Why are you guys not having more children? Its not like feminism and female empowerment has completely destroyed the family structure and getting married and having children will inevitably lead to divorce and financial problems. Besides kids are amazing and it totally isnt immoral, selfish, or simply irrational to have children.
Birth rate so low?
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smart ppl know that kids cost $$$
>lots of money
>good luck finding the money to have kids with
Hint: it's atheism
And I still want to have sex.
But i have 2
Everything costs money, libshit.
Food and vaccines have been poisoning us for decades
Maybe if they changed some of the parental custody/child support laws I'd consider it.
Because I have a visceral repulsion to the physical aspects of pregnancy and childbirth and breastfeeding.
I'm too young to have kids. However, I'm getting my life prepared in order to do so and I've got a qt white girlfriend.
Nice to see the red states breeding. Not sure what the fuck is going on in Hawaii....must be the weather
how do we get people back to God though?
Having kids is gross and weird. It's also a waste of time and money.
It's time for refugees
Hawaii is not a white state user.
They're racially different, that's what's going on there.
That's why they have a high birthrate, but also supported Clinton.
They have the lowest percentage of whites of any state in the US.
fluoride is the problem its everywhere even in your "bottled" water.
feminism ended western civilization, it's ending japan, and it'll end whatever country adopts it after us.
the politicians are calling for the mass invasion and destruction of the west because the XXs spent their 20s being independent and focusing on their career, getting cats and dogs to replace the desire for children. they are the murderers of civilization, they are complicit in every individual rape and murder in America, Europe, and elsewhere that occurs because of the population replacement. blood flows from their genitals every 28 days but their hands are stained every second
If you adjust utah just for white mormon families the birthrate is 3.6 but really probably higher
1 of 9 kids niggas
remember is was all planned
There's no reason
We're post industrial, we don't more people to keep growing and if we do, people will just start having more kids.
It's not just feminism, but money/tax issues as well. We have the same problem in Canada. It's just too expensive to have children.
>corrupt government shills fuck up the economy, make life hard for white middle class
>keep brown lower class fat and happy and breeding with gibs
Not an argument
So get a Berkey filter with the optional fluoride filters.
I haven't got enough cash to give my kids a good life if I were to have them
I'm not a savage sandnigger and wanna have kids in poverty
goes to show only unemployed suburban and rural idiots have kids and people who actually innovate and succeed in life choose to not have kids
unless you're brown or black. Then the government will pay you to.
Some of us are. 2 and counting.
>constant news articles saying how your life is so much better if you don't have kids
milo just mad he doesnt have fresh prey to prey on
Hint: It's conservative values
I loathe the "birth rate" meme, like our economists and world leaders all thought there's infinite resources for more people.
>Have ample resources
>Resources are cheap
>Families can easily afford to grow
>Population grows quickly
>Have less resources per person (since we have triple the world population of 1950)
>Resources are more expensive
>Families cannot easily afford to grow
>Population grows slowly
They should all know this, but they're retarded. Sad.
Let me break it down for you motherfuckers.
I am 26. Gf is 24.
We have zero school debt. Both work. 60 grand in savings.
Houses in our area cost 500 000. Meaning our entire life savings for a 10 percent down payment. Parents refuse to help. Not complaining. But my parents got a loan of 20 grand from their parents. My gfs parents were given a wedding gift of 10 grand from theirs. But they are upset that we are renting right now. Fucking boomers.
We both commute to work. I have a 40 min commute. She has an hour commute. If we were to move closer to toronto we would be paying upawards of 800 000. Dont believe me? Google the housing market in toronto.
We want kids. We want to marry. But we cant afford the fucking house. Thats all there is too it.
Fuck boomers.
>world population post WWII - 2.5 billion
>world population now - 7.5 billion
The world is getting over populated as it is. We don't need more people. If anything, we need to curb the influx of third-world populations.
I have one, hopefully two in a year. It's not expensive, at least at first, just don't be a retard and buy everything new. Used everything, except the car seat.
It is quite literally just feminism. Me personally, I just stick to onetimers. I would never stay with any of these insane women. I'd lose my children, my house, my money, etc. It's just not worth it. One night stands is the only choice. Do you really want to marry/have children with these social media addicted adult-children? They easily make up 90% of the current generation. If something were to happen to me, the child would be left completely alone.
