For any New York anons looking to pull this off, here is what you do.

>buy two burqas, one for you one for the child
>go in broad day light, if you go at night you'll look suspicious in all black
>put burqa on little girl, do it correctly and don't rush
>super glue the head, both arms and both feet.
>walk away peacefully

Side notes, add more if you have any. It has to be a Burqa not a hijab (we're looking for the most oppressive clothing). The statue is around 48 - 50 inches in height. Do not talk to anyone, stay quiet no matter what.

Other urls found in this thread:


LIVESTREAM: chargingbull.com/video.html


First for no happening

Last thread:

Do not use adhesive

Give me a PO box and I buy this shit for you. So if any user really wants to do it, money is not a issue.

Is the glue necessary? It could weaken the message.

It's not owned by anyone, so it's not vandalism

Exactly no need for adhesive.
We don't want to be blamed for vandalism.

There's nothing more empowering and feminist than a burqa, r-right, guys?

based swissbro to the rescue

>not wanting to get a video of some white man/woman ripping the burka off the statue piece by piece triggering muslims

>nobody saw the chinese kid

Going to be a 3:30-5am job by the looks of things.

Wow so many choices!!

is that a tranny on the right?

Be sure to leave a pepe sticker on the head of the bull.

do this. Cunts

funny how the chinese kid has a panda kid right next to him
It was the same thing with HWNDU when it was in NYC, right now it's pretty busy but 2-5 am nobody is gonna be there

Better paintjob (professional at work here)

someone make a reaction image

t. ShariaBlue

Fuck off shills.

Niqabs are head pieces only but cover enough to be oppressive. This might be the easiest way.
Burqas cover the whole body.
And no adhesive.

Who is the absolute cutie on the left? Asking for my friend.

And put a MEGA hat on the statue before you leave


Praise Kek


They should also bring a female child in a burka to it will seem more authentic, they might buy it that way.

we have all night

>tfw Sup Forums stops raiding twitch streams and starts raiding irl




If anyone actually does this you HAVE to use the one that uses the fucking net or mesh to cover the eyes. It has to be the most dehumanizing muslim shit to be effective

If you were here yesterday I would of done it I live 6 hours away from the statue
But I got work tomorrow morning

Gotta chill on the generals, ((they'll)) get word of it before we do it. They're on alert after Shia

and use epoxy

Why no adhesive? I preferred the bronze maga weld job but too impractical I'd say fuck it and go for sledgehammer this seems like a jail avoiding compromise. Least we could do is get it on there strong so someone physically labours to rip the thing off while every nigger films it.

thats the burka, OP has the right idea

Not shilling I just don't it's necessary, it'll look more natural if its just placed on the statue.


No need for adhesive we can do this once a day
They take one burka off a new one will be put on it the next day.

Takes two min to sew some kind of cheap as fuck mosquito net onto it for additional butthurt.

And yes, my offer stands if you want to do it, I buy you the shit from Amazon.

kek wills it

we don want them o be able to take it off, even if they dont want to


Someone needs to make a video of Trump dancing to this.

Shadilay brothers!

MAGA hat that shit

Wouldn't it be better to do this operation after a major Islamic terror attack happening? At least those burqa wearing feminazis who support their religion won't have an opportunity to spin this in a positive light this way.

How about we hide the money somewhere like at a park or something? or you could buy the burka/money and leave it there. It will be like a reddit scavenger hunt! hah ha ha.

Libs will lose their shit if they remove it because it's islamophobic to take it off.
At least that's what I am hoping for.

We can do both alternate between burka's and maga hats

Or we could do that with adhesive every time.

this is das idea. so cool

If they remove the burqa/niqab, then they admit that islam oppresses women.
If they don't remove the burqa/niqab, then the feminists will show themselves to be the worst hypocrites. The point is to trick liberals into a checkmate, putting Trump hat on it would be counterproductive.

