How are you sure that Russians haven't influenced your opinions over the last year?
How are you sure that Russians haven't influenced your opinions over the last year?
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I wasn't asking you, everyone knows UKucks and most of Germany are a lost cause to external influence. Including to Russia. We've all seen the "fake news" about how many of you guys roll over when Russia slips their dicks into places.
Hell, not just Germany, but most of Europe.
Hot damn. Liberals really can't meme. That is so awkward.
op you're a faggot
I like russia
Digits checked
keep trying lad, you'll maybe get there one day
What is this bullshit, babby's first meme?
Stop replying to all shill posts.
You have been warned.
how are you sure the russians havent influenced american leftist society for the last 50 years
I agree, we have to stop Obama.
Sage in all fields
If Russia delivers us the truth, and media delivers us lies, then by what logic would Russia be the enemy?
Does retard OP not follow wikileaks at all? or is this just bait? Russia was never behind any hacks.
Lets say for sake of argument that he DID. It doesn't change the validity of the information being leaked. Hillary isn't less a criminal because Trump and Russia are in cahoots. The left is pissing their pants over the very notion that we might ally with Russia and I'm curious why you think I should give two fucks? They're a massive conservative nationalist country that openly opposes our enemies in the Middle East.
The Cold War is over, you faggot leftists are closer to the red Commies than the Ruskies are now.
We're allied with Russia.
I have always wanted more chaos in the world, and having two absolute madmen as the leaders of the biggest military superpowers was the surest way to accomplish this. Russia didn't influence me in the slightest.
You're right OP, good thing Hillary didn't become president.
Who says they haven't?
But let me ask you this: how come the Republican position was pro-Ukraine until Trump, and then it softened, to the surprise and dismay of many Republicans? How come the piss dossier, which has proven elements, states that overlooking Ukraine is part of the exchange to help Trump win?
Give me a credible response to this and we'll talk.
Yes yes, we all see how incredibly convenient it was for Wikileaks to damage the CIA right in the middle of a Trump investigation, and convniently include a bit about the CIA looking like a Russian attack. Very convincing, sure, if you're a retard.
That's irrelevant. Trump wouldn't be president right now, period. One of the other Republican nominees would.
Da. I mean. Yes. I'm sure.
>Lets say for sake of argument that he DID. It doesn't change the validity of the information being leaked.
If similar information had been hacked from the RNC, which there certainly is among that group of jews, then would you say the same thing about trump?
Somehow I doubt it.
>How are you sure that Russians haven't influenced your opinions over the last year?
Are you a leftist retard or paid shill?
>We're allied with Russia.
Oh? Neat. Tell me more about this!
They have. It's brutally obvious to anyone who isn;t lying to themselves.
Jesus that Wonka is so unfitting. Should've just been a black background.
>BWAHAHA, Let's reuse that Willy Wonka meme that's been reused more than a Thai hooker, that oughta drumpf the stump!
Something something, seriously, something, nuclear codes.
Then the other Republican nominees should've been the kind of forward thinking leaders to make friendships with our friends across the other pond.
You got outplayed, son. Crying about it after the fact won't change a damn thing.
They have, they are the only ones making any goddamn sense right now.
>unironically red-baiting
Seriously. There's a format to normie memes that's supposed to be adhered to, can't they at least get that fucking straight?
burden of proof
I'm not sure because nobody proved it
>Election "rigged" in favor of Trump by Russia
>Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million
>the other nominees should have been traitors who would make deals with enemies of the United States
That's disheartening.
Word salad. Best memes are simple.
I don't dispute information dug up about Trump. He did lad around and talk about how married sluts would let him grab them by the pussy. The difference is that it doesn't send me into a hysterical tizzy like you faggots. And the dirt being dug up on Trump are non-issues. Not criminal felonies like with Clinton and company.
why are you pretending non issues are issues, and that the real issue that leftist society is decadent and fabricated isnt an issue? as if pre-trump republicans werent just anti russia because they think their constituency of old delirious commie fearing technologically outdated whites are still relevant. same as the immigration issue, out of touch. and now its the left trying to capitalize on the russia boogeyman except that they owe their existence to it. no one cares about russian collusion if it exists, especially if it benefits american people.