There is no ''saving the white race''. The woman almost always gets custody, which allows the children to be indoctrinated into degeneracy. People are filing for divorce in record numbers, and it is almost always because ((feminism)) gets to the wife. 'Stronk independent womyn' is promoted in literally every form of media.
Did you just imply Hispanic people do not contribute to society as they have high birth rates? That's very racist of you, user
>Man is raped as a child
>Says he liked it
>This makes him a pedophile according to Leftists
Women won't marry down.
unfortunately THEY sold the lie of overpopulation to the west, who all agreed to not have kids to fix the problem. then they were told that they were underpopulated and needed refugees to fix the problem, and they nodded their heads and agreed.
the average person around you isn't human, they're just mindless automatons that will never construct a proper context for the world around them
You don't need a house to have kids. Get them now while you are both young and have a lot of energy. FFS the federal govt will give you like 400$ a month if you do. Then when you can, move in a smaller city and buy. By then the houses will be cheap because all the fucking boomers will be desperately trying to sell them to finance their retirements.
how does that help us in the future?
Less liberals reproducing. How does it not?
>implying that a bad thing
Most people will be useless to society anyways. Also robots will replace jobs in the near future. Notice that the countries with the highest standard of living tend to be the ones with smaller populations.
They have to hit bottom. Things have to get so bad that people have to choose between traditional values and death.
80 IQ savages who breed like rats will be the death of the west and mankind.
Lower birthrates is a good thing. Motherfucker have you ever heard of overpopulation. Burgerville doesn't need more dumbfucks if only the smart ones could breed for the next 100 years it would be better for the future.
overpopulation is occurring in africa and asia, not the west
The motherfuckers at the top can't decide whether we're over or underpopulated but they definitely will say "we need at least 1 million more immigrants this year or else XXXXXX." And every year we get 1.3 million or more immigrants all the while they say watch out for the environment, it's going to explode into fiery snow wasteland or some other bullshit. They are all lying, it's all lies, don't trust anything they say.
Because we don't want filthy little shits running around our houses inhaling our money.
I can't speak for anyone else but I'm enslaved by the filthy american government's directed energy weapons.
The natives up here get discounts on every-fucking-thing
If you lived in the south you would see it all the wiggers/niggers are breeding like bunnies and its getting out of hand.
Idiocracy is looking more and more possible every fucking day
Good thing we got that Hollywood thing there for propagandize how scary and awful pregnancies are!!!! Heheh good goyim!
Because whores
For the last time....whites don't need to make more babies, whites only need to kill non-white babies. Think outside Mosque.
Shut the fuck up, retard. You don't know what you're talking about.
It's not the US who has an overpopulation problem. India and China alone make up 1/3 of the world population.
So glad that dolls really do it for me. I'm lucky.
We have 300 million fucking people
We dont need to have rapid fucking replacement anymore
because most women are shit. I actually went gay for a few years after fucking a lot of women and discovering that the overwhelming majority were basically useless whores who were completely unsuitable for motherhood.
I have two kids, it's a great life but they are expensive. I would totally understand why someone wouldn't want them. Luckily I live in a pretty white, nice area, and do okay in my job, but it can still be a bit tough at times.
Serious shame that inner city blacks are just able to pop them out and not give a shit afterwards. Good people think about all the work it will require, and think from there.
You're just bad with money bro.
>Not having 8 like your ancestors
That's (((their))) agenda, dude. Let's spread homosexualis, feminism, etcism. Let's lower the birth rate at majority white countries. Let's say they need immigrants, or else their country will disappear/ruin economically.
>Besides kids are amazing
ha ha nice try, Jew.
Not buying into it.
Pretty much this. I've had two kids already, basically the worst thing you can do if you value your own freedom.
Boomers destroyed the economy with their get rich quick schemes, after making college costs rise thousands of percent since they waltzed through with zero debt.
As a result, I have crippling college debt, was entering the job market when it was in the process of fucking collapsing. Now I'm "that guy who is 8 years older than he should be for the shitty entry level position", who gets passed over in favor of the fresh college student.
In what scenario would I have children? At least children I'd have any part in taking care of? My only shot at passing my genes on is probably poking holes in condoms, and tricking dumb as a box of rocks frat girls to get on the cock carousal.
>implying they wouldn't get an abortion.
