So why haven't you converted to the one true Christian Church yet?
So why haven't you converted to the one true Christian Church yet?
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kys heretic
No u
Because I am not a semite
>steals catholic liturgy
Go to hell heretic.
Because Luther BTFO the #fake church
hell awaits you.
Luther was right about the Jews, but wrong on just about everything else.
im a germophobe and sharing a cup with 100 septic shitskins is a nonstarter
JHWE does not real. Jewsus Kikest is anti-white
Cucktholic church is a jewish sheme
The Catholic Church later accepted many of his criticism about corruption and indulgences. They eventually bent the knee to all mighty Luther
Why would you go to a shitskin church?
T. Muhammed Hussein
Stop being Christian
Jews in Jesus time=/= Jews today. Jews today were the dumb kikes that killed their messiah
too l8 m8 ;^)
fucking pagans thinking they are edgy n shit
either way, he wasn't european
>True Christian Church
You mean the Orthodox Church
>So why haven't you converted to the one true Christian Church yet?
I dunno, maybe this cuck?
Sorry that you hate europe
Nobody here is cuckstain. Don't validate them
"Stop LARPing to overcompensate your inferiority complex" is the correct response to cucklarpers
god doesn't exist
Because there's way too much mystic human-invented shit involved in Catholicism.
I'll refrain from praying to Mary, the "saints," or any other person who isn't God, thank you very much.
also this
>created because Byzantine Emperor had a tantrum because he wasn`t relevant anymore
>``````True church``````
I agree that it`s a shame he`s in charge, but a new pope will come. The church has survived bad popes before
>Pope says gay marriage is from satan
>Pope Francis speaks against Gay adoption
>Compares trans rights to nuclear arms race
>Pope Francis says that there's no salvation outside the Church
>He excommunicates an Australian priest supporting gay marriage and women clergy
>Pope Francis is against gender theory and for traditional gender roles
>Pope is against abortion
>He Encourages the use of force against ISIS
>Pope Francis is against lukewarm "faith"
>The Pope is misquoted often
>The Pope Rebukes Communist Cross
It's hilarious watching the catholic larpers mental gymnast around the fact that they know catholicism is bullshit
Then how is Earth flat?
Who made it?
go away heretic
still antiwhite
Orthodox Church is based af. Much better than the self hating Catholic pussies
I just did. Yesterday.
>It`s hilarious watching the heretics do mental gymnastics around the fact that they know Catholicism is the one true Christian church.
i did
Being Protestant is like being Catholic, expect you don't get told to hate yourself all the time and give money to the (((Vatican)))
Because Protestantism is objectively better, Cathocuck.
South Korea also has a very large Protestant minority
You're not cuckstain and nobody believes you.
Join a sports club or right wing organisation instead of crusade larping
You look as pathetic as humanly possible
>be protestcuck
>All the protestant counties are the ones cucked by Muslims and non-whites
huh, who would have thought
>Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg
Here's for Canada:
>39% Catholic
>26% Protestant
>2% Orthodox
Even the Netherlands has more Catholics than Protestants now
>female and married ministers
>allowing divorce
>Bible Belt retards
>church is a fucking carnival
Protestants are Muslim tier.
Jesus christ, that's a disturbing about of towelheads in both countries
Kek, based cuck. Veneration =/= "praying to." Saints and Mary are essentially like "God's Special Friends." We say to them, "Hey Saint, you lived life mostly the way God asked us to. Mind putting in a good word with the Big Guy for us?"
>Veneration =/= praying to
If it were, we'd be worshiping false gods.
>married minsters
Why, do your prefer your priests to be homosexual pedos?
It takes forever to get confirmed
As a Jew nothing warms my heart more than seeing the two most popular sects of Christianity going at one anothers' throats
because its leader is either an psyop operative or a gigantic cuck
Methodist Church is the true church
>Kisses Muslim feet, defends Charlie Hebdo killers, and counter-signals Trump
Yeah no. Fuck off.
No pedos in Quebec. There's probably a ton of dumb Texan meth dealing minister though.
