At this point, is he just trying to lose the next election?
At this point, is he just trying to lose the next election?
lets hope Rand can set it straight
DELET Share blue how much are they paying you?
who gives a shit anyway, theyre poor and will be dead by the time of the second Trump election
Yeah it's pretty stupid just let Rand and Ted make it.
so true.
a lot of the good folks in appalachia need the medicaid expansion badly
>Yeah it's pretty stupid just let Rand and Ted make it.
Yeah so they can throw EVERYONE off medicaid
If I pass a law saying everyone gets a trillion dollars a minute, when someone attempts to repeal it, should everyone believe they are losing out?
As opposed to a 65 year old who is automatically enrolled in medicare. If you're 60 and you don't already have insurance, you've got bigger problems.
Can anyone explain to me how the government give people $6k to give straight to an insurance company won't raise insurance rates by exactly $6k?
It's the same shit that happened when the feds started backing student loans.
Sure but it screws over minorities even harder. All in all, a net win.
>Awww those poor 60 years not getting 6000$ in gimme dats
>How sad.... How will the baby boomes ever survive?
>Now they only have their pensions, social security, medicare, medicaid, 401K and retirement to fall back on
>ebil republicans, ebil ebil
Fuck off shill
>Sure but it screws over minorities even harder. All in all, a net win.
hahahahahaha try harder next time
Fuck off, CTR shill. We're willing to make sacrifices for our Dear Leader.
That's the Ryan bill anyhow. Rand Paul bill when
>I don't like the source so it's wrong
>Rand Paul bill when
Eat shit and die.
>romneycare 3.0
>#nevertrumpers fucking over trump
you don't need to inflict pain on your own base. it's alright if you criticize something to make it better. the republicans have all the power right now, and there's nothing wrong with a little republican in-fighting to turn a rough draft into a final piece.
we all know the dems will oppose it, what the real hindrance is are the republicans who oppose it. they need to resolve the conflicts within their OWN party, you see?
>The source has no credibility so it's wrong
>Barely any blue counties compared to red ones
You're doing it wrong GOP.
The working middle class is who benefits here. Guess who voted for Trump? The working middle class.
You and your fellow haters are stupid because you fail to recognize the most basic logic.
yeah. fuck all of those 60 year olds making 30k an year
>60 years old
>earning 30k
No. Fuck off. You had literally 60 years to get a job that isn't minimum wage and you failed. This kind of person is literally beyond help.
Ryan's plan would piss people off to an extent, but Rand's plan would cause a straight up revolt of the Republican party.
This. Fuck these stupid retards.
"60 year old making only 30k"
Middle class would be making way above that. This must be one useless or fucked over 60 year old because that is a shit amount of money to be making at 60. Healthcare benefits those who work hard and want to be rewarded for it. It helps natural selection catch up to the weak who can't get off their ass and work.
It's also /r9k/. Someone screencapped a raid thread.
If they are 60 they should still have a job so they should ideally be getting insurance from their employer.
This is a blatant shill taking another look.
"Bottom line up front title - this is the opinion you want the reader to take away"
Ask a question that supports the title, not the information you are spewing
Provide a link by itself. At this point you are posting little to reveal anything about yourself or your intentions. You are afraid that if you post any personal conclusions they will reveal that you are a shill.
The image blatantly shows overwhelming support for Trump, but has a statement that supports a left argument. The key here is to program people to associate that imagery in the future to information that proves people wanted Trump.
Exactly, these bastards feel entitled to all
Most of those places people dont even make 30k a year
Why? Why should it be an employers responsibility to pay for health insurance for their employees? It seems like such an odd expectation. Secondly, don't make the assumption that all employers offer health insurance. A lot of companies are moving towards temp agencies which don't pay health insurance.
>Niggers somehow worth more than Space
Why should it be taxpayers responsibility to pay for health insurance for niggers?
Yeah but what about the poor elderly? Won't someone thing about them? But fuck the elderly for voting for Trump, they're dumb hicks who are going to die before they can feel the terrible effects for Trump.
The idea is that we'd all be paying for it via taxes. We all pay some so that we all can have more. With our current system the insured end up paying for the uninsured by way of increased fess. Everyone needs health insurance to spread the cost. Socialized medicine is the way to go. Otherwise, only the well to do can afford insurance.
Or the logic that if you stop giving them the $6k it now costs them $12k more
>Not forced to buy insurance to subsidize unhealthy fucks
>no tax penalty for not buying health insurance
>taxes will go down due to reduced medicaid spending
I love it already
By well to do you mean the lower working class or higher. My health insurance USED to be about 110 bucks a month through my work, 50$ deductible. Now it's 200$ a month and going higher if I want to keep that level of insurance. Fuck you and your bullshit argument. Health care is affordable as long as we don't give everyone in the country free healthcare.
>tfw Trump will never make meds cheaper
>tfw trump will never let us get meds from canada
Why should I have to pay more if I'm healthier and why should some fatass who downs three boxes of cookies a day get to pay less?
>making only 30k by the time you're 60
This affects no one of value. I make more barely passing high school and not having worked until after that.
>tfw Trump does let us buy meds from Canada
>tfw the leaf taxpayers are now paying for all of the US
>tfw Fidel Jr gets booted as the Canucks realize that socialism doesn't work
>la times
into the trash
There wont be a next election. Come to Jesus, the mass "alien" abductions are almost upon us. What comes next, you wont like
That gif was forced as fuck.
>What comes next, you wont like
what is it?
There really shouldn't be ANY HEALTHCARE. Laissez-faire!
>Lose 6k
>Having healthcare providers
Choose only one minnesota
Why the need for PP when there's Obamacare?
60 year olds make a fuckton more than $30,000
>Drumpfniggers are cheering the death of their own voters and won't be able to win Florida or PA next election
Like pottery
Pretty sure Obamacare has massive price controls.
This. What 60 year old is only making $30k a year?
It's not the employers responsibility. Employer provided healthcare is a benefit meant to attract and retain quality employees.
Who gives a fuck we voted for trump because some of us have fucking jobs and we don't want to pay for these other idiots to have free health care
Maybe they didn't want gibmedats?
Wow I guess I'm voting for Hillary now #ImWithHer #IShillForHill
This infuriates me because it doesn't go far enough to fuck them over. We voted for and wanted the original bill pushed through that repeals everything. Fuck a 4 year grace period
to be fair, he was trying to lose the first election; Hillary just sucked that bad.
You're mixing South Park up with reality
The insurance companies would have to compete with other companies.
This. Despite all the kvetching, those 60 year olds are like 5 years away from Medicare and Social security. It's hard to feel sympathetic. I don't even know if the system would even be solvent by the time i'm 65 years old.
sauce on pic please
what 60 year old makes 30k a year? What kind of worthless statistic is this?
bookmarked thanks
>Implying Trump wouldn't be able to save him $6k on insurance savings from a free market
You literally have to give everyone free healthcare anyway.
In that, if you are a hospital, and some guy without insurance comes in with a severed arm, you have to treat him, stabilize him, and then you can discharge him.
Read more about laws ffs you sound like a teenager.
Most don't actually.
People really overestimate the amount of wealth held by the typical citizen, even old people are struggling.