memes aside. Is there any evidence that Russia is Americas big bully again?
>Did they hack the DNC?
>Is Trump a puppet?
Or are all of these claims just, well, claims by the MSM? Was it the CIA all along?
I need answers, not BTFO or "How will X ever recover".
I__W A N T__T H E__T R U T H
>Did they hack the DNC?
The guys that relesed the info claim it was leaked, not hacked.
>Is Trump a puppet?
Too early to say. I'd say no because 1) who wants WW3? 2) I think he has a plan further than just getting into the oval office.
Pretty much this.
Although I do believe he was definitely helped by the Russian.
The contacts from both sides were there, the question is what those contacts were for.
It's plausible for him to owe a favor, but he's not going to be a puppet.
No has russia been relevant as an evil boogeyman for the past 20 years? Not really for the younger generations except for the time he was pronounced a gay hater or sum shit. Cold war boogeymam tactics are failing I guess.
I believe russia didn't like hillary and wanted her out and now percieves donald as being the weaker canidate hence they are rolling with the russia stuff. Basically win win 4d putin chess.
I don't think weaker candidate is the right word. Putin likes Trump because Trump has no bias against him and is willing to at least try to negotiate better more friendly terms between the two countries.
How come MSM keeps bringing up "Evil Russia" claims in the news? Are there any facts to these stories?
Also, What is Sup Forumss position on the CIA and the possibility of a "Deep State"? After the leaks about things like CIA black flag operations, posing as Russia, and the concurrent conspiracy on pol that the CIA is actively undermining Trump. Is there any evidence or just Sup Forumss wild imagination.
>Is Trump a puppet?
Im assuming you are talking about Russia. The issue with Trump is that he and his cobinet have continually lied about their russian contacts. You can talk to other countries but you have to disclose it.
I understand about disclosing about things like talking to foreign government on behalf of our Government as President, however, I don't think he has to disclose anything associated with business ties to Russia, seeing as how he has business with other countries throughout the world, and Russia isn't really different.
The quote in your pic relates to his real estate customers. Private buyers who have purchased condos in his buildings. Entirely different thing to political ties.
No one is interested in your obvious shill thread. Let it 404 and try again shill
I'm just trying to understand what is going on since every thread that talks about vault 7 leaks and corruption within both the CIA and the government as a whole is both blasted by autists who continue to spew garbage memes and inject made up fake conspiracies with ones that might have legitimacy and by actual shareblue shills who ask anons in the thread how to delete posts they made, and now by a third party of my little pony CIA shills roleplaying with our taxdollars.
So sorry that I wanted to make a thread that makes an attempt to try to cut through the bullshit.
Russia meddled with America but obama and the media played it off as ineffectual until the election outcome because they'd rather say russia is an omnipotent threat to democracy rather than admit the dnc is corrupt and fucked up big time, costing them the election.
It's hubris and pointing at others for their own mistake
>I don't think he has to disclose anything associated with business ties to Russia
You do have to disclose buisness ties with foreign governments if you are in the government. Congressmen, judges, etc. lose their jobs for it more often than you would think. From what I understand he hes not disclosed any relationship with Russia but has with his other buisnesses around the planet.
>Was it the CIA all along
How would that go exactly?
Something like:
>CIA uses vault 7 stuff to false flag a Russian attack on the DNC / Podesta.
>CIA gives said stuff to wikileaks (further false flag)
>Trump wins!
>CIA then turns on the man they helped elect and outs their own false flag
That makes no sense at all.
Can you give sources on the other places that he has disclosed business information?
You raise a good point but I would like to add that since he became President, you can even say since he started his campaign that he has taken a huge hit financially, I should also point out that Trump has put the reigns of his business completely in the hands of his son. He hasn't concearned himself with his business since the start which shows that he is fully invested in his presidency rather than his business, it might also have a negative effect if he does disclose his business ties with Russia since the MSM has a way with manipulating facts.
I implied that the CIA might have done a false flag posing as the Russians, as for why I do not know, but I didn't mean they purposely leaked anything to wikileaks. I might have been misleading in my post. I heard from here that the leaks came from a Snowden type source like a contractor.
Unfortunately i cannot find the source about him disclosing assets outside of Russia, but I believe it was in the NYT. I found this article which has some OK info in it.
