What possessed you people?
Why did you guys ruin Shia's life?
Other urls found in this thread:
The truth
Shia ruined his own life retard
Also the lulz
We did it for the lulz newfag
Because it was funny.
You don't understand.
We're giving him a reason to live.
Rape me my friend
Because it was funny
He will never recover from operation humiliation. He can put his stupid flag anywhere in the world now and people will only talk about how he truly got rekt
he always was a self-hating cuck, just look at his face.
What do you mean by possessed?
>There are still 5 people trying this hard to make this a meme.
You guys do know there's even a meme for people trying so hard to make something a meme, right? It's the exact opposite of how memes are supposed to work.
Only honest answer. It's also the reason he lost.
You can't fight a formless opponent. Having said that, if Shia wanted to he could just buy Sup Forums and shut it down.
Manlets have to learn.
Shia's eyes are open to the truth now
He has taken every redpill
people who complain about forced memes are almost as bad as the ones doing it.
Shia ruined his life when he openly stated he wasn't sorry about plagiarizing other peoples work.
Shia is not an artist.
thread theme
Implying that he's rich.. His net worth is estimated 20mil. Lotto winners make his net worth in powerball every other week.
Lack of habbenings
It's funny how that didn't ruin Quentin Tarantinos career though.
>Newfags spam Sup Forums with 10 forced meme threads for a 3 days straight
>point out how sad it is that there are still people leftover trying to make it work
>This is equal to spamming a forced meme
Because it was funny and we were bored.
How much do you think Sup Forums is worth?
>How much do you think Sup Forums is worth?
6,000,000 shekels.
Nice try, shekels are fiat currency and therefore worth nothing.
About as much as a sinking ship.
Because KEK is needing a sacrifice... Shit Leboot will do in a pinch.
What exactly did he want to accomplish with this, anyway? Was the point literally just to provide a means for retards to shout FUCK DRUMPF for the entire term and have it broadcast to everyone watching?
Because we can
Probably, since apparently Saturday Night Live wasn't enough.
Because he's white and white people aren't allowed to have anything nice because they're evil.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
make swastika smaller and a bit darker. It will be much more believable. This way it is obvious shop.
>Because he's white
PROTIP: No he isn't. His mother is Jewish.
Stop propagating this meme. Jew is not a race and neither is Israelite.
The word you are thinking of is "Palestinian".
we didn't do anything
he fucked himself over when he stole that screenplay, now he'll do anything to be relevant
Shia is a fucking cool dude and I'm not even being ironic.
Shia needs to be made fun of for all his wild antics. Also, his short temper makes him a good target.
Kek, i love Germany now.
So true...
How intolerant. They're called Hebrews.
what the hell even is that thing
>Stop propagating this meme.
It isn't a meme. He is Jewish. Not white.
I'm not even white myself. I am impartially telling you the truth here. Even Jewish people don't consider themselves white. They are insular and tribal and don't at all consider any "white" issues to be their own issues. Shia has publicly stated that he considers himself Jewish, not white.
Sorry if this triggers you.
If Sup Forums is ever seriously sold out to someone who pushes an agenda, we'd just migrate to the next chan. Waste of money.
What's te latest update on Shia?
Has he become one of us?
For teh lulz
thoth you newfag
He is not that cool... he punch dudes who try to troll him. Thats not cool at all, he could try another stuff before punching them.
Still feel kinda sad for him, all this HWNDU really got out of hands to him, if he instead of kicking out people thinking different, accepted other points of view and in fact not letting politics divide us, his art project would be fucking amazing.
People of all politic views having fun in a live stream showing how a fucking election cant divide us.
He took the wrong turn.
Dont give him ideas
Trying to defend Sharia Lawbouf
To "Show solidarity" or some such shit.
does Thoth prefer doubles or palyndromes?
Did he seriously go to good will and buy some marines tossed desert boots?
This guy is total cuck.
Bet he'd lick my ball sweat pt gear if I told him it was genuine hipster gear.
Is drone user going to make another attempt?
Is Shia still guarding the pole?
There are still so many unanswered questions.
The show is over, season ended. Wait for the next.
>LaBeouf's mother is Jewish
>his father is of Cajun descent
>LaBeouf has described himself as Jewish
>he had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony
>His first name is derived from the Hebrew shai Yah, meaning "gift of God"
It's a failed meme a group of newfags tried making a thing. They started spamming 5 to 10 threads of thoth for about 2 days until the pic they used for the OP post became an auto sage.
Pharisee shill
Is Shia still cowering in the corner with his bat
> Just did it
> We made our dreams come true.
It's his fault
Is this the newest hate symbol? Seriously can we turn Shia into a hate symbol?
Halakha, the collective body of Jewish religious laws derived from the Written and Oral Torah, says that you must have matriarchal Jewish lineage in order to be a Jew. That means your mother has to be a Jew. That's what the rabbi says, that's what Jewish religious authorities say, that's what they practice, that's how they live their lives. You can scream that Jews aren't a race, that Jews are a religion, until you are blue in the face, but that won't change the facts that Jews are a race first, and a religion second, and that the religion, and all its many offshoots, serves the Jewish race.
jews are still genetically/phenotypically white regardless ocf what they think.
If he wanted to get his message across he could have done any number of things that would have had a positive impact and actually... Kind of done something.
>Helping out in a soup kitchen.
>Helping disadvantaged and disabled people with yard work or repairs.
>Using HWNDU to collect money for charities.
Instead everybody just kind of stood around chanting an impotent mantra. Empty, meaningless words with no actions.
Modern progressives sure love to go 'blah, blah, blah' but when you look closer they do NOTHING for others. It's all mugging for the cameras.
he is a selfhating-beta-cuck-manlet whose 15 min of fame are over
he was searching for us like we are the master that has to teach his some existential lesson
and damn hell we will !
jsut imagine his face after the flag thing.
cuckboi would have neve rexpected this
does anyone remember his elevator livestream?
Thoth is for good ID's but ID rolls are nest to impossible.
For fun.
He poked the frog and got eaten
It would actually be kinda funny. Maybe we can do it here but niggers would ruin everything like always