationalism hasn't been this BTFO since the end of the second world war
Being born into something does have inherent value. For instance being born into a family rather than left to the wolves.
the argument expressed in OP pic is typical of the theoretical mind-experiment left-brain garbage running rampant today.
"hurr if i were x i wouldnt want y, therefore z." Well, you aren't x, and you actually owe your family and tribe a debt of honor and service. so you probably ought to do y instead of z.
>there are no such thing as national teams/borders are an artificial construct and anyone who disagrees with me is RACIST
>There is one race, the human race and anyone who disagrees with me is RACIST
>why are you opposed to these poor oppressed minorities practicing their cultures in your homeland? Are you a RACIST?
>don't play for your team, that's RACIST
Progression of every liberal argument. And people wonder why we are unabashedly racist on this website.
>you shouldn't care about your community
>communities shouldn't be able to rule themselves or prioritize their problems
>you should give up control to a faceless, cosmopolitan bureaucrat who knows best
Europeans are born serfs.
Here is my beef with nationalism, however. A nation is nothing like a tribe or family; it may or may not reflect my family or tribe or beliefs. Why would I be a nationalist in the USA for instance? My family fought the USA in the civil war. I don't get why I'm supposed to support someone like trump when he is a lot like Lincoln--he exercises way too much executive power. In fact deporting all the Mexican workers is a lot like when they freed the slaves? Who says they are "illegal" if I want to hire them for cheap then why not? Also if they leech welfare why should I care? The taxes I am obligated to pay are only a form of theft to supported a bloated and tyrannical federal state. Fuck nationalism bro.
>tfw following enumerated powers in the Constitution is "too much executive power"
Get the fuck out you fucking communist.
the essence of this argument:
>were all one people guy! :D:D:D:D:D
the only american nation that could ever be a nationalist for is the Confederate States of America, and it's dead.
>fucking communist
>thinks that federalism isn't the precursor to communism etc
That is my problem. I do not identify with the US nation. I feel like one of those Serbian chumps.
>also tyrant because he can
If he were really a man of the people he would dissolve the federal government
so we do the classical liberal/libertarian, open society, tolerance, and justice thing. i'm all for those things, i just don't want more brown immigrants, and i want the government to enforce our laws.
Nationalism is useful stupidity and ignorant.
Those with functioning brains realize how retarded nationalists are, but are grateful for them because they throw their non-valuable lives away in war. Whether it's nationalism or religion, it's just a tool used by the powerful to make the weak do their bidding.
Saying that you shouldn't be grateful and proud of your nation is like saying that you shouldn't be grateful and proud of your family.
The Constitution outlined close to as minimal federal government as they could without sacrificing stability. Clear, delineated powers has nothing to do with class struggle and proletariat revolution.
>no I gotta listen to billionaire Carlos Slim because he owns the NYT who told me that I'm no longer allowed to determine who enters my communities
What the fuck do you think he's doing? He's destroying EPA, the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, etc. Can you any more retarded?
Oh man, the department of education! Fuck! What are we going to do without that?
Understandable you have no pride in your country fucking leaf.
Nationalism is an incredible tool not just to throw your life away but to build your country and pull it above the rest.
Saying you're a highly functioning human who resides in a fantastic country but takes no pride in it is a scumbag thing to do.
wtf i hate everything about myself and my ancestry now
Less ideological subversion of your kids by Common Core through federal-mandated funds. Less student debt bubble. Less funding of radical leftist groups. etc.
*sips tea* sweetie, this isn't how this works.
>*sips tea*
eat cock
t.butthurt roach that he will never be accept as a frenchmen
No, Ahmed, that's the thing, we live in an age where nationalism isn't required to building the economy anymore.
Just by me working, to build a future for myself, I am building a future for the country without even caring about it. There's no nationalism involved. However, when you go throw your life away in wars, then nationalism is a must.
Don't misunderstand, I love my country. In fact, I don't even mind paying extra taxes to improve the country and the condition of all the citizens (which frantic nationalists on Sup Forums seem to oppose). However, I would never, EVER, throw my life away in a war like Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq just because of bullshit nationalism.
Look at all the American cucks that died in Vietnam. They died like fucking fleas, with their lives having no worth. Lost the war then 40 years later, the US govt is selling weapons to the communist govt which killed them. Hilarious, isn't it? As I said before, I'm glad nationalism exists, because idiots throw their lives away for the geopolitical interests of our country. Pretty useful desu.
Somebody ought to fix that.
His argument assumes nationalism doesn't apply to immigrants that assimilate
People who have no appreciation of the life given to them and the care afforded to them are a cancer to be purged from society, nothing more.
Go to hell you piece of shit leaf.
My ancestors fought and died for this country, to pass on their legacy here. Leftists have become so nihilistic they want to erase the past entirely.
It doesn't.
Bulgaria was an empire you faggot. Fuck you for insulting my ancestors. I'd skin you alive if I met you right now.
Anyway, a country should focus on preserving and protecting it's own people over foreigners, because it is their country. That's what nationalism means to me rather than a competition between nations over who is better.
This is why we should just purge commies. The more I learn about communists the more I think they forfit their humanity and become ideological virii, a plague upon humanity.
A nation is the whole ethnocultural reservoir that you sprung out of and the context of your existence. Nationalism is about bigger principles than who happens to hold power right now. It's not even about the form or structure of government.