Israeli Baseball BULLSHIT

Okay Sup Forums, I've got a tricky one for you.

In the World Baseball Classic, team ((Israel)) is currently undefeated after beating the Netherlands, Taiwan, South Korea and CUBA. This has to be some kind of minor fucking miracle.

What kind of vile Jew sorcery is going on? The WBC allows anyone on a time who is "eligible for citizenship." The entire team is made of Jewish-American professional players because of Israel's "Law of Return" policy where any Jews can just become citizens out of fucking nowhere.

Help me Sup Forums I need to figure out how Israel could possibly beat Cuba and how far their scheming will go.


It's because of Mensch on the Bench.
Clearly the superior mascot.

Israel will win the next superbowl


If god wills it so be it faggot. However, they'll not be beating American teams.

Seeing anyone making phonecalls near the field lately?

How much for that team jersey, greatest merchant? I gotta have it.

Kek doesn't follow sports, well, he didn't it. Israel will lose their next two games. Praise be. Is 6 million too many to ask for?

Do the umpires have beards at these games and mutter "shut it down!" off-camera?

They basically are America's JV team since none of them are actual Israelis. Lot of cucking going on.

I don't know, it's a very rare t-shirt with a unique design. I need to check with the elders first.

They should just become another state of the USA then..


why is baseball so popular in israel?
it's because they like to steal home.

>the diamond


Why are you guys concern about Israel doing well? How did they do last year? What if they actually improved as a team?

Sliding into home like the way he slides into the oven.

>What kind of vile Jew sorcery is going on? The WBC allows anyone on a time who is "eligible for citizenship." The entire team is made of Jewish-American professional players because of Israel's "Law of Return" policy where any Jews can just become citizens out of fucking nowhere.

That makes a lot more sense for a "national" team than pic related.


baseball can have wildly different outcomes game-to-game compared to something like soccer or basketball where the better team will almost definitely win

>Blue eyed mascot know as a 'Mensch' which means a person of integrity or honor

Fucking Jews pretending to be white and honorable.

Don't worry, we'll jew them

>anime eyes

Team Italy and Team Israel are mostly American baseball players who have a parent or grandparent who is either Italian or Jewish.


>Mensch on the Bench

The Jews are learning from us. Their using their own form of meme magic.

Maybe they're playing well?

If only that mascot was rubbing his hands

tfw banned from spee

tfw cant rage against (((FRIEDMAN))) or (((MANFRIED)))

At least a met is on that team. Pissed that Italy lost, but they don't know how to play baseball that good. America has a stacked team though. The jews will break at one point. Also, no yoenis on the Cuban team


LOL they literally have never been in the World Baseball Classic before. They didn't magically become as good as fucking CUBA (Cubans live for baseball).

a Dominican approving of my baseball may may does not go unnoticed. Here, have some smokes

Muchos gracias

lol, this is gonna backfire on them. we want them to win lmao

>Seeing anyone making phonecalls near the field lately?

there's only been two wbc tournaments and they've been in both

They'll get fucking rocked by the Dominican. Their team is stacked.

The WBC is a farce since often times the best players refuse to play, and since most are American, team USA is garbage.