Der, America is protestant.... NOPE. Protestants just run the joint. And you know you'd rather hang with Catholics than with those Holy Ghost people and those nutters in the Four Square church with all that speaking in tongues bs.
Nice try, Whore of Babylon. Semper Reformanda.
Because Peter the Roman is destroying the Church with communism and pandering to shitskins.
All heretics shall be purged by the Holy Crusade.
I agree with pretty much all their doctrine apart from the perpetual virginity of Mary
*United Methodist Church
Great, you're a fucking frog. KYS
>implying Baptists removed any books
The Catholics removed 7.
The KJV 1611 includes all 14 books of the Apocrypha, and all 10 Commandments.
That's a good point... Why did THAT have to be made an infallible statement?
Better than a Protestant nigger.
>saving black people to your harddrive
Daily reminder that Mohammed had a Catholic wife.
>arguing about which denomination is more racist
LARPers are the roaches of this board
>American Catholics
You mean beaners?
Fuck off, shitskin. Mary worshipping apostates.
Germany was two thirds Protestant before the Nazis came in (they tried to abolish Christianity, I think because they saw it as Semitic, can't remember) - and then the Commies really had a go at abolishing religion in East Germany
Canada had a Protestant plurality is late as 1950. It was dominated by British Protestants before that, for its whole existence, who occupied all positions of power in the country. Catholicism is now only narrowly a plurality, due to secularism.
Switzerland was one of the heartlands of the Reformation (behind Germany), and was plurality Protestant as late as 1970. I think it was about two thirds Protestant back in the day. It was certainly dominated by Protestants from the Reformation all the way up until 1970, and even today the Catholic plurality is very narrow.
Cathocucks status: BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Yes you're right about that
That's because they're no longer Protestant. Losing the faith is what fucked them.
Because protestantism did not exist at the time.
It is an invention of the 16th century.
Protestantism will not survive the internet. It was always based on either threat of force or lack of information.
>Canada 1950: 50.2% Protestant, 43.3% Catholic
>Germany 1933: 67% Protestant, 33% Catholic
>Switzerland 1950: 57.5% Protestant, 40.9% Catholic
Sorry Cathocucks, all you did was ride on the coattails of Protestants.
Protestants built your countries, deal with it.
The point is that Protestants have built the most prosperous nations on the planet, and Cathocucks haven't.
We need to return to Protestantism in my opinion, because right now the formerly Protestant nations are getting fucked in the ass by multiculturalism.
You are assuming that the child-molesting old faggot who hands out magical crackers for salvation is God's man. You are wrong.
yep 100% protestan heritage I see
All of my ancestors are Catholics and I am Catholic. No interest in the cult of Martin Lucifer, sorry.
The church is compromised by pedos. Easily blackmailed. Good luck when the church falls from massive child sex and satanic ritual abuse.
I noticed in your other post you mentioned Luxembourg and Liechtenstein - clearly Catholicism hasn't blessed you with sight, because I didn't label either of those as Protestant on my image.
Anyway, I don't care what you are, Canada was created by a majority of British Protestants, and a minority of French Catholics.
>The English Canadian elite were still dominated by Protestants, and Jews and Roman Catholics were often excluded.
I didn't say 100%. I said that these countries were each built by Protestants, which they were. They all had Protestant pluralities for a few hundred years, from the Reformation up until modern secularism.
Protestantism built the most prosperous nations on Earth. Unfortunately the Catholic nations haven't been quite so prosperous.
Ireland is the highest HDI Catholic country from my original table (underneath the top 6, which are ALL historically Protestant plurality countries), and as I pointed out in it, they were colonised by Protestants (the British) - hell they even still speak the Protestant language of English!
Most Catholic countries just didn't develop to the extent that Protestant nations did. Look at Poland. What a shithole. Look at Mexico too. Total shithole. Catholics are too emotional. They don't have the work ethic of Protestants, which is why their countries are shitholes.
But in the best part of Canada, Quebec, Catholicism was pretty much the official religion of government
>the best part of Canada