>Russia is our enemy
I know, the very notion that a nation of FUCKING WHITE MALES could be anything other than our enemies sends you into a literally shaking PTSD panic attack... but I still have to tell you.
They're not our enemies.
The Iranian money laundering alone can put you in federal prison. Another business owner is in there for dealing with the exact same people in that country.
If russia has influenced our opinions to allow for better talks between our two countries, so that we can co exist and not always want to blow eachother up, im fine with that
if russia hacked trump's PERSONAL EMAIL then it would be the same thing. but thats not what happened, is it?
>how come the Republican position was pro-Ukraine until Trump, and then it softened, to the surprise and dismay of many Republicans?
Because we voted against the neocon shitheads, and the rats realized they had to pivot before they went down with the ship.
>How come the piss dossier, which has proven elements
LOL, nice try, McMuffin.
Because you're a faggot who needs suicide, that's why.
>it benefits America to conspire with a foreign government to influence the American election process
If you're not a shill then you're a traitor, literally by definition.
Fucking lol
>better talks
Show me one piece of evidence that Russia will ever take America more seriously and isn't just telling Trump sweet nothings that will work to Russia's advantage.
They're getting sanctions removed so that Tillerson can pump TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in oil. TRILLIONS.
Russia wins. Exxon wins. America doesn't.
>Trump's now responsible for the actions of everyone he's ever even met
Wew lad. You'll literally blame him for anything, won't you? Is he the one that made your dad walk out and your mom make you wear pretty dresses too?
Isn't the proof that you aren't sure? I mean if they hadn't done anything/hadn't done much you'd be able to say for certain that you are sure they haven't.
Your uncertainty is evidence of your ideas being compromised on some level.
bc Hillary Clinton was the other candidate
International business law dictates that you are in fact responsible to know what kind of people you're dealing with.
The pocket book guy is literally in prison because he didn't do that.
If he was complicit in his staff coordinating and synchronizing the release of hacked information with Russia then that would be criminal and impeachable.
Really you got triggered over BEGAZIBENGAZIBENGAZI which was literally nothing. So, pot meet kettle.
>Russians aren't white, you should hate them
>But Islam is totally a religion of peace, why not accept refugees?
Nice try Schlomo. Your powers of Jewery will not avail you here.
>its russias fault for taking advantage of an incompetent american official who put national security at risk through her own ineptitude
thank god russia brought her down before her retarded ass got any further
>coordinated effort to kill Americans is the same as exposing felonies and political corruption
It's not even pot and kettle, it's the big lipped nigger calling the nordic black. Apples and oranges, faggot.
>Your uncertainty is evidence of your ideas being compromised on some level.
no it isn't
you could say that the way I typed it is evidence that the whole Russian hack propaganda had an effect on my subconscious, but not that Russian manipulated me into liking Trump
Why are their memes so sad?
because they dont make shitty memes like this, fuck outta here pablo.
I never said I liked Muslims, but Trump is still a traitor.
Russia colluded to influence our election, it doesn't matter of Trump is a hopeless traitor who fell for it. They all get punished.
Unfortunately some patriot Russians have been executed and arrested for treason for passing the information to Steele.
they're a nationalist country that would want nothing more than to dissolve NATO and see the US decline from its superpower status that is dependent on NATO
btw russia has their own internet trolls you retards, I dont take russian posters serious because of this
Because they have diversity hiring quotas in their propaganda departments too.
>Nice try Schlomo. Your powers of Jewery will not avail you here.
Yep. Mr. Sheckleberg couldn't resist overplaying and making it obvious.
A US-Russia axis is terrifying to the kikes.
no it didnt, just because you say things doesnt make it so. even if it did, the leftists also cheated.
"How are you sure that the Devil hasn't influenced your opinions over the last year?"
