Pol/ ylyl
Pol/ ylyl
I was at work and we were discussing how Russians always wear track suits. Someone asked why they do that and my boss answered: the stripes make you go faster. I laugh every time I see Slavs in track suits now.
this isn't funny, its cringy
is it possible that they just don't get it?
or is this the purest form of mediatic sarcasm?
This is happening every day to him.
Want a *real* laugh? I have one for you: if Sup Forums wants to meme the destruction of the Democratic Party and guarantee republican rule of government for decades, then we should SUPPORT CALEXIT!
Calexit would mean Democrats would lose California's 55 votes, removing them from being even remotely competitive. It would also utterly demoralize the Democrats, and force the destruction of their party almost immediately because they would have to accept they had absolutely no path to victory in their current form.
Please listen. I am not just an idiot who is spewing nonsense, I really care about this country, and I genuinely believe Sup Forums could do this if we got it going on Twitter with enough people, the right propaganda, and the right timing.
Make these threads on your own, even if you aren't some political strategy expert. We are a collective, and a collective compensates for each member's lack of knowledge by providing others with the knowledge they have.
I will start on my own, and if enough of us can make these threads General threads and keep them on page 1, we could actually make this happen. We could change history if we would work together on this.
I'm not american so my opinion might not matters.
But unlike Britain and the EU, california is a land your founding father fight for. Discarding it means desecrating the one of the foundation america was built at.
Fuck you, that isn't funny. Isis is a shitshow of the faggot muslims. They execute their prisoners for fucking sport. Even our glorious fuhrer executed his enemies with more humanity than those islamist dogs.
funny webm
spot on really
In 4 for artyom. That is a nigga after my own interests.
Just because California is a festering shit hole doesn't mean we should through it out. Its our shit hole and one day we will cleanse it of its degeneracy.
Fresh OC
Except no you wont. It will continue to rot and decay, and weak beta-bois like you will do absolutely fuck all about it.
You have no right to even speak here, you filthy fucking Pole. Definitely don't have the right to say anything about America or how it is run. You are weak and completely overrun in your cuckold continent.
California is the one thing keeping us in this globalist nightmare, and you fucking fools cannot accept this, so you will continue to lose and be dominated by non-whites and white liberal traitors who do everything they can to wipe White people out of existence.
You will set a precedence that way. If you accept that california is lost and discard it, what happen if the same thing happened to another of your state next ? Will you separate another state again ? Discarding california is not a cure, it's just temporary band aid.
>women have a sense of humor
Dude, could you just let off the throttle a little.
>muh free market
>It will continue to rot and decay, and weak beta-bois like you will do absolutely fuck all about it.
Remove California's source of cheap labor (illegals) and their way of life will collapse.
Their whole economy is built on oppression of a labourer class, and just like the antebellum south, their way of life is doomed if their access to this labor pool evaporates.
They can ignore this because they justify the second class nature of their workers as still being superior to conditions where they import the labor from (something also done in the antebellum south), but it doesn't change the fact that the economy that allows for so Goddamn much navel gazing and professional outrage/protesting will collapse when they need to pay payroll taxes for all the berry pickers and drywall hangers.
California went to shit in less than 30 years, give us 30 years of restored border controls and it'll be an OK tier state soon enough.
>supporting ISIS in any way, shape or form
Shouldn't we purge the xenos scum instead?
whait whats this little roach's name?
>bitches expecting someone else would do a better job a choosing a dick to fuck than herself.
Dumb women.
wwww..whats wrong with playing HOMM3 into your late 30's???
Regardless of whether or not this is a good idea, practically speaking it is utter fiction and will never happen. Never ever.
Nice to fantasize about LA drying up and withering away.
>semen tanks
Your a nigger.
I kind of agree. There are always the people who say "no we can't lose territory" even if it were temporary. I think CalExit would be a great thing. However, I feel like instead of trying to directly meme CalExit into reality, fires need to be stoked to make those who would want such a thing actually lay down their cards, while we just humbly suggest, "you should really think about leaving".
>brother do you have any oats?
Goddamn what a horrible way to die. Way worse than any beheading or shooting.
i lel'd
I don't know why but this made me lose.
Fuck you nigger
they have the same nose
I thought the exact same thing, checked and keked
absolutely fucking nothing.
lost at this one
Lets go
>no dota 2
>everyone thinks your delousing program is genocide
ISIS has some neat ideas on how to deal with lefties
You have to go back.