Heres one about a senator who did not disclose a bunch of shit a few years ago.
thanks bae.
The Emoluments Clause seems like just the thing MSM wants to manipulate since it seems like it can be interpreted very vaguely to make it easy to accuse someone of doing something that in reality isn't actually that bad.
The Emoluments Clause also seems a bit dated since there has never been a President like Trump, who has a business that stretches across the globe.
>Putin likes Trump because Trump has no bias against him
Trump is Putin's 'asset' and Putin is handling him. Trump follows the Kremlin's instructions, he gets to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and a lifetime of free Eastern European hookers.
This is America's worst nightmare, but right-wing conservatives here are falling for whatever the Kremlin is telling them.
>False Flag posing as Russians to hack Podesta and DNC...
>CIA not giving said info to wikileaks
How would that work? The CIA would end up with the data. Not Russia or wikileaks (if it was indeed a CIA false flag. The data then has to get from the CIA to wikileaks.
Again friend, this does not add up.
>I should also point out that Trump has put the reigns of his business completely in the hands of his son.
So when son calls father, can you guarantee no business is discussed?
You're more gullible that I thought.
>After the leaks about things like CIA black flag operations, posing as Russia,
Where are you getting that from? Wikileaks never said the CIA posed as Russia.
Evidence, Sources, any facts at all? It's this kind of shit that kills Sup Forums. I'm fine with these accusations if they were a hypotheses to start an investigation but to just post this shit as fact is wrong.
This is the reason why I made this thread in the first place, a thread that drops political ties for this one time and gather all the information that is out there and skewed by MSM, Sharblue shills, CIA shills, and die hard trump/libfags and try to set things right. To get actual truth out of all the claims and information released this past week alone and throughout the entire election.
Among the many things leaked concerning tactics and tools that the CIA developed/uses was a way to perform uberhaxormatrix hacking under the guise of a foreign nation.
It has just been a running conspiracy on pol that the CIA might be the true hackers of the DNC, or pretending to be Russia to aid Trump to make Trump look bad, but the only thing the vault 7 leaks show is that the CIA has the ability to do this, any claims that they have actually done this are just claims, unless you or some other user has proofs.
i tell you how it is:
Holy Roman Empire=Nazigermany=EU
HRE is currently controlled by babylonian satanist kikes while babylon was probably conquered by trump for the holy roman empire/nazis.
CIA was founded by nazis and probably still is at its core, even though, like everything else, heavily corrupted.
The nazi-cell in the CIA hacked the DNC and let it seem like it was russia (as recently proven possible by the vault 7 leaks) (giving them in the CIA some protection, and since people dont buy the "the russians were it" narrative drawing people away from clinton). The content of the DNC leak then draw even more peopl away from hillary.
After this was done the same part of the CIA doing the hacking leaked the information to wikileaks (maybe even sooner) which published it (weirdly shortly after Trump draw the spying issue more into the spotlight after claiming he was wiretapped) which now gives Trump the opportunity to clear out the CIA from the corrupt elements without looking like he is just going after political opponents.
considering the EU it will soon most probably "collapse" seemingly to then be overtaken by a new force in one go, which will be the same people basically, only this time calling them selves differently, probably calling them similar to the holy roman empire once again making the connection obvious. However the HRE will join the "beast" that comes out of the sea, the beast being the one world government/nwo coming from out of the sea, probably meaning from over the sea, from america/USA/modern Babylon
I do not think the Emoluments Clause is outdated. I think it is more relevant than ever now that you can do trades around the world instantaneously. If there is any concern that an acting body of congress would not be working in the best interest of the country something must be done. After it came out Flynn got a massive amount of money from turkey and failed to disclose it we have reached that situation. Some form of investigation has to happen into Trumps assets.
Declare global corporations self contained foreign states.
I think it's a post hoc issue.
Ike someone in the dnc leaked shit. Possibly Seth rich. Idk.
However, the cia- at least a small Kabul of operatives with party/Obama loyalties, would make a paper trail using the vault 7 stuff to after-the-fact redirect the blame from an inside leaker like Seth rich but Russian cyber spies
It's opportunism. Like when Sony got hacked and that movie the Interview about nk president was initially and universally through media talking heads blamed on NK hackers.
It was a disgruntled employee who fucked their shit up on his way out.