Corner syrup
Political views are surprisingly heritable.
Do it to enough of them, eventually one will either be unable to afford it, or too afraid to tell their boyfriend that it's not theirs.
to top it all off the fucking boomers sent all the jobs overseas to shitty commie countries
huh, this is the first time i can say im glad i live in Tucson.
Currently dating a girl who votes republican, and is the sole heir to 2 million dollars in investment options, as well as countless other assents. She plans to go to grad school and eventually take up Occupational Therapy which pays around 80k a year with great benefits.
She carries no student debt, and wants 2-3 kids before she is 33. I work in sports, and through her network of family and friends have already landed good job prospects moving forward
Should I go all in on this one, Sup Forums?
Lower white birthrates are not a good thing.
People ain't got no money no more
and marriage a broken institution, so
I'm in the same boat. It's so shitty to be older-ish and have to take low-level, undignified positions to make ends meet. It's hard enough to take care of yourself let alone be responsible for one or more kids.
user you should regularly lurk greaterfool.ca
Garth Turner is his name, regularly writes about financial advice for people just like you. Basic tl;dr would be do NOT get into Toronto housing
Hitting rock bottom, screaming into the void for help, and receiving no reply is what turned me into an atheist.
500k avg over the kid's lifetime for a a wagecuck trajectory via public education. and THAT guarantees them being 50k in debt at birth.
Overthrow the fucking oligarch and fix cost of living if you want me baking babies for the white race.
That's not good
They have the more white people than any other state
Go away. You guys don't even know what budget mean.
> ts not like feminism and female empowerment has completely destroyed the family structure and getting married and having children will inevitably lead to divorce and financial problems
actually TOTALLY EASY :
see, men create and work into existence EVERYTHING that is essential. Women only do luxury ( white collar ) jobs.
Men on strike for one week : women will starve.
women starve - given their lazyness - they will come crawling with legs wide spread and sell everything just to once again being cared for. this is female nature, the basic outline for of it at least.
so what REALLY has to happen, is men have to realize, that they have ALL POWER.
without men, wmen are completely fuckend.
and no worry, if they come and refuse to procreate or give sex; Because they wont. Once they realize that they would have to do everything on their own, let alone that they literally are inept to, then female nature kicks in in no time, and they will instantly start selling themselves again .
it really IS that simple.
The hard part only is, that men are brainwashed.
>implying dogs aren't the best wingmen
Seriously a Shetland Sheepdog puppy my mom rescued might be why I exist.
As long as she's okay with one of you staying at home to raise the kids. Sounds like she's the more successful one, so if I were you, I'd propose immediately and hand in my resignation the day my first kid is born. You hit the jackpot. Unless she's not white, that is.
My parents had their first while living in a trailer. Had second and last in a three bedroom apartment made for young couples.
I currently live with my fiance in a apartment that targets young families. The only reason I do not have a kid is because I am disgusted by the "baby mama" cultural acceptance. I plan to have my kids be the only ones with married parents in their class.
Fuck waiting for economic success. I plan on having 8 kids if possible. If we keep waiting user it will never happen.
They've convinced our generation every part of your life has to be perfect before you can have kids. You're waiting too long.Your girlfriend's fertility rate will drop to rock bottom once she hits 29.
ok, and the us is the THIRD biggest country after those, and in a century will be first because our niggers live longer than their niggers.
>implying 7 of those 8 didn't die before turning 8.
>be 5'6"
choose one
I would like to have kids one day. Kids are expensive and I worked 40+hrs a week while going to college. I had this insane quality called pride. I didn't want anyones help although I could of gotten financial aid. I am pretty well set now but relationships have not worked out. I tried to conduct my life with an Aryan code of conduct. Maybe I should of been a white nigger and not tried to better my status. Knocked up several girls and neglected child support. I honestly regret not just doing that.
i would love to have kids,
but the laws that women have created are so EXTREEMLY against men, so deshumanizing,, that i decided not to speak to women or have any contact with those fascist parasites anymore,
No, user. The reason that whites must have more children is that they are the race that cares for and looks after their children the most and create the best outcomes. This isn't some autistic thing we do because we want to see more white phenotype in the world. We do it because we want to provide our society with a better future. As fucked as it is, it's still ours and we make it better by being the loving and providing parents we've always wanted to be.
Spotted the child hating millennial