>1/4 Native American
>brown eyes
>brown hair
>mostly straight hair
>mozzarella skin
Will I get gassed?
Will you gas Native Americans in the great race war?
lurk the fuck more faggot and stop sliding threads
>tfw half native but look white and dating a qt white girl with green eyes that swallows my seed
Nice man
natives are too irrelevant to get gassed
I would not the few I know are harmless and maybe a bit sad and pathetic.
you should be shot.
No, I'll just give them some blankets to stay warm and comfy during the winter
t. virgin
As long as your race isn't actively undermining white western civilization you are spared from the gas chambers.
Nah. I like natives. Hopefully they stay chill. Having semi autonomous reservations is a great way to tame rebellious ethnic groups.
Natives are a defeated people and we appropriated the cool aspects of their culture.
True empathy.
>1/4 native american
I'll bet you're a Cherokee dog too.
I've found that most white men here are going to let the NA's fight alongside them. Those that fall to the brown hordes will be seen as traitors and enemies.
However mutts like you will be slain.
Fake Indian, because muh high cheekbones.
I am same same as you OP, but I identify as a white male. Choose your side senpai and be the man you want to be
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are of little benefit to other whites, and you are absolutely wasting your time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
If it was up to me I'd just send you to a reservation.
I actually feel bad for natives, they got destroyed and then their destroyers went all SJW and started importing muslims while completely ignoring them since they don't matter
I'd support a single native over a hundred refugees any day
Navajo here. Just waiting to gas the corrupt nepotistic boomer fucks in the tribal government.
Natives are just whites mixed with Asian. They should either stay in America or go back to Asia
Also Hitler loved the natives especially the Sioux.
Native Americans wish their ancestors had built a all.
*wall, dammit, a Wall
Like every Rez is ruled by a cartel of corrupt boomer tribals and a couple white corporations.
Every soul who isn't Catholic must be purged, fyi I'm a Shoshone-bannock 75% Indian, whos traditional catholic, Traditional Catholicism comes first. Death to all Non-Catholics and heretics.
Can't wait to BTFO them.
Native had enough, be cool and don't defend globalism, defend right to bear arms. And we cool.
No, I'm 1/264th North Carolina Cherokee.
t. Liz Warren
They practice the jewish nepotism, not the white version.
Literally everyone's Cherokee part is already a white personal with infinitesimally small amount of Indian ancestry anyway. Unless you personally know your native relative and they look like a brown legitimate tomahawk chucker you're fucking white and should leave the actual Indians starving on the reservations alone. Your distant ijibwe ancestor made their choice to integrate
I have a couple natives friends and honestly natives are pretty based along with asians.
They may be lazy and drink a lot but they don't cause anywhere near the amount of violence blacks, spics, or mudslimes do. really you teach a native about hard work and get them an AA group and they actually turn into somewhat productive members of society ranking them with the likes of asians.
>a brown legitimate tomahawk chucker
You almost made small pox worth it. I now have a new insult to use on the res.
is there a chart or a thread, where you divide who should be gassed and who shoud stay? i so fucking hate all the turks and balkans, will they be there?
There already is a simple way to explain.
Brown people go on one side. ALL OF THEM.
Other colored people go on the other side.
>If your skin is tan or brown in any way you're on the wrong side
>Yellow is pretty mellow
>White is alright
>Red spare the lead
>Brown shoot it down
What, like all 28 of them?
ditto, it's pretty fucked up.
everyone who isn't Traditional Catholic, will die and go to hell, regardless of race.
>yellow is mellow
you want to live in the same world with chinese? wtf
Only the 1/64 faggots who use for muh oppression points.
>Peace piped.
Better than niggers.
You slavs might be on the chopping block though. I can't speak for eastern Europe or any of Europe actually but I'm pretty sure the world laughs at slavs.
japs too, i fucking missed the bus to the work, cause of those slow fuckers, pushing them was the only option. even still, there was too many of them, they were looking somewhere, not hearing and understanding anything except their fucking monkey language.
All nepotism is jewish nepotism
i'm half-german, and i really fucking the slav bloodline. you americans are not the right ones to make a list, though, i need germans to do it.
Slavs are A-ok in my book.
Hualapai "Elders" are the same way. Corrupt fucks that sold their souls for pennies.
Then make a list for eastern Europe nobody gives a fuck about you anyways. Nothing but track suits and vodka out there.
Make a list for your own race war and who you think should side with who.
In America we have a lot of races we have to worry about. You'll probably have to do less killing in your race war though. You know unless you start attacking other whites for being from a different country or some shit.
Shhh no tears now, only dreams.
We will make the rez great again.
at least you can guess, if i'm slav or not, cause that's first thing that comes to your mind, while with americans, you could be fucking anyone: starting with a nigger, ending up with a jew.
>track suits
we czechs are too germanified, to be wearing tracksuits and drinking vodka. bier is our drink. cargo pants and tracking boots are our clothes.
More likely a jewish nigger from the CIA.
Take a picture of your shoes so we can see what fashion is like in the Czech Republic or at least let us see out your window.
I imagine a playground full of adult men with beer in paper bags all squatting around an ill made fire singing German nationalism songs.
