Holy fuck Jontron is becoming /ourguy/
Holy fuck Jontron is becoming /ourguy/
wow, a fat neckbeard who plays games for manchildren on youtube is /yourguy/!! How will Soros ever recover???!!
Hence he was replaced by (((Danny))) on that show
Would you mind never posting here ever again? Thanks.
Jontron is based af and I love him for it.
The red pill is ALWAYS best given first as an anti-sjw pill first.
>white nations "deserved" it because of colonialism
They welcome it. They welcome our own cultural destruction. What is their thinking process? Is there one?
That's the kind of shit that's turning people nazi.
What the fuck is your problem, kangaroo? Do you have a didgeridoo shoved up your ass?
no the jews welcome it into our nations while pretending to be us.
Yeah I get what you're saying but it's still a positive sign that our message is spreading rapidly and effectively.
If you ignore the fact that he's an autistic youtube fuck you still are left with the statements he made, which are true.
>he's not an approved hollywood celebrity
>opinion discarded lol
>people who listen to him are losers
you guys sure hate any media that you haven't managed to gain total control over yet
Arin's SJW wife is the absolute worst.
the world has gone so far down the shitter anyone who has a reasonable opinion seems to be /ourguy/ by comparison
this, based aussy
Let's turn away everyone instead of trying to get them to improve themselves and see the truth
That's worked so much before
Hows' about you didgerido-not post here ever again.
We grow in power everyday.
>wow, a fat neckbeard who plays games for manchildren
Man hating feminazicunt detected. Prepare he dildoshower!
I wonder who's behind this post...
>and his last name is Jafari
You have to go Outback, mate.
Fuck off emu's or we will nuke you again
The fact that this """movement""" is so desperate for anyone with some degree of public recognition makes it all the more cringey.
Yeah, you definitely are going to inspire laughter when the face of your ""movement""" is some youtube celebrities.
I really enjoy this timeline so far. Let's have a moment of silence for those anons stuck in the Hillary dimension.
Millions, millions of fat neckbeards.
>complains about cancer
>is extremely cancerous
>Middle name is Aryan
We would be mourning them because that dimension ended with hellfire from the nuclear attacks between the U.S. and Russia.
>Sup Forums's level of thought is that of e-celebrities
Try harder faggot
Oh Australum you so funny. Enough shitposting.
Oh look a lea- wait that's old school.
He shouted out Sup Forums on his last vid
>being this new
>not realizing our nation voted in a celebrity
fuck off
Shut up Mohamed
>This man has the potential to redpill millions of white adolescents across the anglo-sphere and beyond
And people say straylians are worse than canadians at shitposting.
Lol, into what, watching more youtube videos and crying about THE MAINSTREAM METEOR? Get fucking real, the cunts "redbulled" by youtube e-celebs are the sort of people who will never amount to anything in their own lives, let alone lead to political change. This is a population of manchildren watching youtube videos of people palying video games. You gonna turn them into an army? lmao
Whilst patriotic chinks and russians are engaging in cyberwars for their cunt, kebabs are exploding themselves... the mighty cream of Western civilization eats hi-fructose corn syrup laden food, doesn't shave, and watches other men like him play video-games
by worse we mean the quality of their posts
I was "redpilled" by this very website.
I have since gone on to do independent research outside the echo chamber that is Sup Forums and have taken a greater commitment to better myself (lifting, eating right, etc)
It doesn't matter how you were redpilled. It's what you do with it.
If JonTron redpills some of his fanbase - perhaps they will realize that vidya is degenerate and they should improve themselves.
>Holy fuck Jontron is becoming /ourguy/
Don't get me wrong I am more happy Jon Tron is red pilled rather than a degenerate or an sjw. But this auzfag does speak truth. Brexit, trump, pewds, jontron, all the terrorist attacks across the world all seemed to have changed nothing and all mean nothing so long as the white natives of each country do nothing and don't breed. We can cry about how right we are and how red pilled each of us are until we are blue in the face but foreigners and the women/cucks who enable them are nesting themselves into more organizations, corporations and governments across the west/europe every day.
take it from someone who lives in Sydney, no amount of red pilled celebrities (e-celebs) or politicians can reverse what has been done.
The guy basically outed himself as a white nationalist on one of Sargon's streams. Wonder if his big mouth is gonna get him in trouble.
If Trump's cultural revolution is worth anything at all then this should be an acceptable position to hold soon.
He is not becoming /ourguy/ he is one of us.
He lurks Sup Forums.
I mean, go to his channel and look at his newest vid. He answerws some questions there and...
...look for yourself.
