What does Sup Forums think of smoking?
What does Sup Forums think of smoking?
Stupid, doesn't make you feel good and fucks your health.
I have more respect for heroin addicts, at least they get pleasure out of their adiction.
Love it
Can't get enough of it.
Oh, oh.. Good one. How about this one: what do Smokers think of Polen?
Smoking analog is so 20th century. AI electronic cigarettes 21st century tech.
i borderline autistic screech when someone smokes indoors or around me.
Its the worst most disgusting fucking habit ive ever seen.
You will never get a descent woman as a smoker, so enjoy fucking disease ridden single hags and never slamming a piece of descent pussy.
Money sink and slowly kills you
Only feel effects if you don't do it all the time and most smokers do it daily so it does nothing. The effects are minor as fuck too, just a head rush at best.
There's better things to spend money on.
If you have such an oral fixation, go for weed.
I smoke cigarettes. It just works with my brain. I have a very logical brain and I like how cigarettes affect me.
I think that's why so many Asians smoke. They're very logical people too.
It's hard to explain to pimple-popping 18 and 19 year old boys (not men) on Sup Forums. Maybe when you're older you'll get it.
>smell like shit
>expensive as fuck
>fucks up your health
>unnecessary addiction
Honestly I don't know how anyone can afford to smoke. But if you're gonna do it, at least vape.
>enjoys paying money to get pulmonary disease, yellow teeth, and cancer
Pick one
I enjoy the occasional cigar, don't like cigs. Used to dip, not anymore.
You wanna be safe? Smoke cigarettes or cigars. Because they keep the blood flowing when your body starts to shut down.
I switched to only rolling my own cigarettes and I feel much, much better and have saved a fuck ton of money.
fucking your sisters doesn't count :^)
There are pros too, namely I like the way smoking makes my brain feel.
Life's about feeling good and enjoyment; not living the longest. Even if smoking does shorten my lifespan it's not like I will miss the best years of my life... do you realize what it's like to be 80 or 90 years old? You can do very little of your past hobbies, and oftentimes you will lose your sight and mental faculties. You can't drive a car.
>namely I like the way smoking makes my brain feel.
How does your brain feel like up your ass?
>>unnecessary addiction
When you've seen some shit, you need something to help tone it down from time to time.
Keep your lungs strong and healthy for when the SHTF
>suffocating yourself
yah no
recently quit and I feel good for it.
Don't have issues with people that still smoke, even though it is horrible for your health.
Would still rather see someone hooked on tobacco than alcohol though, alcohol abuse is just horrible.
They're a great filter that helps you know men (either smoke themselves or don't have a problem with others smoking) from cuckboys (don't smoke and throw a fit when someone does)
I'm fine with it. I think it's gross, unhealthy, smells disgusting etc, but people are free to consume it if they want too, I just ask they don't do it near me.
Couple cigars a week, pipe once in a blue moon.
Smoking is red pilled. Deepens your voice and feels good.
If you keep smoking, forget 80 or 90, you probably won't get to leave your 60s
Usually go hand in hand
Smoking cigarettes makes one feel very alert and content, Its red-pilled
Most hot girls smoke, I see your point, I smoke alot behind my fiance's back, she hates it, but most really hot girls smoke alot
Smoking clears the mind
>expensive as fuck
Only in Amerifat Burgerland, A top-tier brand like Lucky Strike is only $2 here
Smoking while studying is the best. Iv memorized fifty pages in 2 hours while chainsmoking a pack of Lucky Strikes
Fellow smokers of Sup Forums. Post your favorite brand.
where is that mongol and his stale pasta?
I smoke Marlboro Gold, but I've bought a couple of packs of Gauloises when I was in Italy and they blew my mind, very tasty and the pack design is aesthetic as fuck. Too bad nowadays they're probably covered with pics of lung cancer or some shit.
Do what you want away from me you reeking degenerate
It's fucking disgusting. Smokers are terrible people.
>There are pros too
No, there aren't.
>Life's about feeling good and enjoyment
Yes, that's why you shouldn't smoke. Why would you intentionally do something you know will seriously reduce your own quality of life?
>Most hot girls smoke
No hot girl smokes. Only ugly whores smoke.
>top-tier brand
No such thing.
>the eternal retardation of the polack
>"s-smoking is r-redpilled!!"
>"fuck the jews!.. but smoke tobacco and be a good goy"