Or the initial Benghazi report about some YouTube video leading to the attack.
Nevertheless, the govt stuck with the NK hacker story and they are sticking with the Russia hacker story because it furthers special interest circles - in this case, Obama holdovers and loyalist who number to about 10,000. And those in the intelligence community now have access to CIA programs and NSA surveillence data because Obama's EO on his way out. This enabled them to operate on behalf of the same interest that he acted upon.
So it is important to note that Obama is not some mastermind in the background. He was like a vice command for govt operations on behalf of various global interests that he and certain members of the Democratic Party serve. It's not George sorts either. It's more like the Merkel branch of globalist ideologues who want to protect their project and basically are trying to secretly fuck up trumps shit
However, because they have had these secret surveillances of trump since during the election and thousands of intelligence community operatives have access and willingly leak this shit out to duck trumps shit up, the fact that hard definitive evidence of either electronic or wire tapping data has not shown any sort of collusion between trumps party and the Russian govt makes me think there was direct collusion and trump is not some actual or de facto out Putin puppet
You could actually make the argument that state-owned banks and corporations in foreign countries are a part of foreign states. Serbank, for example, is a state-owned bank in russia. The BOC is a state-owned bank in china. Serbank was sanctioned by the US in 2014. Since Trump has not disclosed his russian assets he could certainly have money in there, obviously leading to a conflict of interest. This is an example obviously but it shows how Emoluments Clause can effect Trump
Well my opinion was that it should affect everyone instead of no-one. Global corporations being foreign states would cut the corps out of government in an instant.
>lobbyists suddenly having to do work instead of just bribing everyone
Of course it would never happen.
Yeah, none of that fits the fact pattern or makes logical sense.
You can't be serious. Do you actually believe that or are you paid to believe that?
no, zero evidence. and if anything, russia would have wanted clinton to win due to her being a retard
What your bosses don't realize is the faster they make you post and type, the more retarded you sound.
It's worth it for a paycheck tho isn't it shill?
Well I think your post is at least proving a point OP. So far nobody ain't provided shit. No sauce, bitches!
So what have we learned to day children? Sauce or fuck on off! This thread just proves that this whole narrative is based on rumor, innuendo, and weak circumstantial evidence. No hard evidence has been put forth. But that doesn't stop the shitposting here or in the MSM.
We're still in limbo, brothers. Many more happenings to come. Don't get comfortable.
the russians probably, in some capacity, used state-connected, state-sponsered, or wholly state-controlled assets to make social media sock puppet accounts, trying to swing opinion against Clinton. i mean shit, what would you do as a state actor when one out of two major candidates for POTUS of the strongest nation in the world has promised a no-fly zone where the Russian military is currently operating?
of course they'd do something like that, as do the chinamen, as do plenty of world powers. christ, the claim that "russia influenced our election" is technically true; but only because aside from truly irrelevant shitholes, all state actors influence one another's elections. what the fuck would you call foreign officials in the UK or France or elsewhere officially condemning statements Trump has made, or policies he plans to champion? that is influencing our election just the same, and if a nation's average citizen is too fucking myopic and stupid to recognize some cyka on a sockpuppet twitter account posting nonsense they're probably fucked anyway
Hey pol, how come when anyone brings up the election 'hack' and russian puppet line, no one points out that if putin was trying to get 'his boy' trump in, why were they leaking the shit on Hillary BEFORE she had secured the nomination?
The leaks started coming out at the start the convention when there was still time to give the nom to Bernie, who many people think could have beat the Don?
Wouldn't they have wanted her to win the party nomination and THEN pulled out all the leaks just before the actual election.
If they were really pushing Trump why would they have risked a Bernie win.
The timeline doesn't fit the liberal narrative.
> Seth Rich and other insiders leak DNC info
> CIA poses as Russians and hacks DNC to make it look like it was the Russians and not insiders
lurk moar faggot
nigger what did you just say to me? I just listed all of the problems within Sup Forums that gives it cancer and your gonna tell me to lurk moar?
You better be behind like 7 proxies cause imma come at your life.
P.S. The Philippines are the niggers of Asia.
Just more dnc bullshit. The fact Obama is still pushing this crap proves it's bs.
Why do normies get away with saying this shit but I have to literally source everything on the spot and still get called a nazi afterwards? I'm so tired of debating