Why are black neighborhoods so fucked up?
Other urls found in this thread:
full of blacks
no jobs nearby
>No jobs nearby
Niggers all live in urban economic centers known as cities. This meme needs to die.
why do sharks eat their babies? it is animal nature.
>Get blacks on welfare
>Get black women to leave black men because "oh shit gibsmedat gud money ayyyyyyyyyy"
>increase sex war against black men and black women and turn it into tribalism
>black women start going after black men who don't give a fuck while leeching off government money
>black men see this trend and don't care to raise kids
>kids get fucked up living under mostly women
>black kids learn to act like women while also told how to act like a man
>kids are fucked up and for years the neighborhood changes with them
>ad infinitum
I'm starting to believe democrats legitimately fucked up blacks because blacks started learning conservative values.
But no one wants to set up shop in a nigger neighborhood, the few nigs that have money make set up their business in places where it won't get robbed everyday.
Pavement apes
When the first post is also the best post
black people are gullible and believe the dumb shit they see on tv
Low IQ
Warrior gene
Low empathy
Poor impulse control
Widespread drug and alcohol abuse
Deconstruction of the american black family and negro churches becoming a joke
it's not like they can get good ones when they list their postcode
/thread and fact
Cia brought crack into the black parts of the inner cities to arrest leading cultural figures who could potentially change black communities to stop voting democrat
>Deconstruction of the american black family
Black people used to get married and raise children together as husband and wife, they don't do this any more.
And here
None PC answer: Niggers
PC answer: Their culture
White man wants to build and create. Niggers just want to siphon and live in the now, which leaves no tomorrow.
Not to make it tldr, but compare Africa when we (the civilized world) found them. Their environment gave them no reasons to evolve beyond huts and spears. That shit runs deep in their culture and DNA.
because black people live there...duh
Ring a ding ding, any chance they had at success despite their racial traits was largely destroyed just to gain a permanent voting block.
Idk what started it but ironically rap music idolizes hood culture and is perpetuating the hood culture by glorifying it.
To add to what this great user is saying. Pic related
as in there are a lot of 1 parent (mother) households because of the absence of a father for a list of reasons. theres literally classes on this in colleges/uni here sociology and shit
It's hard to argue with. Also, statistically low IQ and a culture that is caught in a degenerate and vicious cycle.
fluoride in the water and aluminum nano partials in the air
because they're niggers
All these pussy ass white boys talking shit despite having white privilege.
Their black base are no belong to us, it's either you love me now, would you love me if I was down and out. Guyaki x2
second class citizenship, no fathers, no jobs
Cities are all full of bus lines specifically designed to connect nog neighborhoods to the neighborhoods with jobs.
There aren't any jobs in the suburbs and yet whitey figures out how to get around this.
well why the fuck did it happen then? explain?
The poor ones have tons of kids and no one has the resources to move. All the other races move away, meaning no businesses or jobs other than slangin dem drugs. Rinse repeat and you get Baltimore
docile ppl shit all day
because they are soulless animals violent as they are stupid.
White privilege nothing more simplistic and idiotic has ever been conceptualized. Leave it to blacks to desperately clinging to it. Plenty of black privilege in predominantly black countries.
A leaf leafing, what else?
They keep running through white people neighborhoods with their shirts off.
Get an accurate picture. The Trevi Fountain was built in 1629. There's plenty of good stuff from actual ancient Rome that makes the same point
Buses are pretty complicated. And rap music because subconsciously indoctrinated them to believe anything below a Bugatti is beneath them.
They're mostly renters. It's hard as fuck to get ahead without equity. They played right into the democrats hands of making everyone dependent on the government.
There's also the whole warrior gene thing.
Niggers have the mind of a child. That's why the inner citys look like lord of the flies
Yes but the people that will actually be able to compose themself enough to and open up their mind enough to take in what this is getting at... are fully aware of what you just stated. I didn't make it either, it's a quote from renowned anthropologist Carleton S Coon
>Plenty of black privilege in predominantly black countries.
Plenty of free scholarships and affirmative blacktion hires in the USA.
They still bitch and moan though.
Warrior gene, please the Romans, Vikings, samurais etc. would put every African tried to Shame
It's because the majority of them don't get off their ass to even know those kind of things exist.
The poor Asians get fucked by this the most, because they have the highest SAT scores but are not getting accepted because they had to let in a black with a lower score. The Asians are starting to protest this, the Liberals are nowhere to be found!
Democrats win with voters making less than $35K/yr. Republicans win with voters making more than $35K/yr. Both are trying to increase their voter base.
Democrats want you poor so they can buy your vote with welfare.
Shitty education system
Thug culture
The education system just like the businesses around there "areas" are shitty solely because of them! They scare away good quality Teachers and businesses, or they break the poor teachers Morel for trying so hard but getting nowhere with a bunch of fools.
want a red pill?
its because of the dependence needed by mothers for govt assistance. the assistance is only given if the father does not reside in the residence. if black men were to live in the home, the assistance would be taken away. theres also other reasons- lack of child accountability, prison sentence and the skills/motivation to get a legal tax paying job.
because they watch fucking tv and listen to degenerate music. pretty simple really. instead of focusing on helping each other they focus on muh 550.
Black kids growing up around nigger culture aren't willing to be taught. The only way to "fix" the black community is to essentially prevent black parents from raising their own kids. It's the only way to break the cycle.
they are low iq animals nothing more.
they are evolving into their highest form monkeys.
most factual, my zilian friend
I want to know something.
Why are Streets named are Martin Luther King so violent. Are they named that way because they are violent or do they become violent after they're named.
Also if I was some how able to rename someone - would renaming them martin Luther king make them violent as well?
+ small brain
+ cursed
something something deep state subverting america something
>white privilege.
All coalburners should be forced to live in black neighborhoods.
>why are fucked up neighborhoods so fucked up
why did i just read the whole thing.
Good read though
black people can't control themselves. evidence: every black community in the world.
Isn't it?
White ppl.
>buses are pretty complicated
yeah, you need at least 70 points of IQ to know how to catch a bus and plan your schedules around them. God knows niggers hardly achieve an IQ of 70.
Blacks have been tricked into fighting 'racism', this is an oxymoron, races exist, pretending races dont exist doesnt solve any problems.
Blacks are culturally different than whites, blacks have to stop thinking they have to 'act white' to get ahead. Some blacks have to accept and embrace their culture if they are going to make any headway. This means that they have to accept that they are not going to succeed or be totally accepted in a white dominated economy. So the solution is for american blacks to create their own economy which means they have to learn how to build their own houses, make their own clothes, grow their own crops. Only when blacks are self-sufficient will they be able to live well.
Some bad cognitive trends in the population combined with terrible policies that enable the worst and makes it permanent culture.
Literally lack of IQ.
The average black person in America, which has free education up until you're 18, the average IQ of a black person is between 85 and 90. For reference, the average white person is between 100-105.
This is important because it has been determined throughout history that democracy is unable to function below 90 IQ. That means that the average black person is either barely intelligent enough to have a democracy, or are too stupid to have one.
These neighborhoods literally devolve into anarchy and tribalism. Blacks are only 14% of the population but are around 40% of all gang members. Black cities have such a high crimerate that it makes America look like a high crime country, except white americans have a crime rate BELOW western european countries.
It is NOT economics. The poorest places in America are all white. They have BELOW AVERAGE CRIME RATE. Yes, even the most impoverished White person who is poorer than any black person in america commits less crime.
Single Motherhood and crime is a by product of low intelligence. Those are symptoms, not the actual disease.
spanks for the redpill