>put niqab on statue
>people talk about muh represenation
>several statues of different girls
>nigger girl, spic girl, chink girl
>and in the midst of it all
>Mudslime girl

If you wasn't impact , you have to go the Trump route and keep that MAGA hat on it via glue etc.

wheres the statue
>pic related: the stream

In front of the bulls head

I don't get it. Why though?

not all libs are SJWs. all it takes is one good samaritan to spoil the fun

What about the Nike hijab ? Lmao!

standing right in front of the bull

lurk moar

>walking around NYC in a burqa

Good way to get your ass whooped.


>I don't get it. Why though?
Literally read the thread

It would still send them into the biggest SJW fight ever.

what happened to Operation Coronation? too many FBI posters?

Goal: Put a Niqab on the statue of the fearless girl prepping the bull. Watch as liberals fall over themselves to decide whether to support feminism or islam.
stream: chargingbull.com/video.html

2 Anons A/B
2 Niqabs (head to toe all black, eyeslits or only face is visible for the girl since it might be easier to put on)
1 camera
1 AntiTrump sign

1) we need someone to scout out the area and note potential escape paths, note persons who are persistently present on site, etc.
2) user B needs to practice the fuck out of putting a niqab on and off a little-girl shaped object - keep in mind her ponytail and arm positions will be a challenge

1) For some time, user A needs to get into position to record/livestream the area of the statue. The time needed beforehand is up to user A for infosec purpose.
2) user B arrives at scene donning niqab. With other niqab in one hand and wearing a sign protesting the trump immigration ban - this gives legitimacy and allows to blend in
3) user B loiters on site for a few minutes to normalize the crowd reaction? NO SPEAKING. No contact with user A. (OPTIONAL STEP?)
4) user B suddenly places niqab on the girl when coast is clear.
5) user B quickly leaves the scene.
6) user A keeps camera focused on the girl at all times, to reliably capture whenever someone tries to take the niqab off. Random wait time for end of video is up to user, for infosec purposes.

SCENARIO A: Liberals remove niqab
When footage is available, immediately begin a social media campaign that feminists are disrespecting the muslim faith by ripping off the niqab.

SCENARIO B: Trump supporter removes it
See scenario A, except we pretend to be liberals when pushing the narrative. Use their own extreme rhetoric.

SCENARIO C: Niqab stays on indefinitely (unlikely)
That by itself would promote us.

We need clear pictures of the incident. The live cams suck.


Yall are cucks that are afraid of islam so you talk shit. Even though youre completely free to, none of you will actually put a black burqa on it to make the real statement that islam is oppressive to feminazism.

Shills and cucks

Shills and cucks

Remember, if word gets out about this, blame ebaumsworld

>Why though?

so this is it?

I'm contacting the BKA about you as we speak

Preliminary notes on location


Also cover it in something nasty so less people try taking it off

nvm i'm dumb

The Flip is right, either we wait, or we try to link it to Turkey in some way to make this relevant to current events.

The problem is you gotta make it stay. Don't want the first civvie seeing it to rip it off

fuckin yeah right, you're far more likely to get someone bowing to you and telling how courageous you are

That's the spirit lad.
>also trip for the old school /CFG/ lads that lurk here


no, THIS is the girl

>Flash Player

kill yourself.

I read through both the threads. It just seems stupid and pointless.

use strong adhesive then so it takes effort to rip it off

This place is pretty gay, isn't someone here a seamstress or a tailor or something?

Buy one of those Nike stupid head scarves and make into a MAGA burka thing

Come on, she's super cute. You can't lie.

Are burqas biodegradable?

Dont. Itll just be percieved as hate. The goal is to make it look like a liberal did it because liberal and start liberal infighting about the meaning of it

NYC is nearly 100% shitskin

And there I go fucking up. It's Modesty kek dammit.

I'm not saying anyone should do it. But someone could spray tan the statue instead of putting textiles on it. Would be harder to remove. Then again, not saying anyone should. kekekeke

I've got my eye on you Heinrich

>reading through threads
you've just exposed yourself, newfag

the crowd there just shows how important that the deliverer has to b in full burqa. if we can get a femanon to do it, it'll be full diplomatic immunity

Word will get out quick but the first few arriving in the morning will be priceless plus ignorants ranting on twitter. Hnnng.

Who payed for it to be made and given the rights for it to be put there?

I'll be going down there tonight.