>entire world constantly weighing in on election
>whole countries demanding we vote hillary or releasing petitions to ban Trump
>Russia MIGHT be responsible for the one source that maligned (accurately) Hillary
Literally kys my man.
>doesnt even know how the meme properly works.
way to out yourself
NATO should be dissolved and we should retire from world superpower. America needs to adopt an isolationist policy and let the rest of this shitty world sink or swim on its own. For too long European socialists have benefited from leeching off of us, laughing at our healthcare that they can only support because we protect them and fight their fights for them.
Fuck 'em all. We only need to be strong enough to defend our borders.
Saudis and Israel also influence americas elections, what are you going to do about them?
>International business law
Hillbots are so pathetic. Only North American neoliberal atheist ideas are considered normal in Citysville, America. American cities are full of mental illness. That's why Hillbotism is losing globally, and in America.
This is so stupid, I'm having trouble believing even this is a real OD meme.
How are you sure that Russians have influenced your opinions over the last year?
I only wish based russia was manipulating our faggot tier cuck establishment
I long for the day joining the glorious eagle and bear together as one, and together they slay the demon of globalization.
Bill Clinton?
>mfw jewish Russia warmongering isn't working at all
i hate you so fucking much. i am sending you rays of hate. i might even put a spell on you. no. wait. a curse. i will put a fucking curse on you, maggot.
Because I objected to the American policy in Ukraine from the minute they overthrew its government
I appreciate the amount of mental capacity that you're spending on me. I know you don't have a lot to spare.
Yeah I agree...
Obama is a traitor.
I have no idea, how you idiots elected him twice (even though he was running against McCain).
Show me one shred of evidence that Putin influenced America during Obama.
That's right, you can't. Obama and Hillary opposed him at every turn.
I don't give a fuck about the ukraine.
You do realize the same argument can be made about Clinton, right? You do realize how one sided your argument is?
The Japanese used to call it the 'Line of Advantage' meaning our own expansion of territories around us is used as a way of defense. The monroe doctrine as well as our asian and european policies form a wall around America so that any conflicts will take place far away since isolation does not necessitate peace: see Japan or any other closed state.
And Russia is better? The people want to be free, a fact we are at least providing.
What level of proof? And what is an acceptable source? Putin violated international law and every time we reduced sanctions and tried to mend relations he kept his aggressive act.
>coordinated effort to kill Americans
If you do not know that is bullshit then you need to lay off the Sup Forums friend. Nice try.
Obama put sanctions on Putin that stopped Tillerson's trillion-dollar Russian oil deal from happening.
Trump is in the process of removing those sanctions.
You tell me which person is in Russia's pocket.
>Fucking lol
Tyrone please
Nope, Obama reduced the Bush sanctions that America put on Russia after the Georgia-Russian War. It took Russia to 'again' invade another country and use their illegal citizenship mechanism to take land that was not and is not Russian. Why would you take sanctions off a country that continues breaking the law even when offered the first movement of peace? I'd guess Trump/Tillerson are in their pocket since the sanctions stand in the way of a trillion dollars...
>How are you sure that Russians haven't influenced your opinions over the last year?
Clearly they have. They said that Clinton was going to go to war with them and then we went up to DEFCON 3 during the general election and i realized the best chance I had of preventing a nuclear war was voting for Trump.
I am proud to say that the actions and words of Vladimir Putin influenced my decision in some fashion.
Russia was Ukraine's problem.
I'm talking about American security, which is harmed by breaking a peace it had already won.
When they reduced sanctions they were obviously not in a period of active aggression.
You have to give a little to get a little. The problem is that Russia doesn't like to give a little. America just ends up in the position of trying to be the good guy and getting taken advantage of.
Obama was naive, for sure. That's why he tried to hard to work with Republicans.
Muh Russians meme has been over for weeks >dummy.
Gtfo bait thread
What's up, CTR.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
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also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
100% you shits-sucking shill. Anyone with their eyes open knows that the Russian narrative was completely fake since Clinton's emailgate.
Hi Russian shitposter #40353, you're right on time as this thread hits 100 posts. Did you remember to log your hours?