What does Sup Forums think about Greece?


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Poor people that should pay their fines.

hey man can I have 2 euros to buy a sandwich?

Pay debts

EU screwed you over. Should just leave but I don't know what you can really do :/

I'm waiting for the day where we will gas the cryptoroaches for the things they did.


golden dawn will save us

I like the Megali Idea.

I like Greece.

REAL Greeks were based. A proud and noble people, who founded our civilisation. The modern day shitskins who currently squat in the land known as Greece, however, are filthy Turkish rape babies. A bunch of lazy parasites who have no business calling themselves "Greek".

but i've done a DNA ancestry kit and it says i'm 72% greek

comon man only 2 euros,i will give them back,promise

they should go back to fucking polytheistic city-states

it's kind of sad to watch a cradle of society in such a shitty state

it's sadder when you live in this shitty state

I like Greeks, especially considering most Greeks are actually just confused Arvanites.

t. Albanian


>a literally shitskin sperm calling someone else non white

its actually the other way around ahmed.Turks are Greek rapebabies because of the Jannisaries

You are not allowed to post facts here, scum

Greece is great, shame about the economy tho, also fuck roaches.

Stop bullying my BFF Hans or I swear, you are not getting another shipment of nigerian bulls for your wife ever again.

Protectors of Europe while Anglos and Aryans were still sniffing there arses and throwing shit at each other.



debt is german disinfo


>t. tsipras voter

kys faggot

greeks r gay


wtf i love greece now

I love Greece and I'm a big supporter of Olympiacos.
Had a wonderful time in Thessaloniki,Athens and Loutraki. I was cought up in the demostrations in Athens and I was tear gassed but it was fun times.
Great people, beautiful country and delicious food..


>everyone who disagrees with me is a leftie!
>t. nazis LARPing as nationalists
I am getting the fuck out of this country as soon as possible. There is zero fucking hope.
As for you, enjoy your honeypot.

try again, this time only quote my post, not the one you are agreeing with.

KYS Liberal Faggot

>most Greeks

30% at best user. Most Greeks are mongrelized Greeks from anatollia.

nice! on your 3rd attempt too, not bad at all!

Golden eggs are so easily triggered, like the fucking mongols they are

A very sweet old Greek lady is staying with us for the next month or so. She is very religious. Keeps wanting to baptize me and convert me to Orthodoxy. Also talks non-stop about how much Greece has changed, how all the women have no modesty anymore and walk around with their children in short skirts, and how corrupt the government is.

One day I asked her if she thought it was the Turks' fault (she also goes on and on about how Turkey is cancer) but to my surprise she said no, she said something in Greece's culture and the mentality of the people changed. People just don't care about their families and traditions anymore

Goodbye faggot

>can't type
Like pottery

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are of little benefit to other whites, and you are absolutely wasting your time here.

Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

Love the take summer vacations on Greek islands, fucking great and kind people.

Any tips for next summer my greek friend? avoiding criminal places etc.
Is Kos totally destroyed or?

There's still life in Greece?

Beautiful country which should PAY DENBTS

I like Greeks, nice family people. Fantastic history. Many Greek philosophers have given much to the World.
Greeks are hard working contrary to popular opinion.

you waz kangs once

Avoid Lesvos, the rest of the islands are pretty ok right now I think. Refugees destroy tourism which is pretty much the only thing that generates money here so

yeah come over

Greeks should NOT pay debts because these debts are fake/gay NWO debts created by Rothschild. Anyone who says Greece should pay debts is fake/gay because they are ignorant of what is really happening.

Med cousin and creator of civilization.
Hope you get a solution to your problems, senpai.
I also play Byzantium a shit ton in EU4

Oh, sad to hear. It's a shame that your beautiful country is getting ruined by refugees. I really like Hellas and its beautiful rich history and beaches.

That's funny bro, I am a huge noob on EU4 so I always pick castile and try to create the great Spanish Empite but these Aragon bastards and France always get in my way

Funny how the greeks were so far ahead of the curve with the right wing nationalism. Maybe you guys aren't so bad afterall


Bros 4 life, too bad we are not richer to support your tourism more

and we are the only country were there is a real natsoc party in our parliament.
Every other nationalist party in europe, tries to distance itself from nazis.


Kos is fine come over

Make sure to always try to ally Austria and Portugal as they are OP as shit. Then in the Castillian Civil War always choose Aragon and the Iberian Wedding will appear and you'll form Spain.

Also Byzantium does start pretty weak but when I recover Greece from the mudshits, Byzantium is unstoppable.


what's your steam?

don't pay debnts


Toga party everybody!!!!

If the history of Greece was represented by a celebrity, it would be Eddie Murphy.

Biggest washed-up nation ever.

Greece is fucking cancer, fuck those stupid fucks. They think they're high and mighty because their language is the root of english.

You can also play as Athens in the game, kill Byzantium and form Greece but it's really hard.

we need to save greece from islam and globalism. they got totally fucked with all that austerity bullshit

I find it funny that a lot of people from greece own fast food restaurants.

>unironically supporting golden dawn

what a stupid reason to be assblasted senpai

death to the EU

Greek language is the final redpill though

How's life in Greece? From the looks of it you guys are just chilling out in the sun with a bunch of wine and like not giving a shit about debts and all that

greeks are alright. most i've known are hard working and successful. i find that greeks shit test too much, like to shoot people down, for example

greek friend asks me to fix his computer. spend hours on it. obviously something wrong with the hardware. after wasting my time, he points out that he removed an obscure surface mount electronics from the motherboard, just to humble me "you're not that smart afterall" lol. Jerk.

get your shit together man
still, sorry for all the refugees, know that feel
holidays are also well spent at your place
but get your shit together srsly

Yeah it's more chill than the media make it out to be but we still get fucked by austerity, the public section is a huge mess.

hah! classic greek faggotry, we don't do that unless we like you, thought

turks that disgrace a once beautiful time

Master race. Enlightened Byzantine rule when?

So everything is fine socially? I've always wanted to visit Greece since it is beautiful but I only see "muh neo-nazis" stuff.

Yeah, it's fine mostly, but there has been some tensions between neonatzis and antifa faggots lately. Suburban areas are the most comfy

An entire country naming the Jew, pretty based.