Jonathan "Aryan" Jafari
4m 21s
And he didn't even mention how those other parts of the world also ""colonized"" African and Asian countries.
>tfw live in the timeline where big guy youtubers turn out to be /ourguys/
Something will happen soon,
We have shills in our midst.
Jon is gonna get Milo'd. I mean, he's already dressed up as a nazi before and has laughed at holocaust jokes on Sleepycast and stuff. There's plenty of material out there to bring him down.
I don't believe you
Yup. That proves it for me. The loudest dog whistle ever and I didn't even catch it the first time.
>getting redpilled this hard
Are bird owners predispositioned to being redpilled?
Look at the 10:18 when he talks about subs and says "Three millions subs! thanks guys!" look at the subtitles.
Do you even culture war Sheila?
However, the more even water-down versions of our ideas enter the mainstream, the easier it is for us to push the genuine article to wider audiences, because it's no longer so beyond the pale.
Consider how Trump has done more than what decades of education in civics has managed by pushing the concept of The Deep State into popular discussion. That opens the door to a lot of discussions of other forms of unofficial institutional power systems.
If only this was real.
Nothing there.
Jesus fucking Christ. THE MAD MAN!
>Net benefit
Absolutely false. youtube.com
Are you sure? Look at the "guys" subtitle.
That was what I thought originally as well, or that it said 6 million. But it doesn't say goys, it says guys.
What does the slave trade have to do with colonialism?
The blacks were sold to the Americans (and jews) by other blacks later on in history.
Oh. So you're gonna commit to the overdone retard trying to BTFO all of Sup Forums trope
But when it really comes down to it do you truly believe you can reverse what has been done? without violence? or are you implying that eventually, our ideas will redpill normies enough until your dragging half the population of main cities around the west out onto a boat? And I'm not talking illegal immigrants like your Mexican problem I'm talking people who have been given full citizenship. I just don't see it happening.
>muh colonization
do retards still think whites colonized south america or africa at all?
where are the white populations in both of those continents then?
you're *
Burger, I..
Now I'm rekt. You're pretty good at this.
>latin america
>what is the spanish and portugeuese empires
fucking kys yourself, illiterate retard
its happening, lads. fascism is looking more and more likely by the day
praise kek
so where are the whites in south america that supposedly took control?
the spanish showed up for a bit then left after a couple of decades, they literally did NOTHING.
and where are the whites in africa?
you are absolutely right. I hate nu-pol with his bullshit celebrities. I don't understand why can they just go to r/donald or whatever faggot site.
>What does slavery have to do with colonialism?
Is that a serious question? Why is the reaction to the slave trade always "but but but black people too!!!! White people dindu nuffin!!!!"?
>where are the whites in south america
Argentina and southern Brazil
It's because hipster think they are cool if the post here , they get to tell all their friends how cool and unique they are for posting here
they're probably living in irl fallout at this point
Jamal, I..
Sure thing buddy.
He is one of us.
But he ain't newfag, he hides his power level well. Smart guy.
Kill yourself, Tyrone.
also Uruguay is 88% white
the conditioning is breaking
Hint: the answer to your question is in your post.
>defending obesity
You fatties are subhuman
So what exactly were you referring to? Take a screencap, because on my end it literally just shows what he says.
I mean Sleepycast always pushed the envelope with their humor and the thing is that none of the participants really voice their views. The only one that does so actively is Psychicpebbles and he's fairly liberal in his views.
The shit that he's posting on twitter is bringing him down. Jon doesn't do research at all.
I'm sure you're a much bigger voice whose spreading the message even more bravely than all the rest combined so we don't need any of them.
Yeah. Alright. When I ask a question I don't want some reddit tier attempt at egotistical comedy.
> "but but but black people too!!!! White people dindu nuffin!!!!"?
We bought niggers off of niggers. The destruction of nigger tribes was done by other niggers. The product was sold to the US. Don't be fooled into believing this is a supply and demand issue either. The arabs love slaves way more than whites.
I'm not saying that Americans didn't do anything. I'm just saying the American guilt should be proportional, to say, Arab guilt. Their trade was far worse than America's, but America, being the good goys they are, love chastising themselves. It's odd that big bad whitey is always the one to apologize and whip itself over it's wrong doings. At least, it's odd until you realize that the Europeans are probably the most morally developed of all groups, despite their propensity to do the wrong thing.
>inb4 there were nigger hunting safaris
I'm sure their were. But I'm pretty sure the majority of niggers were attained through transaction.
No one seems to be pushing for multiculturalism in Japan which was never colonized
it says goy to me
Holy shit?! Based as fuck!!!!!
>No one seems to be pushing for multiculturalism in Japan
Uhh, you sure about that, boss?