Describe Sup Forums with one picture
Describe Sup Forums with one picture
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Is that guy natty?
I really need to figure out how to unlock this mode
whiteys btfo
Why blacks make black tattoos? Why not white tattoos?
Not even close to natty.
Yes. All blacks naturally look like that due to their superior african genetics
But whites and blacks are the same? They can't be superior, we're all equal.
Sorry, I only have the effects of Sup Forums in a picture
who care when its all about intelligence?
we need a good lynching
Is this at oscars?
This would be cool as fuck desu.
Are you still missing your goat, habibi?
He's not black he's Polynesian, the woman is Kelly Brooke, they broke up and he accused her of Bullying him
Please tell me that fire hydrant is going to be okay.
This may be a little Sup Forums-ish but we're all Sup Forums. We're all rolling around in the same pigsty together.
Gibson is a shining light in the degenerate filth that is hollywood.
How the jews let him slip through the cracks I have no idea.
Kelly Brook...
>wub wub wub
Dindus think everyone with darker skin is a fellow Bantu.
Mel Gibson is slowly turning into Saddam Hussein.
The guy is a mulatto
>a race of james deans
why did they have to lose
now they'll have a race of... aziz ansaris?
Look everyone the monkey can make memes. Why are you in Canada and not sub-Saharan Africa?
>Gibson is a shining light in the degenerate filth that is hollywood.
Yes. He and David Hasselhoff.
Praise Kek.
Looked him up and he's actually half Jamaican, he seems ok though
>In 2016 McIntosh sparked outrage by making an anti-semitic rant in which he compared Orthodox Jewish women to "witches"
and he served in the Royal Marines
Nah, that's definitely Sup Forums. Kek. This picture is perfect.
What actually happened to the HY after the war? Were they all killed or just totally brainwashed?
Oh boy it's one of these trash threads again. Glad to see mods doing their jobs.
Not pic but this webm describes Sup Forums perfectly
kys britbongistani
They are posting on Sup Forums.
>Pain is deep.
Sup Forums's the dopey white kid in glasses that gets tossed over the table right?
Also this
>Sup Forums
You need to go back.
>ywn have facial hair like Mel
muh dick yummy
They put one of them in the Vatican.
>How the jews let him slip through the cracks I have no idea.
did you miss the part where he was blacklisted by hollywood for a goddamn decade?
Black guys
>Larger dicks
>Fun to be around
>Interesting conversation anytime you want
>Nicely dressed and groomed
>Crack jokes all the time
>Will take you places
>Broad social spectrum
>Know interesting people you will be introduced to
>Behave like real men
>Smile on their faces most of the time
>Can dance and cook
>Chills in the school
White guys
>Tiny dicks
>Socially awkward
>Inhibited socially
>Prefer to stay home
>Hate to dance
>Sad faces
>Make you cringe
>Often have either anger or anxiety issues
>Shoots up the school
LOL Go Sweden.
Sup Forums btfo
lol what movie is this?
Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.
Sup Forums is ok, guys...
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are of little benefit to other whites, and you are absolutely wasting your time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
I got a bunch of fun ones to troll you guys when you stray to far from here
>when you need more you's so you give yourself some
Pretty much the state of most whites on this site...
however some of us are actually Chad tier but for whatever reason refuse to share advice with us autists
And that's all the ones I've bothered to save
Sup Forums isn't even 10% NatSoc. These would have been applicable pre-Sup Forumsharbor.
>Sup Forums isn't even 10% NatSoc
Reddit please go.
black people stink