The real question if we should exterminate the germans. They always fuck up the good times for everyone because they weren't the ones hosting it.
pic related is our style, basically. i only have dress shoes, training sneakers, and fucked up salomons and vanses and i'm too embaressed to show them. i heard, that you burgers have like 30 pairs of shoes or something. Or is it a nigiger thing only?
yes, fuck these Siberian liars
I'm not even a tribal member, but I had to drive through their reservation everyday. The elders are corrupt. The cops were so corrupt that the BIA had to take over.
They are not 'native' americans. They just arrived here first from the Aleutian island chain. See pic.
Also, nice slide thread, Shlomo.
>Or is it a nigiger thing only?
It's a nigger and woman thing.
no. why should we. they didnt do nothing.
they not niggs or shitskinnz
>those shoes
>too embarrassed to show them
My fucking sides. No you're definitely a third world country. I'm sorry bro that must really suck but at least you have shoes.
>i heard, that you burgers have like 30 pairs of shoes or something. Or is it a nigiger thing only?
I keep my old shoes when I get new ones just in case I need a pair to go into the river with or I can't find my main pair. Most of them probably look something dissimilar to what you're wearing right now. It's kind of a woman and nigger thing to have large amounts of clothes. A man should be able to fit his clothes mostly in a dresser/wardrobe.
The most common misconception about burgerland is that we eat burgers everyday and all of us have tons of money.
I eat burgers every day but I barely have enough money to pay the rent.
>TFW burgers are a dollar and the only thing keeping me alive
yeah, that's what pisses me off. invaded their lands, and now want to gas them, fucking cunts. i could understand nuking mudslime trash: they invade our lands, raping women and shitting on the streets, but indians?
Yes they are the same brown race of savages like mexicans
No. I have much respect for the native Americans, its a shame what our ancestors did to you.
>those shoes
what's up with them? i heard you burgers wear them too, no? it's just considered not practical, to have lots of non-usefull clothes in Czechia and Slovakia, as well
native americans are based.
at least those who aren't alcoholics
what? i though they were into pipes or something
They're like the Japanese. Defeated in battle, now stoic allies.
You clearly have never been to the US. Injuns are notorious alcoholics. I think some places even ban alcohol sales because it's such a problem. Highest rate of fetal alcohol syndrome in the known universe.
1% nigger 99% german
Am I gassed>
They're wearing them with socks.
Sandals are just awful and mostly worn on beaches at least here. Unless you're some kind of fat guy who never leaves their house but usually you just switch to slippers at that point.
So is the culture more about practicality than anything in Czechia?
One thing all countries have correct is we are fat as hell. I'm one of the tiny guys who's tall but slender and I hate fat people. There's more fat people here than anywhere else and the exchange students we get in the summer think it's because American food is mostly prepackaged. Americans don't cook food we buy it which makes it unhealthy.
I don't know much about Czechia but I know a little bit about Bulgaria. Do you guys actually have to buy raw ingredients at a small market to get food?
tfw my grandmother is 75% native and i just look like a giant scott (green eyes and all) and im not even safe from the purityspiral of the poltards
>clearly have never been to the US.
no fucking shit.
so you mericans want to gas them, while yourselves showed them the evil, that is the moonshine?
nobody is getting gassed
if he has children with a white woman and they do the same the small amount of native in him will be irrelevant
No you don't, you look like a mexican.
Nah man, they went like the abbos of Australia.
They went from spending all day hunting, gathering, making things and fighting to having everything on a plate the European way.
The days are long when there is nothing to do.
>sandals with socks
never've been and issue here. i don't wear them with socks, and many people consider it to be a bad taste, but no one really about it that much. it's okay to wear whatever you want, here, no one will judge you, really.
> Do you guys actually have to buy raw ingredients at a small market to get food?
Ummm. Yeah? Do you only order food, or go to the restaurants? I mean, you could shop at the supermarket, that's where people usually go. There are bazaars, also (trhs), where the quality is much better, and you basically help farmers, too.
>no one really
nah m8 mexicunts are not over 2m tall with green eyes and pale skin :^)
Peace pipe is a meme. But yeah a lot of us enjoy our drink. Although most drink shit like Bud Light or Coors.
You mean Steel Reserve and Yukon Jack.
Are your nipples pink?
Shit man, you're giving me white guilt
Nice trip btw
Why waste the gas, we'll use a rope instead
like the one you use to hunt koalas?
>Do you only order food, or go to the restaurants?
No we go to Wal-Mart and all the stuff is still garbage that's full of GMO's. Even going to like Smith's or Kents is garbage. All the farmers have to sell their goods at the farmers market or a local co-op.
Industrialization is a bitch and as a result when you shop at Wal-Mart you end up getting a lot of pre-packaged processed trash because it's cheap.
>A bag of potatoes here can cost upwards of $10 or 253 CRK
Hey eggy
like with the emu's we don't mess with Koalas too mate.
I wish I could snap my fingers and replace every black, spic, and muslim in America with Native Americans.
Sandals are comfy as fuck
shieeet you actual got me feeling bad
I didn't show any natives alcohol. My ancestors came from Italy about 100 years ago, long after it had already developed into a problem. I don't owe anybody an apology and if you expect me to feel bad for a native who can't control his boozing, you've already lost.
light brown eyes, light brown hair, pale skin
99% north/west european (1% from trace region caucasian mtns, kek)
am i white Sup Forums?
When you say "mozzarella skin" do you mean your skin looks like the average Italian's or do you mean your skin is white like mozzarella?
>native American
You have to go back
>tfw 16% native american
>dark as sin
This. Those fuckwits already began drinking at 13/14 anyway.