How accurate is this, Sup Forums?
How accurate is this, Sup Forums?
very accurate
Sounds like something my granddad would say
Looks like an early 2000-era chain email that you'd get from your mom or dad's work email
>Nothing But Clinton
>Clinton News Network
>Always Broadcasting Clinton
>Clinton Broadcasting Station
>Clinton Network Broadcasting Clinton
>More Stupid Newscasters Broadcasting Clinton
Clearly we gotta gas the kikes
kek has blessed your grandpops!
>pls stobbit, cool people don't do that
Not very accurate lad
>FW: FW: RE(2): FW: Michael, check this out it made me think of you ;) -uncle Jonas FW: FW: FW: FW: RE: RE: FW: RE: FW: FW: FW: Some Clever Investigator Finally Figured Out What All The News Networks Names Stand For, Prepare To Laugh Your Butt Off!
BASED aussie!
Nailed it
Mediterraneans and aryans DONT MIX
>then -> RE:
How did they know
we must do secure a future for white children and friends of white children.
Middle school level bants.
Cucked children you mean
Get out of here leaf, we don't need your kind
the word bants on the other hand is for the mature sophisticated mind.
So I'm guessing you couldn't think of any good words starting with X for Fox's sake.
Say that to my face you meme loving fuck, pence posting, get outta here with that faggot shit
hi Mark dice
Counterfit News Network
>weak ass facebook spongebob CIA memes
Miss me with that MKULTRA shit nigga
U wot m8?
he always uses the phrases in the op and has an ocd like affinity for alliteration
Ah I was not aware of such a cuck, thank you for enlightening my understanding of delusional cucked britbong, cheers pussy
Get out fag
enjoy being 4% nigger. don't come to europe.
I don't want aids so I'm not planning on it, cheers
Niggers Bitches and Cuckolds
Cuckold News Network
Amen Brother Cuckold
Cuckold Bull Shit
Creating New Beta Cuckolds
Moishes Sandniggers Niggers Bitches and Cuckolds